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The theoretical learning center group of the District Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Commission carried out exchanges and discussions on the learning and education of party discipline

Source: District Commission for Discipline Inspection Time: May 21, 2024

Recently, the Changping District Commission for Discipline Inspection held a seminar on theoretical learning center group learning and party discipline learning education. At the meeting, the leading group members of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Commission exchanged speeches in turn in combination with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on discipline building, their own work, and the problems existing in learning and using the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). Xu Hang, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, director of the District Supervision Commission, and secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of the Future Science City (concurrently) presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.


The meeting pointed out that the Regulations are important basic laws and regulations governing the Party. We should have a deep political understanding of the importance of carrying out Party discipline learning and education, conscientiously enhance the consciousness, initiative and firmness of learning, and firmly support the "two establishment" and "two maintenance" with practical actions.

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The meeting stressed that we should study and implement the Regulations with a higher standard and take the lead in learning and observing disciplines. We should really pay attention to our thoughts, put ourselves in the position, give full play to the role of example, work hard on comprehensive and systematic discipline, work hard on highly conscious discipline, and strive to make new progress and improve in consciously observing and maintaining the Party's discipline.

The meeting required that we should base ourselves on our responsibilities and accurately regulate the implementation of discipline. We should strengthen rigid discipline constraints, maintain a strict tone, strict measures, and a strict atmosphere, adhere to the Party spirit, Party conduct, Party discipline, rectification, discipline elimination, and anti-corruption, and earnestly maintain the seriousness and authority of discipline. It is necessary to highlight the flexible temperature of discipline, standardize the use of "four forms", deepen the use of "three distinctions", accurately tolerate and correct mistakes, strictly investigate false accusations and frame ups, and timely clarify and correct names, so as to provide strong backing for cadres to dare to act, encourage cadres to dare to take on responsibilities and actively act, and achieve the organic unity of political effects, disciplinary effects, and social effects.