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 Langhuan Palace

Langhuan Palace The spring light is shaking

Closed Shen Weilan, Xiao Chongyi

Updated on: 2023-09-05 14:10:05
The main character of the novel is Shen Weilan and Xiao Chongyi. The novel is called "Lang Huan Palace". It is an ancient romantic novel created by the author Chun Guangyao. The book mainly tells us that it is mid spring, when the wind is peaceful and the peach blossom is in order. At night, a tall official ship was sailing along the water in the moonlight. Five young women were standing on the railing at the bow of the boat, talking with the babbling sound of water when the boat was rowing. "What does the Prince look like?" "You can see it tomorrow. What's there to guess?", He lowered his voice and said to the others, "Did you hear that? The one woke up today." The other people's eyes darkened and looked at the bright window. Among them, a bright woman sneered. "I fainted as soon as I got on the boat. I thought she was useless."
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Chapter Preview

It is midspring, when the wind is pleasant and the peach blossom is in season.

At night, a tall official ship was sailing along the water in the moonlight.

Five young women were standing on the railing at the bow of the boat, talking with the babbling sound of water when the boat was rowing.

"What does the Prince look like?"

"I can see it tomorrow. What can I guess?"

"Just worry about..."

Someone reached out and pinched the girl's delicate face

"Don't laugh at me, sister!"

While talking and laughing, someone caught a glimpse of the candlelight lighting up in a cabin on the second floor. His expression changed slightly, and he lowered his voice to the rest of the people: "Did you hear that? That one woke up today."

The other people's eyes darkened, and they also looked at the bright window.

Among them, a bright woman sneered.

"I fainted as soon as I got on the boat. I thought she was useless."

"I don't believe there is such a coincidence. I want to see the Crown Prince right away. It will be all right now."

"Is she pretending to be ill?"

"Shen has an outstanding appearance. He is conceited that he can be favored by the Crown Prince, so he is too lazy to deal with us vulgar fans."

The person who said this was a kind of weak, but it happened that such a light sentence came out and immediately aroused a thousand feet of waves in the hearts of the other three people.

There was silence for a long time, and someone said reluctantly, "She is really beautiful. If we go to the Eastern Palace together, I'm afraid she is the most eye-catching."

The sixth day of May is the birthday of today's prince.

On the advice of the Queen, the prefect of Yangzhou selected six beauties from the misty and rainy places in the south of the Yangtze River to go to Beijing and sent the official ship north to congratulate the prince on his birthday.

"Such a pretentious gesture may not win your highness's attention." Someone gnashed his teeth and said, "You don't know that her parents died early, and Donggong won't stay with such a tough guy."

Behind me, there was a sound of opening the window.

The girls looked back and saw a beautiful girl in a single dress standing at the window.

The woman didn't even look at the girls at the bow, looking at the scene of the moon shining on the river.

She was much thinner than when she first boarded the ship. Her thin single clothes were also very loose, and her sleeves were gently swaying in the wind.

The moonlight covered her pale skin with a light halo, making her look dim and fragile, as if she would be broken at the touch.

When she appeared, several women in the bow were embarrassed.

In any case, it is disgraceful to say bad things and get caught.

The most arrogant one still held his head high: "What are you afraid of?"

This provocative remark did not provoke any reaction from the other side.

On the contrary, the woman by the window still looked at the distance, and her eyes did not stop on them for a moment.

Someone whispered, "It's late at night. Let's go back to the house and have a good spirit before we meet your highness."

"That's right."

A few women echoed and waved their fans back to the cabin.

The official boat quieted down.

Yazhu, the servant girl, went to the window and said to the stunned woman, "Don't let these gossip get into your heart. When you arrive at the East Palace tomorrow, you will surely be able to stay."

leave behind?

Shen Weilan returns to herself a little and turns her eyes to Yazhu beside her.

Yazhu was staring at her. Seeing that she looked different, she worried: "It's cool at night. Don't stand here to blow."

She involuntarily closed the window and helped Shen Weilan to sit beside the couch.

The official ship went north and was selected by the Eastern Palace. Everything made her very uneasy.

Also extremely...... Afraid.

Twenty days ago, she was sent to Yangzhou Wharf by her family. Soon after boarding the ship, she fell ill. She fell asleep all day long, sweating heavily, tears on her face, and fever all over her body.

The boatmen all said that the local conditions were not suitable, so they poured a lot of potions into her, but it didn't help.

Until this afternoon, Shen Weilan suddenly opened her eyes and had more memories in her mind - she had spent her life in a dream.

I thought I had a long dream in my sleep for more than ten days, but what I saw and heard just now is too coincidental.

"The girl's hands are so cold." Yazhu is still worried.

It's not cold at night at this time. Shen Weilan's hands and feet are cold, and she is obviously still ill.

"After drinking the brown sugar water, you should have a rest earlier, girl," Yazhu comforted. "The maidservant and the steward have inquired about it. Once they arrive in the capital, they will go to the East Palace immediately. It will be decided tomorrow. You must keep your spirits up."

Seeing that Shen Weilan's eyebrows were full of sadness, Yazhu hurriedly changed her tongue: "They were unconvinced when they said that. Girls don't need to take it seriously."

Shen Weilan is really worried.

But what worried her was not the ridicule and ridicule of those women.


The clothes they were wearing, the waving fan in their hands, the words they said, and even the eyes that the woman looked at her when she provoked... all matched the dream.

Is it not a dream?

But the life she has experienced?


The Shen Family is very famous in Jiangnan. Several Jinshi came from their ancestors.

The Shen family is famous for its studies. But in the past 20 years, the Shen family's children have failed in scientific research, and only Shen Weilan's father has been chosen as an example.

It was only a short time after the victory that my father died suddenly. My mother was exhausted and died after several years of illness.

Since then, Shen Weilan has no father or mother and is dependent on her uncle's family.

When she was eighteen years old, I expected my uncle to find a good marriage for her, but he didn't want to take her to Yangzhou Yamen.

Shen Weilan's rise and fall were brilliant and difficult to describe. She was immediately favored by the magistrate and sent to the capital as a gift to celebrate the 19th birthday of the crown prince Xiao Chongyi, and finally stayed in the Eastern Palace.

Xiao Chongyi was the crown prince. Before he reached the weak crown, he was ordered by the emperor to take charge of political affairs and decide the overall situation of the court.

His bone looks clear and beautiful, and he is married. From his appearance alone, he is enough to make most girls love him.

However, he kept his nose clean and did not approach women. Rao Shi, the concubines of the Eastern Palace, fought to death to make him happy, but no one got his favor.

Shen Weilan admires him silently.

Until he was deposed as a commoner and wandered into the street, Shen Weilan clearly gained freedom, but refused to leave. She summoned up the courage to say the first word to him.

She is willing to accompany him, spend the rest of her life with him, and taste the joys and sorrows together.

He has always been superior. Since he was dismissed as a commoner, she still respected him, feared him and loved him.

She doesn't care about freedom, she just wants Xiao Chongyi.

At that time, Xiao Chongyi's eyes hesitated, looked at her for a long time, and finally nodded.

Shen Weilan found a small house in the mean lane. It was a bit shabby, but it was their place of residence and home.

There is a powder shop at the entrance of the alley. The landlady saw Shen Weilan's skin was as delicate as grease, and the powder was as smooth as grease. She hired her to attract business in the shop.

Shen Weilan lives by earning money from this job. It's hard and tiring.

But she has Xiao Chongyi around.

She indulged in his eyes that hid feelings, which was a kind of contentment that was better than living in luxury, and better than the fusion of blood and bone.

Later, Xiao Chongyi became the crown prince again and returned to the Eastern Palace. When deciding on the choice of the crown princess, he insisted on appointing Shen Weilan as the crown princess despite the opposition of the emperor and empress.

She thought that she finally had a place in his heart.

But there are more and more concubines in the Eastern Palace, and the times to see him are less and less.

It was only then that he knew that his usual silent eyes would show tenderness to other women.

What is Shen Weilan?

She is the prince and concubine with gold and jade, and she is the dignified and generous wife of the Eastern Palace.

The highest is the bright moon, and the most intimate is the estranged husband and wife.

She gradually drifted away from Xiao Chongyi, and finally understood that the company in the mean lane was what she desperately sought, and never what Xiao Chongyi wanted.

It was gratitude, a gift of gratitude, not love that made her the crown princess.

When she was discouraged, Shen Weilan suddenly fell ill.

The disease is strange. The imperial doctor can't detect any abnormal pulse, but he often has hemoptysis in the late night.

She knew someone was harming her and wanted to investigate thoroughly, but Xiao Chongyi scolded her for her mischief and ordered her to think about her mistakes behind closed doors.

The deadline is coming. She goes out in the middle of winter in the snow. She wants to see him again and ask him if he is guilty.

However, standing in front of him, before he could speak, he fell into the snow.

At the end of the memory, there are snowflakes flying all over the sky, arrogant concubines wrapped in fox fur, and Xiao Chongyi, who is suddenly pale.

At that moment, the majesty and determination of the Crown Prince and the demeanor of his family were gone, and his eyes were flustered, confused and bewildered.


People are gone. Who can see this gesture?

The first chapter of the novel Lang Huan Palace, Shen Weilan, Xiao Chongyi, ends the trial reading of the birth of the prince.