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The first three quarters of economic indicators of Xi'an Aerospace Base were released, and high-quality development was carried out steadily

Since this year, Xi'an Aerospace Base has taken high-quality development as the first task, identified its own position in building a new development pattern, played its comparative advantages, accelerated the construction of "world-class aerospace new city", promoted the deep integration of industrial chain, innovation chain, capital chain and talent chain under the guidance of the "1+10+13+N" innovation system, and built a new pattern of innovation across the region, It shows a good trend of structural optimization, kinetic energy enhancement, quality and efficiency improvement, and runs out of the "acceleration" of high-quality development of Xi'an Space Base.

From January to September, the economy of Xi'an Aerospace Base showed a trend of "accelerating recovery, increasing momentum, and improving quarter by quarter". The regional gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 7.5%, the added value of the secondary industry grew by 18.6%, the added value of industries above designated size grew by 22%, fixed asset investment grew by 12.2%, and industrial investment grew by 31.7%.

Hard core support of "building chains in groups"

In recent years, Xi'an Aerospace Base has given full play to the aggregation and driving effect of the chain's main enterprises, starting with 13 industrial chains, including the aerospace industry chain and the new energy industry chain, to open the whole staff investment promotion mode, mobilize the positive factors of all parties, hire 11 investment promotion ambassadors to "act as matchmakers", and make every effort to promote the supplement, extension and expansion of the industrial chain of Xi'an Aerospace Base, Gradually walk out a new road of high-quality industrial development.

On the morning of November 5, the first complete machine test run of the 500t liquid oxygen kerosene engine developed and produced by the Sixth Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group was successful, marking that all the key technologies for manufacturing the complete machine had been broken through and mastered, and a major phased achievement had been achieved.

On the same day, the Zhongxing 19 satellite developed by Xi'an Branch of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. was successfully launched. The payload of Xi'an Branch of the Fifth Academy of Astronautics and Astronautics is "beautiful" again. The Academy has undertaken the development of transponder subsystem, antenna subsystem and tracking subsystem.

In the process of exploring the universe again and again, the scientific and technological strength of Xi'an Space Base has always been "online". Led by 8 "national teams" including the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Engineering and the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Engineering, more than 40 commercial aerospace enterprises such as Interstar Glory and Galaxy Aerospace are booming. Xi'an Aerospace Base is becoming an important pole of China's aerospace industry, forming the aerospace industry from the R&D and production of rocket engines, the R&D and manufacturing of satellite payloads, the on orbit measurement and control management of spacecraft Satellite data application and other whole industry chain layout.

"Innovation driven" inspires momentum

In recent years, a series of major achievements have been made in the aerospace field, constantly refreshing China's height; The National Supercomputing Xi'an Center has filled in the gap of large-scale computing infrastructure in northwest China... Scientific and technological innovation, like a "seed" of great change, is growing at an amazing speed in Xi'an Space Base.

As an important bearing area of Qin Chuangyuan's "one assembly and two belts", Xi'an Aerospace Base has built an "1+10+13+N" innovation system. That is, "1" is the National Supercomputing (Xi'an) Center, "10" is Qin Chuangyuan's 10 science and technology industrial parks composed of 107 R&D buildings, "13" is the main direction of 13 industrial chains, and "N" is 1168 enterprises targeted for investment in industrial chains.

Since this year, Xi'an Aerospace Base has actively integrated into the construction of Qinchuang's original new driving platform, guided by the construction of ten science and technology industrial parks, including Qinchuang Yuan Intelligent Terminal Science Park and Qinchuang Yuan Aerospace Advanced Computing Science Park. Ten science and technology industrial parks covering an area of 939 mu accurately introduce 13 target industrial chains, fully promote the chain supplement, extension and expansion, form the overall joint force of attracting investment, talents and talents, and scientific and technological innovation, and continuously empower the development of Qinchuangyuan Science and Technology Innovation Demonstration Belt.

The development zone is the main battlefield of the city's economic construction and the main front of industrial development. Xi'an Aerospace Base adheres to the development direction of "industrialization development, park layout and market-oriented operation" and the development mode of "development zone+park", "management committee+company", vigorously optimizes the internal management and operation mechanism, constantly strengthens the platform company's industrial development orientation, takes four platform companies as the main body, and innovates the cooperation mode with enterprises with market-oriented thinking, Vigorously develop distinctive industrial parks, and achieve remarkable results in the development of parks.

In recent years, Xi'an is increasing the pace of surrounding districts and counties in terms of industrial layout, while Fuyan plate is in the "one circle" of "one circle, one axis, and three belts". Xi'an Aerospace Base gathers the strength of many backbone state-owned enterprises in Yanliang District (Xi'an Aviation Base) to jointly promote the integration of industry and city, regional integration, and realize the exchange and platform sharing of science and technology, finance, industry, talent and other resources, Breaking the regional and administrative restrictions, the "North Crossing" led the development of the "Fuyan Plate", and through the "Aerospace" work together, the "Aerospace R&D+Yanliang Manufacturing" model was adopted to accelerate the creation of a hundred billion level aerospace industry cluster.

"Gold service" strengthens the momentum

The project construction is the "locomotive" to drive the sustained economic growth, and the service guarantee is the "gas station" to support the development potential. In recent years, Xi'an Aerospace Base has been committed to planting "sycamore trees" and building "warm nests", focusing on project construction and business environment. It has taken multiple measures and innovated ideas to continuously release its development vitality by strengthening factor guarantee, efficiency enhancing project approval and other ways.

Walking in Xi'an Aerospace Base, tower cranes are towering, machines are roaring, vehicles are shuttling... One by one, key construction projects are fully developed, and construction boom is repeated. In 2022, Xi'an Aerospace Base will continue to strengthen the concept of "looking at development from the perspective of projects and talking about heroes", arrange 60 municipal key projects (including 79 sub projects), and achieve "acceleration" in project construction by ensuring national strategic projects, strengthening the leadership of major projects, expanding development space, focusing on key links, etc.

Xi'an Aerospace Base focuses on the key links of "five rates" of new project commencement rate, investment input control rate, investment completion rate, formalities completion rate and industrial project investment completion rate, fully guarantees the construction of major projects, promotes the construction of new capacity improvement projects of the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Engineering, and new payload projects of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Engineering, Xi'an Branch, and helps to double the output value of the aerospace industry.

The business environment is not the best, only better. Since this year, Xi'an Aerospace Base has focused on solving the pain points, difficulties and blockages reported by enterprises and the masses, constantly deepening the form and content of government services, and continuously promoting service initiatives such as "one thing at a time", "trans regional general service", "audit management linkage", "no closing on weekends", "one person follows the process and sits at the window", Effectively solve the pain points and difficulties encountered by the masses of enterprises in handling affairs, and "golden service" constantly tamps the foundation for high-quality development. (Flush)

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