Can prefabricated dishes be used as regular spare parts in shopping carts to meet people's high demand for nutrition?

Open an e-commerce app at random, input prefabricated dishes, convenience dishes and quick dishes, and a large number of pop-up dishes will pop up variety of dishes Information: fish flavored shredded pork, preserved pork with plum vegetables, cumin lamb chops, spring rolls with vegetables

Release date: October 9, 2022

Old Street Rites| variety of dishes Research and develop 4 standardization, improve gross profit, and help stores to make steady profits!

With the consumption upgrading of the catering market, the direction of catering consumption is gradually moving towards quality, health and diversification variety of dishes The quality has higher requirements. What about the old street etiquette

Issued on: August 26, 2022

Global Express: Shunde Prefabrication variety of dishes There are smart dishes in Pai Street: let "Jun'an flavor" fragrance in the Bay Area

Shunde prefabrication variety of dishes There are smart dishes in Pai Street: let "Jun'an flavor" fragrance in the Bay Area

Issued on: July 22, 2022

Prefabrication in China variety of dishes What is the contribution of maintaining rapid growth to corporate profits?

Under the influence of COVID-19 epidemic situation, housing economy and other factors, namely cooking, instant heating, instant food and other prefabrication variety of dishes Maintain rapid growth and present a new consumption trend. Players from all walks of life have joined this track, and there are research institutions

Issued on: May 25, 2022

variety of dishes Catering shops listed as a representative project of intangible cultural heritage are about to open in Chengdu, and the chefs are all masters of Sichuan cuisine!

May in Chengdu is a season full of vitality, with flowers like flowers and green shade like the sea. In this season, a family variety of dishes Catering shops listed as representative projects of intangible cultural heritage - Red Spicy Chicken

Issued on: May 9, 2022

Can Quanjude Group's brands find new flow outlets when launching prefabricated dishes

There are new players at the prefabricated vegetable track. Recently, a reporter from Beijing Business Daily learned that Sichuan Hotel, a brand of Quanjude Group, launched prefabrication variety of dishes The boss of Paichuan has been launched in several channels. Quanjude Group Flag

Issued on: May 6, 2022

What is the meaning of prefabricated dishes? What are the differences between prefabricated dishes and semi-finished dishes

The prepared dishes are washed, cut, matched and processed variety of dishes , packaged and preserved in a series of ways, such as freezing or vacuum, and consumers can simply cook or directly open after purchase

Issued on: April 19, 2022

What do you mean by prepared dishes? What are the advantages of prefabricated dishes for enterprises and consumers?

Prefabricated dish is a kind of special dish for banquet restaurants, which is complicated in the process of cooking; Star chefs of food enterprises use food industry methods to variety of dishes Professional analysis of raw materials

Issued on: April 12, 2022

Hefei launched the "Huimin Vegetable Basket Project", and stores chose to add "one yuan dishes" by themselves

According to the Hefei Municipal Development and Reform Commission, from March 23 to May 4, Hefei launched the 2022 food basket project to stabilize prices and ensure people's livelihood, ensure stable prices and adequate supply of food basket, and guide the market to predict

Issued on: March 28, 2022

Hefei Launches "Huimin Food Basket Project" 196 stores will launch "Huimin Food"

According to the Hefei Municipal Development and Reform Commission, according to the deployment requirements of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, in order to cope with the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, ensure the stable price and sufficient supply of food baskets in Hefei, and guide the market to predict

Issued on: March 23, 2022

various variety of dishes Young people must pass the nine hurdles

Nearly 2000 Winter Olympics volunteers from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Agricultural University and other universities have recently all stayed in Yanqing resident hotels. In order to make the volunteers eat well and healthily, bags are specially designed

Issued on: January 29, 2022

"Vegetarian" is more and more popular. What are the adverse effects of only eating vegetarian food on the body?

Stewed rice with peach gum and rare mushrooms, beeswax persimmon cake, braised golden mushroom roll, cumin monkey mushroom string... these are a variety of vegetarian dishes variety of dishes , is becoming everyone's new favorite. In recent years, with hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, diabetes

Issued on: January 23, 2022

"Blue Series" completed tens of millions of yuan of A-round financing, silver food completed millions of yuan of angel round financing

On January 10, the men's personal care brand Blue Series completed a round A financing of tens of millions of yuan. The men's personal care brand Blue Series completed a round A financing of tens of millions of yuan, led by Meihua Venture Capital, followed by Jiuchuang Capital and Jinhuifeng Capital. This round of financing

Issued on: January 10, 2022

Have you reduced the price? What new menu has been added for sipping?

There are many people who like to eat hot pot. You can see many brand hot pot stores in different cities, and the business is very good. Xiabu Xiabu is one of the famous hotpots. Is the price of Xiabu Xiabu reduced

Issued on: December 3, 2021

Extreme weather raises the price of fresh and tender vegetables variety of dishes The price of species is on the decline

Since July, some regions in China have experienced extreme weather processes such as heavy rainfall and typhoons. What impact has this had on the supply and price of vegetables? In Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, the merchant Cao Yanfei

Issued on: August 8, 2021

Jiangxi Deeply Builds Jiangxi variety of dishes To promote the strong recovery of the catering consumption market

In the first half of this year, Jiangxi's catering revenue was 65.3 billion yuan, up 93.4% year on year, 448 percentage points higher than that of the whole country. Among them, the catering revenue in the second quarter was 30.9 billion yuan, up 101 2% year on year, higher than 717 nationwide

Issued on: July 28, 2021

The time-honored state banquet restaurant under the Summer Palace will be launched in the court of Tmall variety of dishes

The linkage between e-commerce and time-honored brands is getting closer. On May 17, Tmall announced that the Ting Li Hall, a time-honored national banquet restaurant under the Summer Palace, will launch the palace in Tmall variety of dishes , selling prefabricated semi-finished dishes. Ariba

Issued on: May 18, 2021

The brand new flavor and variety of dishes The system is highly sought after

Barbecue food has a long history and has always been a favorite food for people, because it tastes delicious and has a sense of hands-on participation. One of the better brands is Le Roast Bar, which is different from Le Roast Bar

Issued on: May 7, 2021

Opening of China (Shouguang) International Vegetable Science and Technology Expo: more than 2000 vegetable gardening varieties are displayed

The 22nd China (Shouguang) International Vegetable Science and Technology Expo and 2021 China (Shouguang) International Vegetable Seed Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as the Expo) opened in Shouguang, Shandong Province on the 20th. The exhibition featured vegetables, seeds and photos

Issued on: April 21, 2021

When spring comes, all kinds of seasonal fresh vegetables variety of dishes Species are listed in succession

Spring is the plan of the year. With the arrival of spring, spring vegetables are also coming into the market. Recently, people in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province can enjoy seasonal delicacies such as spring bamboo shoots and broad beans. In Suzhou South Ring Road

Issued on: February 28, 2021

There is sufficient supply of vegetables in the national vegetable market, such as onions and ginger variety of dishes The price of

Reporters learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China on the 7th that the vegetable market across the country is in sufficient supply, with onions, ginger and other vegetables variety of dishes The price of these varieties has dropped recently. In view of the increase in vegetable prices in some parts of China in the early stage,

Issued on: February 8, 2021

Hong Kong style hotpot+99 kinds variety of dishes , finally came to Zhengzhou!

Dazzling seafood stalls, authentic Hong Kong style desserts, 8-hour chicken soup with flower glue, and all-round experience of Hong Kong style hot pot, spicy hot pot, although delicious, still feel bored after eating too much

Issued on: April 18, 2019

take-out food variety of dishes The price is up! Several restaurants have "two price systems"

After the Spring Festival, do you find that the cost of taking out food is a little high recently? If you compare carefully, you may find that if you take two more steps to eat in the store, you can save a few yuan. Spring Festival

Issued on: February 25, 2019


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