The crown prince's charity aims to promote Cambodia children Health level, love

Duke Chen Zhi, Chairman of Prince Group Holdings (hereinafter referred to as "Prince Group"), donated US $200000 to Cambodia Kuntapah Foundation through Prince Charity. This donation will be used for Kuntapa flower children Medical items of the hospital

Issued on: December 1, 2022

What is hydrocephalus? What are the symptoms of hydrocephalus?

What is hydrocephalus? Hydrocephalus, as the name suggests, refers to the lacunar water in brain tissue. The main reasons are as follows: 1. Enlargement of ventricles or increase of subarachnoid space caused by imbalance of production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid

Release date: November 30, 2022

16 years old children Toothbrush?

Can't use it at the age of 16 children Toothbrush, because children The bristles of toothbrushes are soft. Children aged 16 use them children The toothbrush will not clean, and children Toothbrush is also relatively small, 16 years old. It is better to use adult toothbrush, adult tooth

Issued on: November 29, 2022

What are the symptoms of purpura in children? children Is anaphylactoid purpura terrible?

What are the symptoms of purpura in children? Children's purpura mostly refers to children's anaphylactoid purpura. The symptoms of children's anaphylactoid purpura include low fever, physical fatigue, etc., which can be treated with drugs. Infantile allergic purplish

Release date: November 28, 2022

children Selection of antipyretic drugs

children Selection of antipyretic drugs

Issued on: November 22, 2022

children What does genetic testing check? Is mutation a good thing?

children What does genetic testing check? children The main purpose of gene testing is to check whether the child's genetic material is normal. Including chromosome morphology and number examination. The absence or repetition of large fragments. Already small pieces

Issued on: November 21, 2022

What is the knowledge of scientific child rearing? List of Books for Early Childhood Education

1. What are parents' knowledge of scientific child rearing? 1. Squat down to talk with children. We often see some parents yell at their children: Why don't you even know this. Come here quickly, do you hear me I

Issued on: November 21, 2022

Current hot spot: American pediatricians appeal to declare a state of emergency: the number of children surges and the hospital is on the verge of collapse

Xinhua Pharmaceutical Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: November 21, 2022

On November 19-21, Jin Wuguan, a pediatrician from Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, was in Tianyou, Nanjing children Hospital conducts joint consultation

After the mid-term exam, whether in kindergarten or primary school, a large number of parents fed back various problems of children's schooling to the director, and the teacher also frequently communicated with parents. My child goes to kindergarten at the age of 3. Why

Release date: November 18, 2022

What are the effects of fructooligosaccharides? children Is it harmful to drink fructooligosaccharides for a long time?

What are the effects of fructooligosaccharides? 1、 It can prevent diarrhea and constipation. The properties and action mechanism of fructooligosaccharide, a water-soluble dietary fiber, can reduce serum cholesterol and improve

Release date: November 18, 2022

Know it all! chat children Fever, some concerns of parents

chat children Fever, some problems concerned by parents, how to judge the child's fever? Do you need to go to the hospital immediately if you have fever? How to choose when heating children febrifuge? Two antipyretics can be taken alternately

Release date: November 18, 2022

What are the hazards of electromagnetic radiation? Does electromagnetic radiation affect the fetus?

What are the hazards of electromagnetic radiation? Hazard 1: May cause children Mental retardation. According to the latest survey, 20 million people are born in China every year children 350000 of them are defective children Of which 250000 are mentally retarded children

Issued on: November 17, 2022

How to fade hereditary freckles? children How to treat freckles the fastest and best?

How to fade hereditary freckles? Freckles are light brown or dark brown spots on the face, with clear boundaries and a certain family genetic history. Taking fruits and vegetables with whitening effect can effectively remove hereditary freckles

Issued on: November 17, 2022

children Is purulent encephalitis serious? Can purulent encephalitis be cured thoroughly?

children Is purulent encephalitis serious? Generally, it is serious. Children's purulent meningitis refers to meningitis caused by pyogenic bacteria. It is a common disease that endangers children's lives. It is often part of septicemia

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Focus call! Have you taken the right vitamin D?

Have you taken the right vitamin D? Why vitamin D supplementation? How much should I make up every day? Will taking vitamin D purchased from the pharmacy lead to excessive poisoning? Does taking vitamin A cause early sex

Issued on: November 17, 2022

What is the best way to treat jaundice? What can you eat to prevent children from jaundice?

What is the best way to treat jaundice? children Jaundice is more common in neonates or infants, and there is no best treatment for jaundice. First, we should distinguish between physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice, because most newborns

Release date: November 16, 2022

What are the early symptoms of encephalitis? children How long can encephalitis be cured?

What are the early symptoms of encephalitis? Encephalitis is usually caused by virus or bacterial infection, and the common types are encephalitis B, tuberculous encephalitis, etc. Early patients will have symptoms similar to common cold, such as fever

Release date: November 16, 2022

What food can't bronchitis eat? children How to cure bronchitis?

What food can't bronchitis eat? 1. Spicy and irritating food will stimulate the respiratory tract and aggravate the symptoms. 2. Seafood, seafood easy to make bronchial patients allergic, and help fire produce phlegm. 3. Greasy food

Release date: November 15, 2022

Global instant: What should children do when they snore?

What about children snoring? What causes children to snore? What are the hazards of children snoring? Does snoring during sleep need immediate treatment? It's clear children How to treat the causes of snoring?

Release date: November 15, 2022

Global News: Can children recover from hoarseness?

Can the child recover from hoarseness? Common reasons for hoarseness, how to determine whether the baby has vocal nodules? How can hoarseness be improved as soon as possible?

Release date: November 15, 2022

children Can I wear clothes with color loss and hair loss?

children If the clothes are discolored, you can't wear them because children If your clothes lose their hair, they will be inhaled into your baby's respiratory tract, or into your baby's nostrils. In serious cases, suffocation or impact will be affected. Baby's life

Release date: November 12, 2022

What are the causes of autism? children What are the manifestations of mild autism?

What are the causes of autism? The causes of autism are, first of all, environmental reasons, family factors or learning environment factors. In addition

Release date: November 11, 2022

children Which brand of wet towel is good?

purchase children Wet wipes mainly depend on whether the raw materials are good, whether there are additives, and whether they are suitable for babies. You can choose from these perspectives. 1. The most direct way to look at the ingredient list is to look at the back of the package

Release date: November 11, 2022

A "confession" from sugar

1、 The role of sugar II. The harm of sugar III. The types of sugar IV. How to choose sugar food correctly? 5、 Is sugar free food really sugar free? 6、 Understanding the "invisible sugar" in food

Issued on: November 10, 2022

Smell hot everyday! Nutritional preparations—— children Drugs for Crohn's disease

What is Crohn's disease? How to treat Crohn's disease? What is total enteral nutrition therapy? How to carry out total enteral nutrition treatment?

Issued on: November 10, 2022

Global Express: Even the "little butterfly" should strive to dance

children Systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE) is a kind of self that invades multiple systems and organs

Issued on: November 10, 2022

Hot every day recommendation: Do you think it's just a cough? Actually, it's asthma

What is cough variant asthma? Is cough variant asthma the same as typical asthma? How to treat cough variant asthma? What is the prognosis of cough variant asthma? What should parents do

Issued on: November 10, 2022

Global News | Talking "Dumb"

What is selective mutism, a "little mute" who can speak? How to judge whether the child is selective silence? The cause of selective mutism helps children with selective mutism,

Date of issue: 2022-11-09

Global WeChat! "Electronic nanny" is harmful

"Electronic nanny" has many hazards, 1. impact children Learning ability, 2. hindrance children Language development affects children's attention and causes hyperactivity

Date of issue: 2022-11-09

Can girls who love to laugh suffer from depression?

Can girls who love to laugh suffer from depression? What is "smiling depression"? Why are you still smiling when you are depressed? How to identify depression early?

Date of issue: 2022-11-09


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