Haikou High tech Zone's gross industrial output reached 26.8 billion yuan in the first 10 months of this year

A few days ago, the 10000th pure electric crossover vehicle from the Hainan base of Kangdi Technology Group went offline in the factory located in Haikou National High tech Zone, marking the park's goal of building a "10 billion level new energy vehicle industrial cluster"

Issued on: December 1, 2022

The 3rd Sichuan Chongqing Science and Technology Academic Conference was held

On November 29, the author learned from Sichuan Association for Science and Technology that the 3rd Sichuan Chongqing Science and Technology Academic Conference and Sichuan Science and Technology Academic Conference jointly organized by Sichuan Association for Science and Technology and Chongqing Association for Science and Technology was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. This time

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Gartner points out ten common mistakes in cloud strategy formulation

The cloud strategy must cooperate with other strategies. The cloud strategy highly summarizes the role of cloud computing in enterprise organizations. According to Gartner's research, business and IT leaders have been repeating when formulating cloud strategies

Issued on: December 1, 2022

What do foreign trade purchasers do? Why is the buyer's salary low?

What do foreign trade purchasers do? 1. Execute daily purchase work , meet the needs of foreign customers; 2. Assist the Procurement Manager to develop own brand products and agency brand products; 3. Responsible for developing and maintaining key categories

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Is mutual recognition between acca and cma cancelled? Are cma and acca certificates high in gold?

Is mutual recognition between acca and cma cancelled? According to the latest news, CMA no longer promotes mutual recognition, but there is still exemption between CMA and ACCA. The latest official information of ACCA confirms that none will be accepted from now on work Empirical

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Attention: The rice cooker cannot be used after a sound?

There may be a short circuit in the circuit. When we use the electric cooker to cook, we will suddenly hear a sound. When all the indicator lights of the electric cooker go off, the cooking will fail. We will understand a little later

Release date: November 30, 2022

Current view: the fourth generation Intel Xeon scalable processor provides up to 20% performance improvement for AWS's new EC2 R7iz instance

Recently, Amazon Cloud Technology (AWS) announced the launch of a private preview of Amazon EC2R7iz instance, which uses the fourth generation Intel, code named SapphireRapids ® xeon ® Expandable place

Release date: November 30, 2022

Today's latest! Securities analyst's work What is it? What capabilities should securities analysts have?

Many people who want to join the securities industry are very interested in the position of securities analyst. The following best practice guide for securities analysts is for your reference.

Release date: November 30, 2022

World News! 10 Ways to Eat Wall Breaking Pumpkin?

Step 1 Prepare the materials. I only used half a pumpkin and a proper amount of rice. If there is no pumpkin, I don't need to add rice, but the juice will be light. The sugar will increase or decrease according to personal preference. Step 2 Peel the pumpkin

Release date: November 30, 2022

Global hot recommendation: Fu Gangfengyin, Vice Chairman of China Merchants Bank work Resigned for reasons of change, and became chairman of SDIC in June

On November 29, China Merchants Bank announced that the board of directors had received the resignation letter from Fu Gangfeng, the vice chairman and non-executive director of the bank. because work Reason for change: Fu Gangfeng applied to resign the vice chairman and non-executive director of the bank

Release date: November 30, 2022

Henan Branch of China Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. Efficient online service helps fight epidemic

The current round of epidemic situation in Henan Province is complex, and home office has become the main mode of daily operation of many enterprises. How can customers experience the same service as on-site office? How to ensure

Release date: November 30, 2022

UCL Computer Science Department Explores Quantum Computer Natural Language Processing

A new joint venture funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering will be based on the research on quantum mechanics and linguistics carried out by University College London and Quantum researchers for more than 15 years

Release date: November 30, 2022

AI is everywhere, digital twins are in the ascendant, and eight technologies are expected to shape the world

In a recent report on the website of Forbes Biweekly, the US, listed eight major technological trends that are expected to shape the world in 2023. AI is everywhere In 2023, AI will further penetrate people

Release date: November 30, 2022

Daily News | Trader Electronics Launches Various Infineon General MOSFETs for Power Conversion Applications

Mouser Electronics, an industry famous new product introduction (NPI) distributor providing super rich semiconductors and electronic components, provides Infineon with various general MOSFETs. Infineon is rich

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Global Microdynamic | Weinan High tech Zone Held a Systematical and Whole Area Promotion of Sponge City Construction work Promotion meeting

On the morning of November 25, Weinan High tech Zone held a systematic and all-round promotion of sponge city construction work Promotion meeting. Zhai Huafeng, member of the District Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Administrative Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting focused on learning from the municipal level

Issued on: November 29, 2022

About holding consumer insurance of commercial banks work Letter of remote training course on system construction and customer complaint handling

All relevant units: in order to help banking institutions understand and effectively implement the latest system and rules such as the Supervision and Evaluation Measures for the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests of Bancassurance Institutions, fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and improve

Issued on: November 29, 2022

[World broadcast information] China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch actively completes personal pension financial services

Online News of Bank of China Insurance News [Reporter Zhang Jin] Recently, the reporter learned from China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch that as one of the first commercial banks to open personal pension business, China Merchants Bank actively responded to national policies

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Global news: pomelo fragrance industry prospers

□ Li Hua stands at the head of Qunche Village, Long'an Township, Guang'an District, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province. Looking around, fruit trees are arranged in order. The yellow Long'an pomelos are all round and full, and the air is filled with refreshing people

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Huainan High tech Zone went to Suzhou to attract investment work

From November 23 to 24, Zhai Ming, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Huainan Hi tech Zone, led a team to Suzhou, Jiangsu, to investigate Jiasheng New Energy (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Hongtian Optical Materials Co., Ltd

Release date: November 28, 2022

Hot topic: How can people persist in keeping fit when it is so difficult?

It's so difficult to keep fit. How do you stick to it? The first conclusion is that there is only one reason for keeping fit for 20 years, that is, "loneliness". We can't change the world, we can only change ourselves, nothing else

Issued on: November 27, 2022

Shanxi Provincial Government Bond Issuance in 2022 work A successful conclusion

Shanxi Provincial Government Bond Issuance in 2022 work A successful conclusion

Release date: November 26, 2022

Current message! Is the nucleic acid test negative for some people to be transported in Lanzhou? Official notification

China News Network, November 25 According to the official microblog of the Publicity Department of the Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Lanzhou Internet News Center, the Lanzhou Municipal Health Commission released a briefing on November 25: In the morning of November 24, according to nucleic acid

Release date: November 26, 2022

Dezhou Braised Chicken: Seeking Success in the Era of "Top Stream" and "Fast" Train Food

[Delighting China] Dezhou braised chicken: seeking to turn over Red China News Agency reporters in the era of "top stream" and "fast" train food on September 15, Dezhou: seeking to turn over Red China News Agency reporters in the era of "top stream" and "fast" train food

Release date: November 25, 2022

Infineon launched XMC7000 series microcontroller, which can meet the requirements of industrial applications for higher performance, larger memory, more advanced peripherals and larger work Requirements for temperature range

Infineon Technology Co., Ltd. (FSE code: IFX OTCQX code: IFNNY) launched a series of products for industrial drive, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and electric two wheels at the 2022 Munich International Electronic Components Expo

Release date: November 25, 2022

Cholesterol rises, just "eating too well"?

If you have ever had "high blood fat", especially high LDL-C, don't immerse yourself in the world of "eating too well". Go to a doctor in time to determine whether it is a hereditary blood including FH

Release date: November 25, 2022

Trader Electronics signed a global distribution agreement with Menlo Micro to stock its Ideal Switch products

November 24, 2022 – Famous New Product Introduction (NPI) distributors focusing on promoting industry innovation MouserElectronics announced its cooperation with MenloMicro

Release date: November 25, 2022

Global know it all! Meizhi Shares: Yan Mingyin, Chairman of the Company work Transfer and resign

November 24, Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics News: Meizhi Shares (002856 SZ) announced that the Board of Directors of the Company received the resignation report submitted by Chairman Yan Ming on the same day work Transferred and resigned from the company for the fourth time

Release date: November 24, 2022

Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch actively protected the rights and interests of financial consumers during the epidemic work

In the face of the current severe epidemic situation, China Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch improved its position, enhanced its awareness, and always adhered to the concept of customer-centric work Integrate into the whole business process and strive to improve

Release date: November 24, 2022

World headlines today! Which function does the wall breaker use for mincing meat

The content about the function of the wall breaker for mincing meat, including which function of the wall breaker can mince meat, can the wall breaker mince meat? (Which function does the wall breaker use for mincing meat)

Issued on: November 23, 2022

Global Express: Infineon announced new 8 Mbit and 16 Mbit EXCELON F-RAM non-volatile memory has begun to be supplied in batches

Recently, Infineon Technology Co., Ltd. (FSE code: IFX OTCQX code: IFNNY) announced its latest 8 Mbit and 16 Mbit EXCELON F-RAM memory

Issued on: November 23, 2022


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