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Changping District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision held the reform work of strengthening discipline inspection and supervision at the grass-roots level and the theme activity of "striving for the first year through hard work" of party members and cadres in the discipline inspection and supervision system of the whole district

Source: District Commission for Discipline Inspection Time: April 11, 2024

four month On the 9th, Changping District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision held a meeting to strengthen the reform of discipline inspection and supervision at the grass-roots level and the party members and cadres of the discipline inspection and supervision system of the whole district Mobilization and deployment meeting for the theme activity of "Striving for the First Year by Doing" Convey and study the spirit of relevant documents of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection on strengthening the discipline inspection, supervision and supervision at the grass-roots level, and inform the reform plan of strengthening the discipline inspection, supervision and supervision at the grass-roots level in our district, as well as the internal institutions and posts of the organs Discipline inspection and supervision Adjustment plan and deployment of group and town street area Whole region Party members and cadres of discipline inspection and supervision system Work related to the theme activity of "Striving for the First Year by Doing". Xu Hang, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, director of the District Supervision Commission, and secretary of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Working Committee of the Future Science City (concurrently), attended the meeting and delivered a speech.


The meeting pointed out that the grass-roots level is the basis and focus of national governance. Supervision is the internal element of governance. In practice, there are many problems in grass-roots supervision, such as insufficient strength, dispersed personnel, and uneven results. We should accurately understand the significance and practical considerations of strengthening the reform of discipline inspection and supervision at the grass-roots level, effectively integrate our thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Municipal Committee, take the reform of discipline inspection and supervision at the grass-roots level as an important opportunity to promote the extension of supervision to the grass-roots level and solve the problems that restrict the practice of supervision at the grass-roots level, consciously think and act in the overall situation, We will further enhance our sense of responsibility and mission for the reform work.


The meeting stressed that we should expand our thinking, innovate measures, and constantly release the reform results to promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision. We should strengthen the concept of overall situation, system and pragmatism, and accelerate the transformation from case investigation to systematic governance, from extensive supervision to precise focus, and from passive implementation to active planning. Different institutions should combine their own responsibilities, explore practical and effective measures and methods, and promote discipline inspection and supervision work to a new level and achieve new results.

The meeting required that discipline inspection and supervision cadres throughout the region should consciously strengthen their political awareness, correctly understand the reform, consciously obey the reform, actively support the reform, implement the reform requirements with concrete actions and actual results, and accept the organizational test. In the reform and Under the double opportunities of the theme activity of "Striving for the First Year by Doing", consolidate the experience and achievements of deepening the theme education, educational rectification, and the theme activities of "Year of Style Construction" and "Year of Capability Improvement", grasp the clear guidance of focusing on practical work, doing practical things, and making real achievements, take the lead in improving ability, improving style, promoting development, and creating first-class, and take the actual effect of reform as an example, Escort the development of the capital and the construction of the "four districts" in Changping in the new era.

Members of the leading group of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the leader and deputy leader of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Inspection, the secretary of the discipline (industry) committees of all towns (streets), the leader of the discipline inspection and supervision teams stationed in the District, the secretary of the discipline inspection and supervision work committee of the organs directly under the District, the cadres at the level of deputy director of the discipline inspection and supervision work committee of the Future Science City, the secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the state-owned enterprises in the District, and the heads of the departments, district groups and affiliated institutions of the organs attended the meeting.