settlement Provisions The proportion of securities companies has dropped again. Ten billion yuan of funds are expected to be released

The securities industry ushered in heavy news. On March 17, China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "CSDCC") announced that it would reduce the minimum settlement of stock businesses Provisions Payment proportion and reduction

Issued on: March 18, 2022

Payment institution Provisions Deposit exceeded 2 trillion yuan for the first time and set a new record

payment Provisions The deposit reached a new record. According to the latest monetary authority balance sheet data recently released by the Central Bank, as of December 2021, deposits of non-financial institutions (i.e. "payment institutions") Provisions ”)Is 209

Issued on: January 24, 2022

payment Provisions The deposit has broken the historical peak again, and the medium and long-term growth trend has formed

payment Provisions The deposit reached a new record. On January 23, Beijing Business Daily reporters noticed that the latest monetary authority balance sheet data recently released by the Central Bank showed that as of December 2021, non-financial institutions

Issued on: January 24, 2022

Payment agency for consumption stimulus transaction recovery Provisions Rush to the second new high

Data shows that as of July 2021, deposits of non-financial institutions( Provisions )It reached 188 trillion yuan, up 24.9 billion yuan from June. This is also from Provisions The second highest level after the deposit, second only to 20

Issued on: August 27, 2021

The deposits of non-financial institutions reached 1.88 trillion yuan, Provisions The balance of deposits reached the second new high

With the recovery of transaction data, payment institutions Provisions The balance of deposits was the second highest in the previous year. On August 26, the reporter of Beijing Business Daily noticed that the official website of the Central Bank published the latest balance sheet of the monetary authority

Issued on: August 27, 2021

Payment institution Provisions Deposit of 1.86 trillion yuan increased by 78.189 billion yuan compared with March

This is also from Provisions It is the second highest since the deposit, second only to the February 2021 data with the blessing of the Spring Festival holiday.

Issued on: May 22, 2021

Payment institution Provisions Deposited reproduction high point, subsequent Provisions The deposit amount may still increase

From payment institution Provisions Since the centralized deposit, Provisions The balance has reached a high point again. On May 20, the reporter of Beijing Business Daily noticed that the official website of the Central Bank published the latest balance sheet of the monetary authority, and the data showed that

Issued on: May 21, 2021

Provisions No more dividend payment, industry cooperation mode changes

The era of post disconnection and direct connection in the payment industry has quietly arrived. On January 14, third-party payment institutions, including Alipay and Tencent Tenpay, announced their completion Provisions 100% handover and relevant account cancellation. payment

Issued on: February 3, 2019

Strong supervision of third-party payment will continue Provisions Substantial increase in deposit scale

Since this year, the Central Bank has severely cracked down on payment chaos and standardized market order. Some third-party payment institutions operate cross-border payment business beyond the scope, fail to review the background of access merchants as required, and fail to review as required

Issued on: June 6, 2018

Third party payment institution Provisions Scale jumped to 100 billion level for 4 consecutive months

Third party payment institution Provisions The scale has jumped to 100 billion level for four consecutive months. According to the balance sheet data of the monetary authority updated by the Central Bank on May 18, the payment institutions deposited with the central bank customers in April Provisions Nearly 500

Date of issue: 2018-05-21


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