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 Rebirth of concubines to find good people

Rebirth of concubines to find good people Written by Lin Manyi

Closed Shu Jinxuan Cloud Ink White

Updated on: 2021-03-23 17:02:29
"Rebirth of concubines in search of lovers" is a novel of ancient romance type recently created by the author Lin Manyi. The story is very meaningful and worth seeing. Excerpts from the wonderful chapter of "Rebirth of a concubine looking for a good man": How could the fourth young lady who killed the prime minister's house and the third princess who was married by the emperor be bullied and insulted by her husband? She committed suicide with hatred. How could she have expected that God gave her another chance to be reborn? In the past, tenderness turned into steel, killing gods when meeting gods, killing Buddhas when meeting Buddhas, poisoning the stepmother, killing the elder sister of snakes and scorpions, and killing the ungrateful lord... Finally, I can leave freely, but I am followed by a group of beautiful men... What can I do? Who on earth is her lover? The prince of another country who is as gentle as jade? Mysterious young master with dark belly? Flower protector who has been infatuated for ten years? I thought I would never love her in this life, but God still pitied her... Finally, I gave her another good marriage. With so many ups and downs, she was accompanied by a person who loved her more than his own life
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Shu Jinxuan felt that her chest was tight and she wanted to breathe, but she was blocked by something. She was very uncomfortable. In a daze, I slowly opened my eyes.

The scene in front of me is a little vague. In the dim, the red candle burns quietly and clearly disappears. The curtains were so tightly drawn that Shu Jinxuan did not know whether it was day or night outside.

A carved bed with brocade quilts and embroidered quilts. There are small sachets hanging on the bed, spreading a faint fragrance. The light green transparent gauze curtain hangs down, creating a hazy atmosphere.

Where is this? This is not the Three Kings' Mansion at all

Suddenly Shu Jinxuan felt something was wrong. She was uncomfortable, and the place was not right. There was another person's breath beside her. What was wrong with her?

"...... Who are you? Where is this......" Shu Jinxuan's crying voice kept ringing in the room of Nuoda, and tears fell to the ground one by one like broken beads.

At this time, her clothes were broken, and she was almost the last step. She shook her body uneasily, as if she was facing the most terrible thing.

"Little beauty, why are you shy? Here I come...", the man's voice.

Tears blurred her vision, like the flood flowing out of the gate, who can tell her what all this is for?

Shu Jinxuan's crying did not stop the man's action, but his pitiful appearance aroused his twisted behavior even more.

How could she not know her situation, but now she has no way to solve it for herself. She makes a weak cry, but that's all she can do.

"Don't... please let me go..." Shu Jinxuan felt extremely sick with the undisguised greedy eyes of a strange man.

The man didn't stop.

At this time, the brain is blank, leaving only endless shame and despair. Shu Jinxuan stared at the man in front of her with big eyes in panic. Her beautiful face was full of tears and she tried to struggle, but because she did not know when she was drugged, she was powerless and had to bite the man's arm.

She bit so hard that the man could not help but feel pain. The room was so quiet that the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point. Suddenly, the man grabbed Shu Jinxuan's hair, rounded his arm and shook his hand, which was a slap. With a crisp sound, he hit Shu Jinxuan far away, and his thin body fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

The man was so angry that he said: "How dare you bite me?! You * *, do you still think you are the third princess of noble status? The prince has given you to me, and now you are not as good as a prostitute! Don't toast, don't eat and punish!"

Suddenly, stars appeared in Shu Jinxuan's eyes, and a bloody smell came out of her mouth. Bright red blood slowly flowed down her mouth, and her right face suddenly became swollen.

**Spicy's face was suddenly cold and cold. She felt her cheek, warm and wet, and cried. When did she cry... Like a porcelain doll, she looked ahead and let the tears rage, blurring her vision.

Lan Fengyi, why should he? Hurt her again and again? What did she do wrong? Why did he treat her like this?

Since he didn't love her, why didn't the emperor refuse to marry her? Since she is not the one on his heart, why not give her a letter of divorce earlier? Why torture her so

Warm tears with incomparable grievances rage on her swollen face, and she looks at the devil like man in front of her with hatred.

"Go away, don't come here again!" Shu Jinxuan raised her head and screamed with resentment.

"Little beauty, I advise you to be obedient and treat me well, so I can't treat you when I'm comfortable!" The man's face is full of flesh and still has an unabated sense of meanness, and he is approaching Shu Jinxuan step by step.

The fat body of the man came closer and closer: "Why not follow me to eat delicious food and drink spicy food? It's better to suffer with the Third Lord, isn't it?"

Shu Jinxuan tried to resist the bloody impulse in her throat, slowly raised her pale face, stared at the high ranking minister in front of her, and said, "You say, the lord gave me to you?"

The man was stunned. He thought Shu Jinxuan had changed his mind and said quickly, "Of course you were given to me by the lord, otherwise your three concubines, I wouldn't have the courage to take you from the palace."

Hearing the man's words, she still felt a pain in her heart... She thought that even if Lan Fengyi didn't love her anymore, she would not abuse her so much. Unexpectedly, she underestimated Lan Fengyi's ruthlessness

"Hehe, do you want to get me?" Shu Jinxuan asked in a quiet voice, as if the weakness in her eyes had been replaced by coldness.

The bloodless face smiled faintly, like a ray of sunshine in the dark night, making people unable to move their eyes.

"As long as you really follow me, I will treat you no worse than the Third Lord!" The man immediately swore.

"Ha ha, want me? In the next life!" Suddenly, Shu Jinxuan pushed the man in front of her like crazy, and hit the pole beside her hard

Shu Jinxuan slowly slid to the ground... Her face was red and pale.

The man was suddenly knocked to the ground by Shu Jinxuan. Before he regained consciousness, he saw that the beauty had become a cold corpse. He opened his mouth in disbelief for a long time before closing it.

"It's really unlucky that a good little beauty died like this!" As Shu Jinxuan was determined to die, the man was hit so hard that he stood up and shouted to the outside, "Come on, drag this woman out and bury her!"

Hearing the man's order, a group of servants immediately pushed the door and entered.

To the eye, the room was full of chaos, and a pool of shocking blood was emitting ferocious light against the candlelight.

Shu Jinxuan's glistening tears were still wet, and her delicate cheeks were pale and bloodless, just like dead ash. What is more shocking is that the bleeding wound on the woman's forehead is like a blooming mandala full of enchantment

At the moment when I hit the pillar with all my strength, I only saw red in front of me. She felt no pain, only tired, so she slowly closed her eyes

But the smile on the corner of his mouth was unstoppable:

Lan Fengyi, you once said that even if you don't love me, you will not let me go, and you will also imprison me by your side and torture me until death... Hehe, now as you wish, are you satisfied when I die?

"Wedge" in the novel "Rebirth of concubines to find a good man" ends at the end of the trial reading.