Kaya International: Scientific Application of Nanosecond Gating imaging Technology to efficiently solve the difficulties of internal attack search and rescue

According to the national fire and fire rescue team's alarm reception situation in 2021 released by the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Emergency Management Department, a total of 7480000 fires were reported nationwide in 2021, with 1987 deaths, 2225 injuries and direct financial losses

Issued on: November 23, 2022

Hubei's 10 scientific and technological achievements won the Outstanding Product Award of the 24th High tech Fair

"Safety and controllability are the first priority. This domestic database meets our needs. After the conference, we will go to Wuhan to discuss cooperation issues." On November 19, at the 24th China International High tech Achievements Trade

Issued on: November 22, 2022

World Real Time: Magnetic Resonance imaging New technology "sees clearly" brain neural activity

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, October 19 (Intern reporter Zhang Jiaxin) The South Korean research team has developed a new method that can use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Non intrusive tracking of brain signals on millisecond time scale

Issued on: October 20, 2022

Global SMS! Teledyne introduces high-speed and high-resolution line scanning imaging Contact image sensor based on dsp

TeledyneDALSA introduces a new set of high-speed and high-resolution full integrated line scanners imaging Module family AxCIS. This easy-to-use contact image sensor (CIS) integrates the sensor, lens and lamp,

Issued on: September 28, 2022

Global Focus: Biomedicine imaging : Guide for selection of technical specifications and calculation methods of machine vision camera

Research and diagnostic biomedical applications often require imaging The instrument has high spatial resolution, accurate color reproduction and high sensitivity under weak light conditions, and in many cases, it needs to have the three

Issued on: September 21, 2022

World News! MATLAB and Simulink R2022b provide new Simscape Battery and updates to simplify and automate model-based design

The platform version also includes the new MedicalImagingToolbox, which provides end-to-end medical image analysis workflow MathWorks announced today that it has released MATLAB ® And Simulink

Issued on: September 20, 2022

Communication! The national "AI medical device innovation task unveiling unit" was unveiled, Zhuhai enterprises were successfully "unveiled"

[Source: Zhuhai Municipal People's Government _ Zhuhai News] Recently, the national "AI medical device innovation task unveiling unit" organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Food and Drug Administration was unveiled. Zhuhai Dipu Medical

Issued on: September 18, 2022

Current SMS! Ansome imaging Technology opens a new era of digital cinematography

ALEXA35 is the latest digital movie camera of ARRI, which has the latest CMOS sensor technology of Ansomy, and can produce the original 4 6K, 120 fps image quality of the leading industry, leading the intelligence

Issued on: September 15, 2022

Global view! Dry goods | Power supply of high-performance image sensor

Author: Majid Dadafshar, chief field application engineer of Ansomy, the power layout of CMOS image sensor will significantly affect the resolution, frame rate and other performance. This paper discusses the important considerations when designing power supply schemes for this application

Issued on: September 14, 2022

Global quick reading: RISE Huachuang independently developed LBS based pocket size PGU module Optical Core@

ARHUD leads the future intelligent vehicle integration and interactive transformation to create a real ARHUD with large perspective and small volume. Recently, Shenzhen Ruisi Huachuang Technology Co., Ltd., the world's leading ARHUD solution provider, announced that, based on LBS

Issued on: September 9, 2022

three-dimensional imaging What is it to check? three-dimensional imaging How often do we get results?

three-dimensional imaging What is it to check? three-dimensional imaging It is to check the condition of the heart, intracranial arteries and coronary arteries, as well as to understand the contour of the patient's bronchus. It can assist in the expected range of lesions

Issued on: August 11, 2022

[Global Focus] II-VI and Artilux announced the launch of a new generation of 3D sensing cameras to develop the meta universe user experience

II-VI, the leader in semiconductor laser field (NASDAQ stock code: IIVI), and the CMOSSWIR optical sensing technology leader known for GeSi photonic technology Optical Path R&D Art

Issued on: July 19, 2022

What are the early symptoms of coronary heart disease? How to judge whether there is coronary heart disease?

What are the early symptoms of coronary heart disease? Coronary heart disease refers to the narrowing or blocking of the coronary artery in the heart, which leads to the reduction of blood and oxygen supply to the myocardium, thus causing clinical symptoms. Symptoms of early coronary heart disease

Issued on: July 18, 2022

Hot every day! Maternal and Child Science Popularization | Under what conditions should fetal MRI be performed during pregnancy

[Source: New Jiangsu, China's Jiangsu Network] New Jiangsu, China's Jiangsu Network News (reporter Sun Jun, correspondent Wang Ningyan) "Doctor, why should we do MRI when we have done B-ultrasound?"

Issued on: July 12, 2022

World instant: Ames Osram, together with Teknique, accelerates the deployment of advanced 2D/3D sensing and imaging system

Ames Osram and Teknique demonstrated a complete 2D 3D vision system solution; The system is based on AmbarellaSoC and integrates Ames Osram's Seres camera circuit board and Tek

Issued on: July 12, 2022

World fast information | visualization imaging Revealing HIV replication mechanism

Researchers from the Salk Institute and Rutgers University in the United States have for the first time determined the molecular structure of HIV Pol protein, which is a process in which HIV replicates later or the virus spreads itself and spreads to the whole body

Issued on: July 11, 2022

The current hot discussion! Specificity deploys proprietary technology in X-FAB to bring spectrum to mobile devices imaging function

Realize the integration of small pixelated spectral filters on CMOS image sensors. The globally recognized excellent analog mixed signal wafer foundry X-FABSiliconFoundries ("X-FAB") announced today

Issued on: June 30, 2022

World News: Hubei Province Biomedicine imaging Industrial technology innovation consortium launched in Wuhan Optical Valley

June 28, Hubei Province Biomedicine imaging The industrial technological innovation consortium was officially launched in Wuhan Optical Valley. The consortium aims to target biomedicine imaging In the field of "choking", we should combine "production, learning, research and application"

Issued on: June 30, 2022

Global Microdynamics | Hubei Biomedicine imaging The industrial technological innovation consortium started operation

June 28, Hubei Province Biomedicine imaging The industrial technological innovation consortium was officially launched. The consortium is led by Wuhan Lianying Life Science Instrument Co., Ltd., which cooperates with Wuhan Zhongke Polarization Medical and Wuhan Zhongke

Issued on: June 29, 2022

Tiantian Viewpoint: Enshi Central Hospital Introduces Advanced Digital Subtraction Angiography System

[Source: Enshi News Network Health News] Recently, Philips' "Azurion7M20" digital subtraction angiography system, which is at the world's advanced level, was installed and put into use in Enshi Central Hospital. This

Issued on: June 24, 2022

"Double lock" near-infrared fluorescence probe is a precise tumor imaging And tumor diagnosis

Surgical treatment (surgical treatment) is one of the common and effective treatments for cancer. Accuracy of cancer site imaging It can ensure complete resection of tumor tissue and unnecessary resection of healthy tissue, not only in cancer clinic

Issued on: May 9, 2022

The structure of transmission electron microscope and imaging principle

The structure of transmission electron microscope and imaging Principle The transmission electron microscope uses an extremely short wavelength electron beam as the illumination source, and focuses with an electromagnetic lens imaging An electronic optical instrument with high resolution and high magnification

Issued on: March 28, 2022

Qingdao Energy Institute has made important progress in the failure mechanism of all solid state lithium metal batteries in terms of electro chemical mechanical coupling

On March 25, the reporter learned from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Process, Chinese Academy of Sciences, that the Institute has made important progress in the failure mechanism of all solid state lithium metal batteries in terms of electro chemical mechanical coupling. Relevant achievements were published recently

Issued on: March 28, 2022

Microscope imaging schematic diagram

Microscope imaging Schematic diagram I know that the eyepiece is equivalent to a magnifying glass, but the image formed by the magnifying glass is the same side of the object. After the object is magnified by the objective lens in the microscope, the image formed by the eyepiece should be in the microscope tube

Issued on: March 26, 2022

[AFG Special Series 72 Changes] Part 4: Magnetic resonance imaging I got it

Author: Tech Magnetic Resonance imaging It is a special examination using magnetic field and radio frequency pulse. It is safe, accurate, non-invasive and harmless to human body. Therefore, it is widely used in the medical industry. To finish

Issued on: March 25, 2022

The medical security center of the Winter Olympics was transformed into an emergency treatment center

Source title: The Winter Olympics Medical Security Center has been transformed into an Emergency Treatment Center (Reporter Li Yao, Sun Leqi, Correspondent Zhang Yang) Spacious and bright central building, advanced and accurate medical equipment, convenient and complete infrastructure

Issued on: March 18, 2022

"Light cavalry" in medical images! The world's first mobile head and neck MRI was mass produced in Foshan High tech Zone

Guangdong Foshan Ruigatu Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ruigatu"), which was once supported by the Management Committee of Foshan Hi tech Zone to accelerate its industrialization, has re spread new trends. Recently, Ruigatu passed the review of the State Drug Administration

Issued on: March 16, 2022

Talking about imaging The Importance of Radar

Author: Why did HuanyuGu raise the topic of radar system? Every year, about 1.3 million people worldwide die from traffic accidents, and millions of people are seriously injured in traffic accidents. Advanced radar technology

Issued on: March 10, 2022

Fibre Based Integrations and Cepton cooperate to carry out smart city projects to meet the transportation challenges in Cape Town

The vehicle detection system supported by the laser radar provides detailed traffic analysis through the intelligent intersection network Cepton, Inc (Nasdaq: CPTN) ("C

Issued on: March 3, 2022

The structure of transmission electron microscope and imaging principle

The structure of transmission electron microscope and imaging Principle The transmission electron microscope uses an extremely short wavelength electron beam as the illumination source, and focuses with an electromagnetic lens imaging An electronic optical instrument with high resolution and high magnification

Issued on: February 22, 2022


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