Chasing Dream, Flame Blue, Guarding Thousands of Lights -- On the Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Work of Beijing Tiananmen Fire Rescue Detachment

Chasing Dream, Flame Blue, Guarding Thousands of Lights -- On the Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Work of Beijing Tiananmen Fire Rescue Detachment

Source: China Daily 2023-12-22 10:28
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The fire rescue team is a professional rescue team of the Party and the country to safeguard the people's livelihood and security. As a major force in the fire protection system, the Beijing Tiananmen Fire Rescue Detachment shoulders an important task of fire safety protection. It carries out fire emergency drills and business intensive training all year round, constantly optimizes the emergency plan, conducts monthly fire safety knowledge publicity activities in the area under its jurisdiction, and practices the work principle of prevention first and safety first. In view of the surge in the number of tourists in Tiananmen area during the national major events and holidays, all the officers and men of the Tiananmen Fire Rescue Detachment in Beijing strengthened their patrols and patrols to maintain the safety and stability of Tiananmen area.

The Tiananmen Special Service Station is mainly responsible for the fire safety guarantee of Zhongshan Park, the Workers' Cultural Palace and the Tiananmen Tower, and guarding the fire safety of the surrounding areas of Tiananmen Square.

The picture shows the fire rescue vehicle

The Special Service Station of the National Museum is mainly responsible for fire prevention, major security, anti-terrorism and emergency rescue in the surrounding areas of Tiananmen, such as the Tiananmen Tower and the Great Hall of the People, with the National Museum as the center. With a high degree of political consciousness and mission responsibility, all the officers and men of the National Museum Special Service Station successfully completed major fire security tasks such as the National Two Sessions, the large-scale exhibition on the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and the military parade on the 70th anniversary of the National Day.

The picture shows the beds in the dormitory of fire fighters

The picture shows the Palace Museum Fire Brigade History Hall

The Special Service Station of the Forbidden City is mainly responsible for fire prevention patrol, fire fighting, emergency rescue and social assistance within the Tiananmen area, centering on the World Cultural Heritage Palace Museum. The Special Service Station of the Forbidden City has always conscientiously followed the working standard of "never fail" and made outstanding contributions to maintaining the safety of people's lives and property, maintaining the political stability and social stability of the capital, and ensuring that there are no fire accidents in the world cultural heritage. (Reporter Dang He)

[Editor in charge: Xu Dan]
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