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Daily news: Typhoon "Olu" will create strong storms in Hainan and other places, and the southern "autumn tiger" will make a comeback


China Weather News In the next three days (September 26-28), heavy rainfall will mainly occur in southwest and southern China. Among them, affected by typhoon "Aolu", Hainan will face strong wind and rain, and some areas will encounter heavy rain. In terms of temperature, before the National Day holiday, the cold air force in China was weak, the high temperature in Jiangnan and South China was gradually increasing, and the "autumn tigers" were making a comeback. In many northern areas, the temperature rose significantly during the day, and the temperature difference between day and night was gradually increasing. The public needed to increase or decrease clothing in time according to the temperature change.

(Related data drawing)

Typhoon "Olu" is heading westward, and Hainan is hit by heavy rain. The rain is incessant in southwest China, and the rain is fierce

Yesterday, the southwest region was still the main front of rainfall in China. Some areas in southeastern Gansu, eastern Tibet, southern Sichuan, western Yunnan and southern Hainan Island experienced light to moderate rain, and local heavy rain.

In the next three days, it will continue to rain in southwest China, and heavy rain or rainstorm will occur locally. There will be sleet or snow in high-altitude areas. In the coastal area of South China, under the combined influence of the 16th typhoon this year, "Olu", and cold air, there will be strong storms.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light to moderate rain in parts of Tibet, Qinghai, southern Gansu, southwest Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hainan and Taiwan, among which there will be heavy rain in southeast Tibet, southeast Qinghai, southern Gansu, northern Sichuan Plateau and southern Sichuan.

Typhoon "Olu" has entered the central and eastern waters of the South China Sea this morning, gradually approaching the eastern coast of Vietnam, and its intensity has increased. In the next three days, there will be 6-9 strong winds and 10-11 gusts along the coast of South China, most of the South China Sea, the Sansha Islands and the waters near Huangyan Island. Although "Aolu" will not land in China in the future, it will still bring strong wind and rain to the South China Sea and Hainan and other areas. Mountain torrents may occur in some areas of eastern Hainan Island, and local residents need to pay attention to prevention.

The temperature difference between day and night is large in many places in the north. One day, like two seasons, the temperature in the south of the Yangtze River increases

Yesterday morning, the lowest air temperature in Xi'an, Xining, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Nanchang, Lhasa, Fuzhou and other places hit a new low since the second half of this year. The north is cold in the middle, the autumn is thick, and the south is obviously cooler.

Before the National Day holiday, the influence of cold air on China was weak. Except for the southwest and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, most parts of the country did not have much precipitation, and the temperature would rise in fluctuations, returning to normal or higher levels in succession. It is expected that the highest temperature in Northeast China will rise to about 25 ℃, and the highest temperature from North China to Jianghuai will approach or reach about 30 ℃. Under the effect of clear sky radiation heating, it is even a little warm in the afternoon, but there is no cloud layer insulation at night, and the temperature will drop rapidly. In the next few days, the temperature difference between day and night in most parts of the north can reach about 15 ℃, and even more than 20 ℃ locally. One day is like two seasons. Everyone needs to wear clothes to keep warm when leaving early and returning late to avoid colds.

For the southern region, before the National Day holiday, as the subtropical high strengthens and extends westward, the hot weather in Jiangnan and South China will gradually increase, and the "autumn tiger" will make a comeback. From today, there will be 35~37 ℃ high temperature weather in some areas of the south central part of the Yangtze River and the north central part of South China. For example, half or more of the days in Guangzhou will be hot in the next week, and local partners can't relax in heatstroke prevention.

(Editor in charge: Song Yajing)

Source: China Economic Network

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