Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Great Rule of the People, the Great Law of the People, the Great Festival of Establishing the People -- The Honest Culture in Zizhi Tongjian

Source: Learning Times, 1st edition, February 21, 2024 Time: February 21, 2024

Zizhi Tongjian was a general chronicle compiled by Sima Guang at the order of Song Yingzong and Song Shenzong in the Northern Song Dynasty. The Song Shenzong believed that this book "In view of the past, he has the ability to govern the way", and was named "Zizhi Tongjian". The Zizhi Tongjian took 19 years to compile. Sima Guang pointed out in the Jinzizhi Tongjian Table that the compilation of this book was "to cut the length of the book, to give a summary of the key points, to focus on the rise and fall of the country, to make people live in solidarity, to be good for the law, to be evil for the precepts, to be a chronological book, so as to make it orderly, refined and crude", and to select the historical content related to the governance of the country, The core is the way to serve the king and the way to govern. Zizhi Tongjian has been continuously respected since its completion. It is a classic historical work with important reference significance for both governance and self-cultivation.

Such a classic book is very important for both personal quality and official governance "Honesty" naturally gives considerable attention. In ancient China, the original meaning of "honesty" was a correct attitude towards money and benefits. As the ancients said, "It is incorruptible to face great benefits without changing their righteousness." The basic requirement of incorruptibility is not to take unjust gains or covet unjust benefits. This is the basic concept of justice and profit for human beings, and is to do something or not do something under the standards of values. Under the guidance of this view of justice and interests and moral ethics, scholars become officials exercising public power. The basic requirement is to be honest in politics, and then establish a political orientation that can affect the entire political and cultural atmosphere.

In "Zizhi Tongjian", Sima Guang and other editors recorded many people who were honest, self-sufficient and honest in politics in history. For example, Zhidu, an official in the period of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty: "Zhidu is a brave and honest man. He doesn't send private letters and has nothing to ask. Please listen to him." Zhidu is an honest and selfless official. When he was an official in the local area, he never received money or things, nor did he accept private requests. Later, he was transferred to Chang'an as a lieutenant by Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty to be responsible for the safety of the capital. During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Wang Zongbian, the governor of Shu State in the Shu State, said that he resigned quickly. The leader of Shu suspected that he was dissatisfied with his official position, so he gave him a censor general. However, Wang Zongbian refused, saying, "Honest people are not worried about enough, while greedy people are worried about insufficient. My villain, it is enough to get to the top, and how can we make progress!" It shows that he does not seek high positions, and it is his wish to be honest and self-sufficient. The leader of Shu praised his ambition and allowed him to retire. Honesty is opposite to corruption, which means not only property, but also power and social status. The "honesty" that the author of Zizhi Tongjian pays attention to is more related to the understanding and use of power. Such "honesty", honesty and discipline, naturally, is an excellent personal quality, and more importantly, it can have a far-reaching positive impact on political countries.

The first year of Yongshou in the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D In the autumn of 155), part of the southern Huns revolted and attacked Meiji County, and the eastern Qiang also had tribes responding to the uprising. At that time, Zhang Huan had just arrived as the capital of Anding, and there were only more than 200 people in the military camp. But when he got the news, he immediately decided to send troops to cut off the traffic between the South Huns and the East Qiang. As a result, all the eastern Qiang tribes have successively joined in, and the border area has regained peace. The leaders of the Eastern Qiang tribes presented Zhang Huan with 20 horses and 8 pairs of gold earrings. Zhang Huan summoned the leaders of the Eastern Qiang and sprinkled the wine on the ground, saying, "Let the horses be like sheep, so that they cannot enter the stables; let the gold be like millet, so that they cannot enter the bosom." Even if he sent as many horses as sheep and as much gold as grain, he would not accept them, and would return all the gifts. Before that, most of the officials dealing with the East Qiang were greedy for money, which made the Qiang people very distressed. "Ji Huan is clean and dignified." After Zhang Huan took over, he was honest and just, so all the ethnic groups in the border area were convinced, and the government orders and teachings were unimpeded. Zhang Huan returned money and horses, leaving an allusion in history of "returning money by sprinkling wine" and "horses can't enter the stables". His integrity and self-reliance gained the respect of Qiang people, thus realizing effective border governance. It can be said that a clean and honest political career is not only the basic quality of making contributions to the officials, but also the key to achieving the ultimate governance goal of changing customs and carrying out imperial enlightenment. In this sense, the praise of Zhang Huan in Zizhi Tongjian deeply reflects his political perspective of understanding honesty from the starting point of managing the people.

To use power impartially, fairly and sparingly in a selfless manner is to The most "clean". According to Zizhi Tongjian, Cui Yan and Mao Jie were appointed as officials in charge of electing officials in the 13th year of Jian'an (AD 208) of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. They selected people who were honest and pragmatic, and eliminated the flashy people who only talked; Select people who are modest and can tolerate others, and restrain small interest groups who form parties and seek personal gains. All the people in the world encourage themselves with honesty. Even the nobles' favorite ministers dare not go beyond the system in their clothes. The officials wear simple clothes and travel to the government and home by firewood or on foot. The honesty of officials has changed the folk customs. Cao Cao, who was in charge of real power at that time, sighed and said, "What can I do if we use people like this to make people in the world autonomous?" This is the positive force and influence of employment orientation.

On the contrary, it was Feng Dao of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms that Sima Guang used a long time to discuss in Zizhi Tongjian. When Feng Dao was young, he was famous for his filial piety and prudence. He was clean, thrifty and magnanimous. At that time, everyone respected his virtue. According to his personal ability and the evaluation of the people at that time, Feng Dao was indeed a capable minister. However, "Zizhi Tongjian" quoted Ouyang Xiu's evaluation of Feng Dao "Etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and shame are the four dimensions of a country. If the four dimensions are not upheld, the country will perish." Later, it said: "Etiquette and justice are the great way to govern people; shame is the great way to establish people... If you are a minister and take everything and do everything, there will be no chaos in the world, and there will be no perishing in the country. If you read Feng Dao's" Changle Laoxu ", you can see that he is proud of himself, and he can be said that he has no shame, then the world can know it." It is believed that Feng Tao has no basic personal integrity and is a minister without shame. If such a person is in a high position, there is no reason why the country will not fail. Sima Guang agreed with Ouyang Xiu's evaluation of Feng Dao very much, and then elaborated his own views in the classic historical review of Zizhi Tongjian, "Chen Guang Yue". Sima Guang said, "Although there are many talents and talents for being disloyal, it is not expensive to be good at governance and conduct. What is the reason? The big festival has lost its past. The Tao is the prime minister, who has gone through five dynasties and eight surnames. If the rebellious people look at passers-by, the dynasty is the enemy, and the evening is the monarch and minister, they change their words easily, and have never felt ashamed. The big festival is like this, although it is small and good, it is not worth mentioning!" Even though the individual intelligence is enough to be praised, he does not maintain the big festival of people and ministers, What is commendable? Sima Guang then asked, someone said that after the death of the Tang Dynasty, the dynasties changed, and the world was so unpredictable. Changing the monarch was common, and Feng Tao was not alone? He asked himself and replied, "I think that a loyal minister is worried about the public like a family, and I will die in the face of danger. If you have a fault, you will strongly remonstrate and strive, and if the country fails, you will die. If a wise scholar has a morality, he will see it. If the country has no morality, he will hide, or destroy the mountains and forests, or you will travel to lower officials. Today, if the Tao respects and favours, he will be the top three divisions, and if he has power, he will be the top ministers. If the country survives, he will go against the rule, steal a vegetarian meal, and if the country perishes, he will try to avoid it completely, and welcome and persuade. You will rise and fall one after another, and the Tao will be rich and noble and free. This is especially true of treacherous ministers. How can you compare yourself with others! " Sima Guang believes that if the world is full of difficulties, the truly virtuous people can choose to live in seclusion and live in peace and contentment. Feng Dao not only served as an official, but also served as the head of a leading bureaucrat, such as the prime minister. However, he was complacent about his many official years and enjoyed high positions and wealth, which could be said to be a traitor.

"Zizhi Tongjian" will The history of more than 1000 years is condensed into a book of less than 300 volumes, but Sima Guang uses more than 600 words here to comment on Feng Daozhi, which is enough to reflect his strong criticism of the negative impact of Feng Daozhi on history and political culture, and also fully demonstrate the political and cultural significance of "honesty" that Sima Guang and "Zizhi Tongjian" hope to promote. [Author's unit: Teaching and Research Department of Literature and History of the Central Party School (National School of Administration)]