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Create a new benchmark for digital governance, digital twin, and build a new pattern of local development

Recently, Hebei Longteng Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hebei Longteng Investment") and Beijing Yunlu Technology Co., Ltd, Promote the digital and intelligent transformation of many cities and regional governments in Hebei, achieve the goal of "more refined governance model, more scientific management and decision-making, and more intelligent public services", and build a demonstration area of digital governance in Hebei Province and even the whole country.

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It is understood that the cooperation parties have preliminarily planned multiple scenarios such as landing smart cities, smart agriculture, smart water conservancy, smart mines, smart culture and tourism, and smart sandstone, and explored multiple feasible models of new technologies such as digital twins in the process of landing.

This is a useful attempt to implement digital twin technology in real application scenarios, and its significance cannot be underestimated. In recent years, digitalization and intellectualization have become the inevitable trend of China's economic and social development. The report of the 20th CPC National Congress also clearly pointed out that we should accelerate the development of the digital economy and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy; Optimize infrastructure layout, structure, function and system integration, and build a modern infrastructure system; We should implement urban renewal actions, strengthen urban infrastructure construction, and build a livable, resilient and smart city.

The market generally believes that digital twin is the mainstream model in the construction of smart cities and modern industrial systems, and all technical routes will eventually move towards digital twin. Digital twin technology can not only improve the governance efficiency of the government, but also drive the coordinated development of multiple industries and regions. If a mature model that can be replicated and popularized is formed, it is expected that Digital Twin will become a new driving force for "stable growth" of China's economy in the process of helping future cities, industry digitalization and infrastructure construction.

Test the "urban investment bank" model and assign special personnel to follow up and promote the construction of digital intelligence

Through CAE simulation technology, Digital Twin is simply understood to complete the "mapping action" from the physical world to the digital world, and can also predict the future, and provide important reference for decision makers, thus improving governance efficiency. Therefore, the market believes that digital twin technology will play an important role in urban governance, industrial governance and other aspects. However, the lack of capital investment is one of the problems that limit the transformation of digital twin scientific and technological achievements, affecting the integration and development of technology and scene.

Different from the original way of relying on "financial allocation", this time Hebei introduced "urban investment banks" to promote the process of government digital intelligence. The so-called "urban investment bank" means that the path of local governments to attract investment basically follows the pattern of drawing industry maps, studying and screening investment information, and special personnel to follow up the implementation. Its ultimate goal is still to continuously improve the success rate of investment projects.

It is understood that in this cooperation, Hebei Longteng Investment has the advantages of good brand and market operation ability and investment in terms of revitalizing local stock assets and new resources, market-oriented entity operation of banks, government and enterprises, investment and financing of platform companies, platform entity operation, emerging industries and strategic investment, providing capital guarantee and scenario space for product landing.

Yunlu Technology followed up the project implementation as a professional in the "urban investment bank". The company is a domestic dual high-tech enterprise with independent underlying technologies - structure, fluid, electromagnetic heat transfer and other multi physical field coupling simulation and large-scale parallel computing. It combines multi physical field coupling simulation with AI as the core, and has technical advantages in digital twins, monitoring simulation analysis, intelligent products and services.

Some analysts pointed out that "urban investment banks" need to cooperate with digital twin service providers in the process of investment, construction and operation of urban infrastructure, respond to the needs of intelligent operation, fit the essence of fine management, especially the independent core technology of Yunlu Technology CAE+AI, and ensure real-time monitoring and simulation analysis of construction and operation, The more large-scale data parallel computing is, the more it can give play to the advantages of Yunlu technology products, create new models for national new infrastructure construction, and implement infrastructure systems that provide services such as digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, integration and innovation.

Exploring the Digital Twin Prediction Function to Improve the Efficiency of Urban Governance

In this cooperation, building a smart city has become one of the important tasks. Yunlu Technology and Longteng Investment will focus on the five major functions of economic regulation, market supervision, social management, public service and ecological environment protection to build a digital governance model that is horizontal to the edge, vertical to the end, and full closed loop, so as to achieve "one network perception of the situation, one network overview of the overall situation, and one network decision-making command" within the city, and build an advanced technology, data empowerment, flexible and open A safe and reliable system to achieve "perceivable, predictable and governable" governance in the region. Digital twin technology will play an important role in it.

The White Paper on Digital Twin Cities issued by the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications pointed out that cities are important bearing spaces for economic and social development, and digital twin cities are important carriers for developing and driving the digital economy, helping cities to take digitalization as a guide, and promote the overall transformation, all-round empowerment and revolutionary reshaping of urban planning, construction and governance services.

"Digital twin is a technology that maps the real world in cyberspace." The relevant person in charge of Yunlu Technology introduced that digital twin technology can integrate the real situation of a city and a dam into new generation information technology such as IoT through the dual drive model of CAE+AI to form 1:1 restoration and interaction in virtual space.

Some insiders pointed out that in the construction of smart cities, the digital twin city application is most suitable for two scenarios. One is where the human eye cannot see, such as the urban underground pipe network; The second is a more complex scenario, such as the full life cycle management and maintenance of urban infrastructure, and the future development of the city. While presenting objectively, if we can further predict the future through the digital twin model, we can improve the efficiency of urban governance and save resources.

However, it is not easy to predict the future through digital twin technology. A large number of complex data lead to difficult calculation, and the factors that affect the changes of real things are also very complex. The existing digital twins in the market, due to the lack of support from the mechanism model, often can only stay at the level of description of the physical world, unable to deeply diagnose and predict the physical world, and difficult to achieve a deeper application of digital twins.

"To predict the future through digital twins, technicians need to consider more operation rules when building models, so that the final prediction results can be closer to the real situation. Therefore, in a project, the parameters in the digital twin model are often up to hundreds." A related person from Yunlu Technology said, At present, the company's technology has been able to build a digital twin model through a small amount of data and provide prediction results. For example, in terms of infrastructure operation and maintenance and urban emergency management of digital twin cities, the scene presentation and future prediction are highly dependent on the deep integration of physical/mechanism models and artificial intelligence technology (CAE+AI), and Yunlu Technology is the initiator and initiator of this technical route.

In addition, the above person in charge also pointed out that the predictive role of digital twins will not only play a crucial role in smart cities, but also play a prominent role in improving efficiency in many fields such as environmental governance and industrial digital transformation.

Exploring EOD projects to help regional development "self circulation"

The reporter noted that this cooperation project has many scenes related to the ecological environment, such as mines, sand and gravel treatment. How to improve the ecological environment while making the economy of this region form a "self circulation" has been paid more and more attention in the national ecological environment construction in recent years, which is also an important area explored in the Hebei model.

In fact, since 2019, the country has intensively introduced a series of policies to support the development of the ecological environment oriented development model (EOD). In 2021 and 2022, the Ministry of Ecological Environment has determined 94 projects to carry out EOD model pilot. After two batches of pilot projects, the future EOD model will follow the principle of "mature one, declare one" and enter the regular declaration stage.

Hebei Longteng Investment and Yunlu Technology have made some progress in the EOD project in Qianxi County, Tangshan City. The digital twin integrating CAE simulation, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data and other cutting-edge technologies is one of the "keys" to help the region's ecological environment governance.

It is understood that digital twin technology can map the whole process of ecological environment governance in real cities to the virtual digital twin world, and can effectively improve the scientific, accurate and efficient decision-making of ecological environment. The governance department can collect the pollution source data, meteorological data and other real world environmental data in real time through the sensing equipment. The digital twin system carries out dynamic monitoring, dynamic description, dynamic prediction, etc. for each entity element of environmental management, grasps the current situation, abnormality and trend of the ecological environment in real time, discovers the relationship and law in the process of environmental change, and supports the environmental decision-making management of relevant departments.

In the Qianxi project practice, based on the digital twin technology of the smart park as the analysis basis of the value chain, Yunlu Technology also partially feeds back the ecological environment governance project itself, making ecological protection the basis of local industrial and economic development, and helping regional development "self circulation".

For example, the project has improved the quality of local tourism, industrial raw material industry and agriculture through the restoration of mine ecology and territorial improvement. For example, the local area has developed a mine ecological park to promote the development of tourism; At the same time, environmental improvement will also help to supplement cultivated land and forest land and promote agricultural development. The tailings shall be properly disposed and re developed without affecting the environment.

At the same time, the project has improved the situation of local water resources through sewage collection and treatment, ecological treatment of rivers and lakes, smart water environment and other measures, further promoted the integration of urban and rural water supply in the area, and become an important foundation for the development of the recycling industrial park and other parks. The industrial park has driven the development of the local economy, and has also become the ecological protection Reliable sources of funds for industrial development.

The mode can be copied and popularized Digitalization becomes the "future pole" of China's economic development

"Although the specific conditions are different in different regions, the logic of digital twins is basically the same when each scene is launched, so the exploration of all scenes can be replicated and promoted in the future." The relevant person in charge of Yunlu Technology said that in addition to Tangshan, Baoding and Shijiazhuang in Hebei, the company will also promote cooperation projects such as digital twins and the construction of the universe in Xinjiang.

Other insiders pointed out that once the digital twin model has formed a mature model that can be replicated, the number of cities to be promoted may accelerate. With the growing demand for the development of smart cities and government digital and intelligent management, governments in many places are seeking cooperation with enterprises with advanced technologies such as digital twins, which means that those with more mature operation modes are likely to take the lead in this blue ocean market.

In the future, with the optimization of the policy environment, the evolution of technology and the gradual maturity of industry standards and systems, the breadth and depth of digital twin application scenarios will be further expanded, promoting the rapid growth of the industry market scale. According to IDC data, the global digital twin market will grow to 26.46 billion dollars by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 38.35% from 2020 to 2025.

In fact, digital twin is not only a technology, but also a new mode of development, a new path of transformation, constantly promoting the reform process of various industries, and will help China's economy to "stabilize growth".

As one of the important technologies in the digital process, the development of digital twins depends on the development of new infrastructure such as the Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing, which means that it puts forward higher requirements for the development of new infrastructure. The vigorous development of digital twins has also brought about the prosperity of industrial enterprises, and a number of related upstream and downstream industrial enterprises are booming. At the same time, digital twins will also be a catalyst for industrial development, which will greatly help improve decision-making efficiency, reduce costs and promote industrial development.

At the same time, digitalization based on new technologies such as digital twins is also considered by the economic circles as the "future pole" of China's economic development. Gartner, an information technology research and analysis company, believes that the current digital twins are at the peak of the expected expansion period. In the five years from 2019, this technology will produce disruptive innovation.

"Digitalization has improved industrial production efficiency, and also promoted the innovation and development of China's advanced technology." Some scholars pointed out that in this process, some enterprises with core leading technologies will continue to grow, which will give China more development advantages in the future world competition. At the same time, around these enterprises, a cross industry "venture capital circle" will also be formed in the future, which will become the "pedal" for China's future economic growth.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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