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 After her rebirth, Princess Hua became her best friend with Zhen Huan

After her rebirth, Princess Hua became her best friend with Zhen Huan A masterpiece

Closed Songzhi Nianshilan

Updated on: April 5, 2024 15:06:12
After the rebirth of Concubine Hua and Zhen Huan, the book was written anonymously very well. The story of each character, such as Song Zhinian and Shilan, was very clear, and the content was wonderful, which was worth reading. Introduction to "Concubine Hua and Zhen Huan became friends after her rebirth"? I can't remember. In short, I was dismissed by myself within a few days
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As soon as Nian Shilan left here, Huanbi and Liuzhu came in quickly.

"Little Lord, what did Princess Hua say?"

Liuzhu was always straightforward, so she asked anxiously.

"Who knows my illness?"

Zhen Huan thought that although she was very careful at ordinary times, it seemed that as long as she listened to Nian Shilan's meaning, it would not be difficult to find the clue.

But she didn't mention it to anyone.

"At ordinary times, the medicine was made by Liuzhu and me, without anyone else's hands. Apart from Lord Wen, only the three of us know about it, not even Huigui."

Huanbi thought about it carefully and made sure they hadn't told anyone, "Did Princess Hua find anything?"

When Liuzhu heard that Concubine Hua knew it, he quickly turned back and closed the door.

"Although Princess Hua found something strange about my illness, she did not blame me."

Zhen Huan didn't know what she was thinking, but she seemed to be talking to herself.

"I doubt the people in our palace."

Liuzhu thought it was the rumor that someone was walking in the palace. Her sister's first suspicion was Cui Jinxi.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Huan shook her head: "No, except for the two of you, Jin Xi, Pei Er and Xiao Yunzi in our palace. Other people can't reach me at all, so I'm worried about you."

"Little Lord, but these three are also from the palace."

In fact, Huan Bi has a reason to worry. After all, except Huan Bi and Liu Zhu, who grew up with Zhen Huan, others are not credible.

However, Zhen Huan didn't listen. She sighed and said, "I'm afraid that Princess Hua came more often. She has lived in the palace for a long time, and she already knows this kind of thing. So if you pay attention, you can understand the real problem. Otherwise, why does Sister Mei come often, but she doesn't know?"

After hearing Zhen Huan's words, Liuzhu and Huanbi also breathed a sigh of relief, but then they thought that Anlingrong and Fang Chunyi also often came. Although Anlingrong was timid and shy, he was always careful, and could not help but become suspicious.

Fang Chunyi, on the other hand, used to think that she was young and innocent, without much thought. But just now, Fang Chunyi's performance, together with Shilan's advice last year, has changed the impression of her.

Liuzhu and Huanbi looked at each other, and it was obvious that they both thought of it.

But how can Zhen Huan think of the problems that both of them can think of.

"First thing tomorrow morning, let's go to Doctor Wen."

Zhen Huan thought for a moment and said firmly, "It seems that peace is doomed,

Then it can't be delayed any more. "

When Shilan returned to the palace in, she had people prepare water for bathing.

By the time she returned to the bedroom, Zhou Ninghai had already returned.

"What does that say?"

Nian Shilan knew that the empress dowager had dealt with Yu Ying'er in the previous life, and the emperor knew that the empress dowager had sent Yu Ying'er away, so the emperor didn't have much to do with it. But it didn't take long for Yu Ying'er to be favored again.

If she hadn't touched Zhen Huan and been seen by the emperor, she would not have been abolished so easily.

"The emperor ordered Xinchang to be released and pacified."

Zhou Ninghai wanted to laugh when he thought that the queen could not maintain her dignity when she heard that the emperor had not punished Yu Ying'er, but she had to pretend to be virtuous.

"The emperor ordered, what about the queen? Didn't he say anything?"

Nian Shilan smiled sarcastically. Seeing Zhou Ninghai's expression, he knew where things could be so simple.

"There was nothing to say. As soon as Chunchang finished speaking, the empress told the emperor that Yu promised to sing at midnight. Six Palaces had already had a lot of dissatisfaction, so Xinchang was angry in her heart, and the two would have conflicts."

Zhou Ninghai looked at Nian Shilan's expression and then said, "But the emperor said that he likes to listen to Kunqu Opera recently, and the empress didn't speak anymore."

Yes, what are you talking about? The emperor said that he likes listening to it recently, and I will sing it only when I promise. The emperor is willing to listen whether he really listens or not, but this is obvious protection. If you say more, the emperor will not listen.

"Hehe, this is a trick used by the queen."

Nian Shilan's smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes at all: "I'm afraid the queen will have a fit tomorrow and can't see anyone. It's all right, my palace needs a rest."

Nian Shilan asked Song Zhi to turn off the lights in the palace and lie down to rest.

The queen is doomed to be unable to sleep tonight, and tomorrow morning, this matter will spread all over the harem. The queen will certainly pretend to be ill.

I just don't know whether the empress dowager will do anything.

At the thought of the queen's anger, Nian Shilan felt much better. She should have a good sleep and watch tomorrow's jokes.

As expected, the next morning, before Nian Shilan got up, Songzhi came in and said that someone had come to Jingren Palace. She said that the Empress had a bad attack, which saved the little Lord's peace.

Nian Shilan disdains her mouth and says, "Who is the doctor in Jingren Palace at this time?"

"I've inquired about it. It's said that Concubine Qi and Chun are always here."

Song Zhi has inquired, although Jingren Palace has just informed everyone

But it seems that Concubine Qi and Chun Chang knew about it long ago, so they were already in Jingren Palace.

"Where is the emperor?"

Nian Shilan thought that the emperor was resting in Jingren Palace last night? It's impossible not to know that the Queen is ill?

"The emperor returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation last night."

It turns out that the emperor was stirred up by Xin Chang and Yu Ying'er last night, and the queen said that Six Palaces had complaints about Yu Ying'er. She wanted to stay, but she was upset for a while and went back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation directly.

"If you go to the Shoukang Palace and go back to the Empress Dowager, you will say that I caught a cold last night. I'm afraid I might have passed the illness to her old man, so I don't need to ask for help today. I will go to make amends to her old man tomorrow, and then I will send Jiang Taiyi."

Nian Shilan thought about last night. The empress dowager will know later. If the empress dowager asks herself to deal with Yu Yinger, it's not to offend people and not to please them. She might as well be ill. She is not inferior to her anyway.

Although the people in the harem don't have to say hello, they heard that the queen is ill. Who can not go to have a look.

Even if she can't wait on her illness, she must let the empress know that she has been here, so Feng Ruozhao and Shen Meizhuang also passed early.

However, when we arrived at Jingren Palace, Jian Qiu said that Chunchang was now at the hospital, and Princess Qi had gone back. Other little masters also came, but the empress let them go back first.

"The Empress has told me that all the young masters should go back to the palace to have a rest. In the afternoon, You An Chang will be at the hospital. If the Empress is not good tomorrow, you will be told to take turns to wait on the patients."

Shen Meizhuang felt something wrong when listening to Jian Qiu's words.

In the afternoon, it was not proper for An Ling to wait for the doctor, but it was said that after all, the queen would keep whoever she wanted.

But now Chunchang is in charge of the disease, but she asks Concubine Qi to go back.

Chun is often at this age. Does she care for diseases? She is still a child herself.

Feng Ruozhao saw that Shen Meizhuang had been thoughtful after hearing what Jian Qiu said, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's OK. I was just thinking, I heard that Princess Hua is also ill. Would you like to go and have a look at her later?"

Shen Meizhuang laughed at Feng Ruozhao's words and said, "Why don't you come with me?"

"Yes, Concubine Hua has always been in excellent health. She is also ill this time for some reason. My palace is also thinking of going to have a look. Let's go there together."

Feng Ruozhao just didn't go to see Nian Shilan after she was sealed up. She knew that she must be related to Nian Shilan when she was sealed up. Otherwise, she would not be so quick. She just went to thank Nian Shilan.

The novel After the Rebirth of Concubine Hua and Zhen Huan Became a Girlfriend, after the rebirth of Concubine Hua and Zhen Huan became a Girlfriend. The trial reading of chapter 26 of the txt novel is over.