The epidemic has disrupted the pace of development, Abby Ying will close the domestic tourism accommodation business

Under the epidemic situation, the tourism industry suffered a huge blow. On May 24, Airbnb, the global shared accommodation platform, announced that it would close the domestic travel accommodation business and continue to develop in China Outbound travel Business. For this

Issued on: May 25, 2022

NPC deputy Huang Xiaohua: It is suggested to select some island countries or regions for trial implementation Outbound travel launch a pilot project

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism or a national social organization will select some qualified travel agencies with good epidemic prevention and control foundation to pilot organized group outbound tourism. At the same time, continue to improve the epidemic tourism

Issued on: March 4, 2022

Two Outbound travel When will the difficulties of travel agencies pass when the merger plan of tourism leaders ends?

173 days apart, two major Outbound travel The marriage of tourism leaders ended. On December 6, Kaiser Travel and Zhongxin Travel were both affected by the news that the merger was terminated the night before, and their share prices fell. The evening of December 5

Issued on: December 7, 2021

Caesar's marriage of all faiths failed Outbound travel When to get out of the cold winter

173 days apart, two major Outbound travel The "marriage" of tourism leaders has ended. On December 6, Kaiser Travel and Zhongxin Travel were both affected by the news that the merger was terminated the night before, and their share prices fell.

Issued on: December 7, 2021

Can Kaiser Tourism's plan to convert shares to absorb and merge Zhongxin Tourism produce the effect of 1+1>2?

On the Dragon Boat Festival, A-share Outbound travel Two of the leading enterprises suddenly announced that they would join hands to keep warm. On the evening of June 14, Kaiser Tourism and Zhongxin Tourism announced that Kaiser Tourism and Zhongxin Tourism were preparing

Issued on: June 15, 2021

Outbound travel Encounter "cold wave" characteristic tour and small group tour are favored

Under the influence of the epidemic Outbound travel When encountering the cold wave, the rise of domestic in-depth tourism and small group tourism took its place. On January 18, according to the "Chinese People Who Can Play: Going Abroad in 2020" released by

Issued on: January 19, 2021

Spring Festival Outbound travel It's not just "good hei yo", these things have to be "checked"!

According to comprehensive reports, in the Tokyo Tower, see the lighting of China Red; To Sydney, Australia, to celebrate the Year of the Pig; Go to Disneyland in California to celebrate the Chinese New Year... not only in China, but also with the growing taste of the year

Issued on: February 3, 2019

China Outbound travel The first super cash payment of Alipay consumption

Yesterday, Nielsen and Alipay jointly released the White Paper on the Development and Trend of China Mobile Payment Overseas Tourism Market in 2018 Outbound travel The transaction volume of customers using mobile payment accounts for 32% of the total transaction volume,

Issued on: January 22, 2019

Spring Festival Outbound travel The price has increased by 10% year on year. Island vacation is still the first choice

The Spring Festival of the Year of the Pig is just around the corner. Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from several travel booking agencies yesterday that the Spring Festival of the Year of the Pig Outbound travel The volume and price of bookings are rising at the same time. The volume of bookings has increased by 32% over the same period last year,

Issued on: January 2, 2019

Fight for a fake tour to reappear the hot Spring Festival Outbound travel The price is the same as that of previous years

Near the end of the year, many office workers began to clear away the annual leave, and the competition for holiday travel reappeared. Due to the advantage of travel price at the end of the year and the small number of tourists in scenic spots and popular destinations, the peak shifting competition at the end of the year

Issued on: December 6, 2018


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