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 Xu Laishi Gives the rest of his life

Xu Laishi Gives the rest of his life Liu Lanruo finds

Serials The night stars admire the flowing wine cups

Updated on: October 12, 2019 15:24:23
The novel whose main character is Yexingermu Liuwu is called "Xu Laishi Gives the Rest of Life". It is a novel written by Liu Lanruoxian, the author of the novel. The love story in the novel is beautiful and pure, with excellent writing style. It is highly recommended. A wonderful passage of the novel for trial reading: a bloodthirsty murder ends a relationship that has not yet begun. A move to rebirth, renew the previous relationship, and work together to abuse scum men! I thought that I had always loved my good boyfriend, but I was cheated to the ship on my birthday and abused to death. When I was dying, I let other men bully her. After rebirth, I thought I would never love again in this life except revenge, but I found a powerful man put his picture in his wallet and called himself "the only wife"
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"Feng Lishi, you'd better check more information before you speak."

Ye Xing'er knew that Feng Cheng would never easily admit what she had done, so she investigated a lot of materials that could convince him in the morning, and now she threw them directly in his face,

Feng Cheng hesitates and reaches for something on the table.

Every item and column, all the things about his embezzlement of public funds are clearly recorded. In this case, even if he wants to explain, he can't say a word.

"Feng Lishi, is there anything you don't understand?"

The night star only sneered when she saw him like this.

"Well... Miss Ye, I don't quite understand what you mean by coming to me now. To be honest, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with you."

Feng Cheng wants to say that Ye Xing'er is meddling.

However, the result of what he said was that he saw the other side sneer and looked at him with more disdain.

"You seem to have forgotten something."

Feng Cheng's heart thumped when he heard Yan, and he already knew what the other party was going to say next.

"As I own 15% of the company's shares, I'm not a big shot. But one thing is that I'm the head of the inspection team in name. Have I not been out for so many years that Feng Lishi forgot about it?"

What the night star said is true.

Feng Cheng's mouth twitched, as if trying to explain himself. Then he saw that Ye Xing'er had already arrived at the door.

Standing behind her, he clenched his fists and regretted something he had done before.

If he knew that she would wake up later, he should use some other means!

"Feng Lishi?"

It seems that Ye Xing'er feels the anger behind Feng Cheng. She suddenly turns around. The other party has no time to hide her feelings, so Ye Xing'er can see it clearly.

"People always know what they have done, right?"

The night star let his body froze with a word, only clenched his fists, and did not say a word for a long time.

Does that mean she already knows?

In the days of rebirth, Yexing'er remembers every night why he appeared in the dusty room and why he was suffocated to death.

She still remembered that the night owl had entertained the company's top management at home that day, and the servants were busy greeting the company's people, so they ignored her.

When all human affairs are connected into a line, the truth of the matter will also surface.

Feng Cheng's current reaction can explain some problems.

"A council will be held at three o'clock in the afternoon, and you must remember to attend!"

Ye Xing'er said directly, ignoring Feng Cheng, who was still a little confused.

This council was convened by her, mainly for Feng Cheng's business.

Muriu cup said that he wanted to set an example to others. The night star came to try this trick.

The members of the council are a group of people who can see the situation. Ye Xing'er has got a lot of evidence about what is going on, and there are few people who can help Feng Cheng speak in the conference hall.

The night owl has been sitting in the main seat all the time, looking at the popular appearance of night star Raleigh, and he is smiling happily.

I have to say that this girl grows much faster than he imagined.

"Since you all have no opinions on the decision of this meeting, let's call it a day."

The meeting was presided over by Ye Xing'er, who even ended the meeting.

She looked at the owl as if she wanted to see what he was thinking, but she saw that the other party was just sitting quietly and did not speak.

After the meeting. There are many people who come to flatter Ye Xing'er, and her identity is gradually known by more and more people in the company.

"Night Manager..."

Lily was standing at the door at this time, looking rather embarrassed.

Night Star is not stingy, just nods to let her in.

Lily is also the first person who disagrees with her in the company. It is because of her that Yexing'er's work in the planning department is not smooth.

Now that things are almost back on track, she will not retaliate against Lily.

"Night Manager, this is for you."

In the office, before Lily could speak, a man suddenly came in at the door again.

She could not help frowning when she saw a big bunch of flowers in his arms.

What's going on here?

"No, you don't have to..."

Her first reaction was that the subordinates in the company did it to apologize for what happened a few days ago.

But when she saw the card in the bouquet, she suddenly understood.

"To my dearest fairy..."

Just looking at this, the night star has already felt some nausea, and when she saw the sign clearly, she was even more angry and shivering.

Love your summer best?

This result is really haunting!

The night star bit his teeth and was even more unhappy.

"Night manager, how are you?"

Lily has stood beside her for a long time. She also clearly sees that the face of Ye Xing'er is getting worse and worse. She can't help leaning over and asks nervously.

The result is a response from the night star.


It's said that it's OK, but one person's expression can't deceive others

Lily originally wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to the night star, but now she dare not.

"Inform the department that the meeting will be held in half an hour."

After the completion of a phase, there should be a new atmosphere in the department and the company. Ye Xing'er wants to use this meeting to re divide the division of labor in the department.


After all, Ye Xing'er is a highly educated person. In addition to inheriting the excellent genes of Ye Family, he still has the experience of Xia Yexing in his last life, and in addition to the management knowledge he has learned, he handles the company's affairs in an orderly manner, and Ye Family is gradually on the right track.

But in two weeks, no one in the company dared to underestimate this girl.

However, one thing that made her very unhappy was that summer flowers were sent every day.

She has refused many times, but the other party doesn't feel any trouble at all.

In order to prevent him from blocking her at the company gate, Yexing'er wanted to use a special driver instead of a driver at the beginning.

The things she did in Yeshi have naturally been known by another person.

After listening to George's report, he could not help but raise his mouth. He seemed very satisfied with the situation at this time.

"Unexpectedly, this little girl is really powerful. It seems that President Ye has a good eye. If she tells you..."

Before George finished speaking, he looked up and saw Mu Liuwu's serious expression. He immediately swallowed his words back.

The trial reading of Chapter 18 of the novel "Xu Laishi Gives the Rest of His Life" ends.