Dry Goods | Three rules to improve the popularity of the store, which must be seen by the tea shop owner

2017-03-13 12:54:05   Source: China Franchise Network   4855 people participated
  • Business Scope: Food, Tea and Tea Set
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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We believe that we have seen many tea shops of various kinds, such as the brand tea shops of Bama, Wu Yutai, Tianfu, Wenxin, etc., and the individual tea shops of "Tea Show Fragrance", "Beautiful Tea House", "Qingxin Pavilion", "Tea House", etc. Compared with brand tea shops, the names of individual tea shops are more personalized, but their popularity is also much smaller, which means that the market awareness and recognition of individual tea shops are relatively low.

Brand is the brand culture that wins the recognition of the public, stimulates consumers' desire to buy, and meets people's growing consumption demand. In order to gain popularity, brands need not only brand endorsement, but also support and evidence of product quality. Without brand, there will be no consumer recognition in the consumer market, and it is hard to move. Only when the brand enters the spiritual level, can it continuously manufacture and meet people's growing consumption demand, and can it meet people's demand for improving the quality of life.

Do individual tea shops need to establish their own brands?

Answer: Yes.

No matter how small an individual is, he must have his own brand.

In this era of brand survival, tea shops also need brand awareness and brand building in the business process to survive. Only when the consumers around the tea shop want to buy tea and time comes to think of your tea shop, then the tea shop is successful.

Maybe some tea shop owners will think: brand, not to spend money on advertising? The scale of personal tea shop is small, so I'm afraid I can't make ends meet

In fact, brand building does not mean spending money. We can use the existing free resources to build a brand.

How to build a tea shop brand?


Change concept and establish personal tea shop brand

In fact, no matter whether there is a deliberate brand, every act of the tea shop is to build a brand. From the store name, decoration, staff training, the standardization of shopping guide language, to WeChat promotion, tea packaging, supply quality, store activities, etc., every investment of the tea shop is actually building the brand of the tea shop.

However, not every effort will achieve the goal. Only when all the behaviors of the tea shop start in the same direction and make their own product features and cultural heritage, can consumers leave an "unforgettable" impression.


The goods are genuine and the price is reasonable, so that customers can see the "sincerity"

What do consumers pay attention to when buying tea?

Priority, quality; Second: price. There will never be no way out for genuine goods. Many tea trademarks claim that their tea gardens do not fertilize indiscriminately, do not overspray pesticides, or even do not fertilize and do not apply pesticides. However, in the eyes of consumers, these words are "words without proof". Without a certificate, why believe you?

Organic certification or certification is just a piece of paper, which does not represent everything. Only "sincerity" is the basis to retain consumers. The quality of heart determines the quality of goods. With this awareness, thinking from the perspective of consumers will gradually find out the promotion methods that consumers believe, and then combine the advantages of tea shops to launch their own characteristics, so as to guide consumers to become loyal fans of tea shops.


The fragrance of wine is also afraid of the deep alley, so we should make ourselves "famous"

With good tea, the next step is to be "famous", how to let consumers contact you and buy your goods.

Modern promotion is nothing more than to increase the exposure of tea shops, so that more people can see you and know you, so that they want to know you and recognize you. Compared with word of mouth, in the Internet era, people are more accustomed to searching relevant information on the Internet before buying goods. Therefore, increasing the exposure rate of tea shops will undoubtedly greatly promote the sales of tea shops.

At present, the limitations of physical tea shops lie in their narrow coverage, popularity and sales scope. After increasing the popularity of the tea shop, it is necessary to expand the sales scope of the tea shop, and opening an online shop is the only way to solve the sales drawbacks of all tea shops.

"Internet+" is no longer unfamiliar to everyone, while "Internet+tea" is still in the stage of continuous exploration and development. In this era of interconnected people and things, tea shops that have no place on the Internet will soon be forgotten. Xiao Bian believes that in this era of huge amount of information, catching the eye is the king's way, so tea shops with "connotation, means and highlights" can be operated for a long time.

[Led by Lei Jun and Li Kaifu - Drunken Product]
Drunken products joining: http://www.jiameng.com/zuipin/
label: New style tea shop joining What are the franchised tea shops Jinan Brand Tea Shop Joined by ten famous tea shops
 Blue Sky Tea
  • one thousand one hundred and twenty-one people Focus on tea
  • six thousand four hundred and fifty-four people Consult tea

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