Are there any series of products of Roman Roland home textiles performing well in the market

2024-01-01 10:24:25   Source: Global franchise network   405 people participated
  • Business scope: home textiles/household products
  • Number of stores: 350
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Home textile products are needed by every family. In order to improve the quality of sleep, people often buy a variety of home textile products. In order to meet the demand of market consumption, it is a home textile brand with many output lines. Roman Roland home textile is one of the brands with good influence. The home textile products it operates have many advantages, such as good quality, affordable prices, etc, Therefore, the sales volume of products has been constantly improving, becoming the brand that entrepreneurs pay attention to. What series of products does Romance Roland Home Textile have? Is the market performing well?

 Romance Roland Home Textile Joined

What series of products does Roman Roland Home Textile have?

Roman Roland Home Textile Co., Ltd. operates a wide range of products, covering thousands of product categories such as kits, quilts, blankets, cushions, furniture clothing and small household products, which can meet the diversified needs of consumers. The company has set up a product R&D team of more than 200 people, and each year it will develop more than 1000 different products. At present, its home textile products range from fun series, color series, luxury series, rhyme series, etc., which are suitable for the needs of consumers of different ages, such as children, young people, middle-aged and elderly people.

 Romantic Roland Home Textile

Does Roman Roland home textile market perform well?

Roman Roland Home Textile has always performed well in the market. Although it is a home textile brand originated in France, since it entered the domestic home textile industry, it has established more than 300 chain stores in more than 20 provinces nationwide, bringing ecological fashion and healthy sleep quality to thousands of families. Now, the headquarters has formed an enterprise integrating spinning, manufacturing, printing and dyeing, production and sales and other diversified fields, with annual product market sales reaching more than 10 billion yuan, covering real estate, energy, home decoration, curtain fabric, etc., and has established two production bases in Suzhou and Taizhou, laying the foundation for product quality.

What series of products does Roman Roland Home Textile have? Is the market performing well? Home textile products are familiar to consumers and have broad prospects in the market. As a brand with good influence in the industry, Roman Roland home textile products meet people's one-stop consumption needs, and it is a brand worthy of entrepreneurs' attention.

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