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Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Prime Minister Orban of Hungary

Source: Xinhua News Agency Time: May 10, 2024

On the afternoon of May 9 local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with Prime Minister Orban of Hungary at the Prime Minister's Palace in Budapest. The leaders of the two countries announced that China Hungary relations will be upgraded to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era.

Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, China Hungary relations are at the best time in history. The China Hungary comprehensive strategic partnership has maintained a high level of development, the political mutual trust between the two countries has been deepening, and cooperation in various fields has achieved fruitful results, setting a model for building a new type of international relations. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, and the development of China Hungary relations ushers in a new important opportunity. The two countries should continue to be good friends of mutual trust and mutual assistance, good partners of win-win cooperation, and take the establishment of all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era as an opportunity to inject new strong impetus into bilateral cooperation and create a better tomorrow for the two peoples.

Xi Jinping stressed that China appreciates Hungary's long-term firm adherence to its friendly policy towards China and its clear and firm support for China on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong and human rights. China firmly supports Hungary's development path in line with its national conditions, and is willing to build political mutual trust with Hungary, strengthen exchanges between the governments, legislative bodies and political parties of the two countries, and continue to firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns. Chinese style modernization will certainly bring more opportunities to countries all over the world, including Hungary. We welcome Hungary to become a partner on the path of Chinese style modernization. China is willing to strengthen the docking of the development strategies of the two countries with Hungary, give full play to the role of the China Hungary intergovernmental "Belt and Road" cooperation committee and other mechanisms, orderly promote cooperation in infrastructure, green energy and other fields, and complete the construction of the Hungary Serbia railway on schedule. Actively expand cooperation in clean energy, artificial intelligence and other emerging fields.

Xi Jinping said that at the beginning of last year, I replied to the students of the Hungarian Chinese Bilingual School to encourage the youth of the two countries to jointly inherit and develop the cause of China Hungary friendship. Both sides should continue to support language teaching and strengthen people to people and cultural exchanges between the two countries. China is willing to strengthen multilateral communication and cooperation with Hungary, advocate an equal and orderly world of multi polarization and inclusive economic globalization, safeguard international fairness and justice, promote global governance towards a more just and reasonable direction, and make positive efforts to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Europe is an important pole in a multipolar world and an important partner in realizing Chinese style modernization. It is hoped that Hungary, as the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of this year, will play a positive role in promoting the healthy and stable development of China EU relations. The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries has a strong endogenous momentum. It is hoped that Hungary will continue to play an important role in promoting the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries to better benefit the people of all countries.

Orban said that he warmly welcomed President Xi Jinping's state visit to Hungary. I still remember your visit to Hungary 15 years ago, and I am glad that our respective countries and Hungary China relations have made great progress in the past 15 years. The success of Hungary China relations proves that large and small countries can respect each other and cooperate mutually. Your visit once again demonstrates the profound friendship and great potential between Hungary and China, which is of great historical significance to Hungary and Hungary China relations. We announced to upgrade the positioning of Hungary China relations to all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era, pointing out the direction for the development of Hungary China relations in the future. I am full of confidence in the future of Hungary China relations.

Orban said that Hungary will not forget China's timely and valuable support when Hungary encounters difficulties, and will continue to be an "iron" friend of China and support China to safeguard its core interests and legitimate rights. Hungary has firmly adhered to the one China principle in the past, present and future. The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" between Hungary and China has achieved great success, creating employment for Hungary and improving people's livelihood. Hungary hopes to continue to promote cooperation with China on large-scale infrastructure projects such as the Hungary Serbia Railway within the framework of the "Belt and Road", strengthen cooperation in economy, trade, new energy and other fields, and welcome more Chinese enterprises to invest and cooperate in Hungary. Hungary does not agree with the so-called "overcapacity" or "risk reduction". Hungary's determination to deepen cooperation with China is unswerving and will not be disturbed by any force. Hungary supports the series of global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping and appreciates the important role played by China in promoting world peace. China's development is an opportunity rather than a risk to Europe. Hungary is willing to strengthen multilateral communication and cooperation with China to jointly safeguard world peace and stability. As the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of the year, Hungary is willing to make positive efforts to promote the healthy development of EU China relations and the cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and China.

The leaders of the two countries exchanged in-depth views on the Ukrainian crisis. Xi Jinping stressed that China has always been committed to promoting peace and talks, and is willing to continue to work with all parties concerned to make positive efforts to achieve peace at an early date.

After the talks, the leaders of the two countries jointly witnessed the exchange of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the areas of jointly building the "Belt and Road", economy and trade, investment, science and technology, culture, agriculture and other fields.

Leaders of the two countries also jointly met with journalists.

The two sides issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and Hungary on Establishing an All weather Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for the New Era and the list of the outcome documents of the visit.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi and others attended the above activities. (Reporter Ni Siyi and Sun Hao)