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Anhui's industrial economic growth in the first three quarters ranked first in the Yangtze River Delta

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The People's Network Anhui Channel learned from Anhui Provincial Bureau of Statistics that in the first three quarters, the added value of industries above designated size in Anhui increased by 5.8% year on year, 1.9 percentage points faster than that of the whole country, ranking first in the Yangtze River Delta.

In the first three quarters, 28 of the 41 major industrial sectors in Anhui saw year-on-year growth in added value, accounting for nearly 70%. In the same period, 192 of the 440 industrial products included in the local statistics increased in output, accounting for more than 40%. Among the main products, fiber optics increased by 29.5 times, integrated circuits by 92.2%, automobiles by 17.1%, and new energy automobiles by 76.2%.

In the first three quarters, the production of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in Anhui was stable, and the production situation of private, small and micro enterprises gradually improved. Among them, the added value of private enterprises and small and micro enterprises increased by 6% and 3.6% respectively in the first three quarters, 0.7 and 1.1 percentage points higher than that in the first half of the year.

The new industry and new driving force are stable and improving, which is a highlight of Anhui's industrial economy. In the first three quarters, the output value of Anhui's strategic emerging industries increased by 15.5%, 5.2 percentage points higher than that of all industries; The added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 10.1%, 4.3 percentage points higher than that of all industries. In the first three quarters, 2669 new industrial enterprises were added in the province, 380 more than the same period last year, with a total added value of 1.8 times, contributing 43.1% to the growth of all industries.

It is reported that in the next stage, Anhui will further promote the implementation of various economic stabilization policies and measures, stimulate the vitality of market players, help enterprises to relieve difficulties, and constantly consolidate the foundation for the recovery of the industrial economy.

Source: People's Daily Online - Anhui Channel

key word: industrial economy

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