Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Changping District Market Supervision Bureau held the warning education conference of "taking cases as lessons and promoting reform with cases"

Time: February 1, 2024

On January 23, the Market Supervision Bureau of Changping District held a meeting The warning education conference of "taking the case as a lesson and promoting reform with the case". Li Haibin, Deputy Secretary of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Director of the District Commission for Supervision, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The members of the bureau's leading group, the heads and deputy heads of departments, and representatives of party members and cadres attended the meeting.

The conference focused on watching the warning educational films of typical cases. Du Jianye, the leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Market Supervision Bureau, conveyed the spirit of the warning education conference of the district committee, Notification overall situation Violation of laws and disciplines in 2023. Li Haibin, Deputy Secretary of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Director of the District Commission for Supervision, combined with the case situation of the Market Supervision Bureau, carried out warning education for party members and cadres from the development process of strict governance of the Party since the 18th CPC, the outstanding problems in the construction of clean and honest government at the grass-roots level, and promoting the in-depth development of strict governance of the Party in an all-round way. Finally, Li Xin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Bureau, conveyed the spirit of the warning education conference of the city's market supervision system Market Supervision Authority Analyze the problems of violation of laws and disciplines.

The meeting stressed that, everything We should improve our political position and put the political construction of the Party first. Deeply study and understand Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, recognize the situation of Party conduct, integrity and anti-corruption from the political perspective, and effectively transform the political requirements from external requirements to internal consciousness. Second Strengthen political responsibility and implement "Two responsibilities" strive for effectiveness. The bureau's party group should strictly implement the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, consciously accept the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision group stationed in the market supervision bureau. The agency's discipline inspection commission should give full play to the role of the party's special supervision organ, actively perform the function of supervision and discipline enforcement, and further promote the construction of a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work. Third We should deepen the rectification of Party conduct and discipline, and promote the overall improvement of Party and government conduct. We will continue to deepen the construction of business ethics, deepen and expand innovative measures to optimize approval services, standardize daily supervision, improve law enforcement, and strengthen team building, promote the resolution of regulatory difficulties through business ethics governance, and constantly improve the social recognition and public satisfaction of market supervision. Fourth Adhere to problem orientation and strengthen supervision, discipline and accountability. Continuously carry out regular supervision and inspection, rigorously check and deal with all kinds of problem clues, seriously pursue responsibility and accountability for violations of disciplines and laws, and form a heavy containment, strong pressure, and long-term deterrence Working pattern.