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How far is it from "the first stream of spicy noodles"? The listing of Weilong is progressing smoothly

The snack food industry has been underestimated for a long time in China, and a classic case is spicy noodles. According to Frost Sullivan, by 2026, the total potential market size of the spicy snack food industry is expected to reach 273.7 billion yuan, which is a gold segment track in the new consumption field with great growth potential. Therefore, the news of Weilong's listing has attracted much attention from all walks of life. After all, no one expected that a spicy stick could move such a large market!

Recently, Weilong Delicacy Global Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Weilong") received news that the company updated the hearing version of the data set on November 23. The IPO plan is progressing smoothly and will soon start the follow-up issuance work. It is expected to be listed on the main board this year, with Morgan Stanley, CICC and UBS as joint sponsors.

The prospectus also shows that, after adjustment according to the relevant rules of measurement other than the International Financial Reporting Standards, the adjusted net profits of Weilong in 2019, 2020, 2021 and the six months ended June 30, 2022 were RMB 659 million, RMB 821 million, RMB 908 million and RMB 425 million respectively. At the same time, during these periods, Weilong's adjusted net profit margin (non IFRS) was 19.5%, 19.9%, 18.9% and 18.8%, respectively, steadily improving.

The strong growth momentum is the result of Weilong's continuous improvement in the field of spicy snack food. In order to ensure product quality, Weilong selected raw materials to achieve source control, and reached cooperation with farmers in relevant counties and districts to implement standardized and large-scale planting of wheat, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, cumin and other main ingredients and condiments, and also reached strategic cooperation with high-quality raw material suppliers such as COFCO Grain and COFCO Oil to ensure the stability and reliability of the supply chain.

Weilong continues to optimize the production configuration, achieve standard guarantee, adhere to research and innovation, create a new experience, and create category standards with the industry, providing a direction for the development of high quality and high standards in the spicy snack food industry. Weilong always takes consumers as the core. It not only introduces flavored flour products such as big gluten and small gluten, but also vegetable products, bean products and other products such as Konjak Shuanghe Fengshi kelp, which are also popular with young consumers. Wei Long continues to work hard in the field of spicy snack food, and strives to fulfill the mission of "letting everyone in the world fall in love with Chinese flavor".

As a leader and pioneer in the industry, Weilong will continue to guarantee quality, optimize products, expand market share and be ready for the launch of Weilong in the future. At the same time, we will actively grasp the future growth opportunities of the spicy snack food industry, enhance the influence of Chinese traditional cuisine in the world, and let everyone in the world fall in love with Chinese flavor!

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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