Staff Management Rules of Teahouse

2014-02-20 14:59:15   Source: China Franchise Network   6020 people participated
  • Business Scope: Teahouse
  • Number of stores: 480
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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"Iron camp, flowing soldiers." People use this sentence to vividly describe the situation of soldiers moving like passers-by. Now, this situation is reappearing in some teahouses. Some teahouse managers complain that the mobility of employees is too high, "coming and going in a hurry", which has a negative impact on the development of teahouses.  

In the process of communicating with the managers of the teahouse, the reporter heard from time to time that "good employees are hard to find", "employees can't stay" and other angry words. Why can't some teahouses let employees stop and work at ease? The reporter learned that the main reason for the frequent turnover of teahouse staff is the teahouse itself, and of course, a small part of the factors are from the staff.  

At present, the reasons for the frequent "job hopping" of teahouse staff mainly focus on four aspects. In the first place, the treatment is too low. According to the reporter, in the teahouse in Beijing, the lower salary is only eight or nine hundred yuan, which is not as good as that of a waiter in a medium and high-grade restaurant. The staff of teahouses with higher salaries are relatively stable. The reporter has seen the staff salary table of Beijing Luyu Mingyuan Teahouse. The average salary of the staff here is about 300 discounts. Since its opening, the staff has not lost much, on the contrary, the staff is still expanding. Haiya Tea House in Tianjin is an industry leader in the local area. The average salary of its employees is about 120 preferential, which is above the average level in the industry. Therefore, the staff members are relatively stable. Under competitive market conditions, price is the baton, always playing the role of allocating labor resources.  

Secondly, some teahouses do not respect their employees enough. The staff of the teahouse not only need reasonable salary, but also need to be respected. However, some managers ignore this point and regard employees as passive executors. They rigidly assign tasks without asking each other's ideas. In the long run, employees will become more passive and boring in their work due to the lack of sense of participation, and gradually form a tendency to slack off until they choose to leave. A reporter once chatted with an employee who once worked as a tea artist. She said: "The service industry has to accept various' criticisms' from customers. Sometimes it is very aggrieved, but usually the boss does not ask Qinghong to scold, so it is unbearable to resign."

In addition, today's tea house industry is at a turning point, and the whole industry has bid farewell to the era of rich cash registers. The overall depression of this industry has restricted the improvement of employee treatment, which makes the treatment of employees fall instead of rising. However, the low salary and inability to retain the staff with both ability and integrity will directly affect the improvement of the service quality and management level of the teahouse. The service quality of the teahouse also affects its operation. This is a relationship of mutual influence, and we must be alert to its formation of a vicious circle.  

How to retain the staff, especially the backbone, is the primary problem in the development of teahouses. The reporter interviewed several qualified teahouses, and they summarized some experience in maintaining staff stability.  

"The priority to prevent excessive staff turnover is at the 'entrance gate'. When recruiting, we should make a comprehensive evaluation and select people who are interested in tea art, love the service industry, and are down-to-earth and hardworking." Du Xiaoqing, manager of Tianjin Haiya Tea House, said that the current cash receipts of tea houses are generally not very high, and once engaged in tea house service, it means poverty, which must be clearly explained to applicants when recruiting, At the same time, they should also tell them the connotation of tea culture and other attractive aspects, so that candidates can make choices according to their own reality based on a comprehensive understanding of the teahouse. This can prevent some employees from blindly entering the teahouse to work only because it is difficult to find a job and on the spur of the moment, and the result is far from what they expected.  

After recruiting suitable employees, they should also retain them with salary. In the interview, the reporter found that the teahouse with low employee mobility gave employees a medium to high treatment, and more importantly, its treatment structure was reasonable. For example, in Beijing Luyu Mingyuan Tea House, the salary of tea staff is composed of basic salary, bonus, benefit commission, etc. The salary structure reflects fairness and gives consideration to benefits, which can stimulate the enthusiasm of staff and create a competitive atmosphere internally. The staff treatment of the teahouse is also enviable in Beijing. At the same time, the teahouse gives employees a free space for growth. Within a certain scope of authority, employees can play their creativity and participate in the operation of the teahouse with a master's attitude.  

In addition to proper treatment, employees must also care about their life and psychology if they want to concentrate on working in the teahouse. Duncan, manager of Qinghe Teahouse in Changde, Hunan, said: "We used to emphasize that work should be separated from life, and employees should not bring bad emotions from life to work, which would affect the quality of work. But it is impossible to do so. Later, we found that if the teahouse suggestion box, exchange meeting, talking room and other communication channels were used to understand the employees' ideological situation outside of work, dredge their psychological barriers, and care about their happiness in life, employees would often be more attentive and work harder. " Caring for employees can also be reflected in supporting employees' further education, providing training, giving home leave and many other aspects. These meticulous care will make employees feel loyal and dependent to the teahouse, and the mobility of teahouse employees will be reduced. When employees are satisfied, they can satisfy customers in their work; If the guests are satisfied, the teahouse can be full of guests and develop steadily.  

The excessive turnover of employees is not conducive to the development of teahouses, but the complete lack of mobility also hinders the progress of employees and teahouses. The reporter learned in the interview that the employee turnover rate of 20% - 25% is recognized by most teahouse managers, who think it is necessary to maintain a certain elimination rate. Of course, there are many other ways to solve the problem of excessive employee turnover, which requires us to constantly explore and summarize in practice.

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