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AXA Minmetals Holding a Speech Contest for Employees of "I Make New Achievements in My Post"

On the eve of the "May Day" International Labor Day, the trade union of AXA Minmetals Real Estate Investment Group Co., Ltd. held a speech contest for the employees of "I make new contributions in my post" throughout the Group. Staff representatives from 14 grassroots units of the Group participated in the competition. Representatives from Inner Mongolia, Yinchuan and Yangzhou demonstrated the fighting style of Jinsheng people with their own post practice and work thinking around the theme of "I make new contributions in the post" through video participation. More than 200 employees of the Group watched the event on site or via video.

After two hours of exciting competition, representatives from Huacai Hui, Taiping Shopping Mall and Qiaobei Home Furnishing won the first prize; Representatives from Yinchuan, Jiangdongmen, Liuhe, and government agencies won the second prize; The other representatives won the third prize and the winning prize respectively.

Ma Jun, secretary of the party committee of AXA Minmetals Holding Group, attended the whole process and delivered a speech: "Whether in the hot posts with a broad platform and easy to achieve 'outstanding performance', or in the unpopular posts far away from the center and rarely attracted attention, we all maintain a common mind, neither aim high nor belittle ourselves. Each of us is an important member in the history of enterprise development."

This activity encourages all employees to work hard and make contributions to the development of the enterprise based on their positions.

key word: Jinsheng Real Estate Investment Group AXA Minmetals I make new contributions to my post 3000 guests It's a pity to abandon the last sentence Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky East Campus of Affiliated Middle School of Yangzhou University A Complete Collection of Group Words Grade 4 Volume 1 Chinese

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