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Looking at the social responsibility of the enterprise from the perspective of Hopper Group's Pei Xing brand

Hope Group helped fight the epidemic in Haizhu District, Guangzhou

On November 29, 2022, Guangzhou City Mr. Yan Shengfan, CPPCC member and chairman of Hope Group, Together with Cao Zhiwei's Studio, Xie Xiaoxia, Zhang Ying, Xiong Weiguo, Liu Gensheng, Deng Zhaoping, Hu Guosheng, Jiang Hongfeng, Qin Yiwen, members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, as well as members of New City Investment Holding Group, Hongrun Group, Dejie Daily Chemicals, and Excellence Market Research, we purchased three vehicles, 127 boxes, and 60000 pieces of anti epidemic materials worth more than 110000 in five days of preparation.

Under the arrangement of Haizhu District Government and Guangzhou Charity Association, anti epidemic materials will be delivered to the anti epidemic front line in Haizhu District to help Haizhu District win the battle against the epidemic.


Yan Shengfan (the second from the left), chairman of Hope Group, and CPPCC members donated materials


Guangzhou Charity Association expressed gratitude and issued honorary certificates





Think about the "epidemic" with your heart, and use your strength to the "epidemic". In the pandemic test, Hope Group took the initiative to take on the responsibility and selfless dedication, and wrote an answer sheet of responsibility and great love with heart.

-Public Welfare Road-

-Hope Group has been acting-


Pei State brand

The Pei State brand leader of Hope Group paid a visit to Guangzhou Baiji Shenzhou Biomedical Co., Ltd. and sent health care to the R&D and production personnel who resumed their work.


Transplantation of probiotics, polypeptide protein powder and immunity enhancing materials with excellent bacteria

Pei State donated 1080 boxes of products to Xinshao People's Hospital (designated treatment hospital) to protect doctors and treat more people.


R&D and Production Base · Times (China)

A subsidiary of Hope Group Time (China) responded to the call of the Longgang Government, supported the People's Hospital of Wuhan University in the fight against the epidemic, donated anti epidemic materials, and has donated 7 consecutive batches of first-line medical staff in Wuhan.



Wuhan University People's Hospital hereby issues the certificate to express our heartfelt thanks

Times (China) donated epidemic prevention materials to the medical team of Honghu Nanfang Hospital in Hubei Province, Suizhou Central Hospital, the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, the Second Hospital of Shandong University, the People's Hospital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and the Fifth Hospital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.



Hope Hunan Datong Blessed Land

Hunan Datong Fudi Real Estate Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hope Group, donated 50000 yuan to the Red Cross Society of Xinshao County for epidemic prevention in Pingshang Town.


At the beginning of the epidemic, masks were in short supply. Datong Fudi Real Estate donated 10000 disposable medical masks.


Serve public health and promote social progress

Hopper Group and its subsidiaries have taken practical actions to practice the three-stage theory of life advocated by Chairman Yan Shengfan, that is, "rich businessmen, Confucian businessmen and emotional intelligence". "Emotional intelligence" - taking responsibility and repaying the society is the fundamental pursuit of business and people. Public welfare assistance and overcoming difficulties are the social responsibilities of enterprises.

Little by little donations are made into great love, and we will work together to build the anti epidemic defense line, contribute our own strength to the staff working on the anti epidemic line silently, and give maximum support to the staff working on the front line with love. We look forward to the warm spring, and the haze of the epidemic will disappear.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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