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 No more days and nights

No more days and nights The Moon

Closed Ji Shu Lu Jing

Updated: 2024-05-26 12:27:38
Under the pen of the moon, No More Day and Night has become a fascinating modern romantic work. The fate of Ji Shu and Lu Jing, the protagonist, is strange and tortuous. Through a unique perspective and wonderful plot, it causes readers to think deeply about human nature and destiny. This book is famous for its exciting narrative style and colorful emotional description. Five years ago, I saved Lu Jing from a car accident. But we lost our children and the right to become mothers. He swore to God that he would never repay me. Five years later, I watched him embrace other women sweetly and enter the obstetrics department. They came to the hospital with the expectation of new life. I came to the hospital to witness my own death..
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On the phone, the doctor said to me: "The cure rate is much higher now than in the early years. You must not give up."

This news, to me, is like a desperate situation.

If I can live If I can live

I murmured this little hope and struggled to go to the hospital.

Sitting in the taxi, I looked out of the window at the dead trees beside the green belt. When the red light stopped, I saw a little green bud growing at the foot of a dead tree. The new shoots are trembling, and in the reinforced concrete city, they are full of unusual vitality.

The taxi stopped at the hospital and I hurried to the consulting room.

When climbing the stairs, I accidentally sprained my foot, but I didn't feel pain. I soon arrived at the consulting room.

On the way, I even calculated the balance in my account

Chemotherapy, surgery and postoperative recuperation are a lot of money.

However, when I entered the consulting room, the doctor was disappointed.

At that moment, the doctor's words fell on my ears like a hammer.

He said, "The people with matching styles have been taken away."

He sighed, as if to sigh about my life: "Someone is ahead of you."

At that moment, I felt that my ankle, which I had just sprained, suddenly hurt like a drill in the heart.

I limped out of the consulting room. My feet hurt so that I could not stand up at all. I had to squat at the door of the consulting room.

Great sadness accumulates in the heart, the ear seems to hum, and the blood seems to be countercurrent in the blood vessels.

I feel cold all over.

The door of the consulting room next door was pushed open, and the wind made my face cold. I touched my face, which was wet.

The greatest tragedy is not falling into the abyss.

Instead, give you hope and take it away.

I don't know how much more pain the world will give me.

I was overwhelmed by great sadness. At that moment, I really didn't want to live.

Instead of being played with by fate and floating between life and death, death can at least obtain eternal peace.

However, at this time, a childish voice sounded in my ears.

"Auntie, do you also come to see a doctor?"

I looked up. It was a bald little girl. Chemotherapy had made her lose all her hair, and her face was sickly pale.

She held a lollipop in her hand and handed it to me: "This candy is for you. After eating it, it will not hurt so much."

I took the sugar and my tears became more turbulent.

The little girl's mother told me that when they got the right fit, they would start the operation soon.

I touched the little girl's head.

If I could give birth to that child, I would be so old this year.

If I could give birth to that child, wouldn't I be alone now?

"Auntie, you also need to refuel." Before the little girl left, she clenched her fist at me.

The corners of my lips curved, as if I had drawn a little hope of life from a strange place.

Survival is a human instinct engraved in genes.

The instinct of life makes me want to live.


After returning home, I began to inquire about people in various ways, hoping to get information about the type matching person.

The doctor said that there was an important person who jumped in the queue and took away my model person and protected it closely.

It is said that the operation of the other party will be carried out abroad, so domestic hospitals have not received specific information.

I withdrew all the money from my account and asked the detective company to inquire about the person's information.

I think that if I can, I can also extend my life as much as possible to see if the other person can do a second match.

There is still a faint hope in my heart, like a flickering flame in the cold wind.

Finally, an investigation report was put on my desk.

The detective's eyes were full of sympathy.

I took the thin paper that decided my life and death.

After reading the survey report carefully, I felt that my eyes were a little blurred.

It turns out that the matchmaker was taken away by Lu Jing.

The paper fell to the ground weakly.

The faint flame in my heart seemed to be extinguished in an instant.

The trial reading of the novel No More Days and Nights is over.