Three steps of tea shop financial management cannot be omitted

2012-06-07 09:27:39   Source: China Franchise Network   4595 people participated
  • Business scope: tea
  • Number of stores: 543
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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A tea shop with a sound operation must have a sound financial system, specifically responsible for managing the financial entry and exit of the shop, and preparing financial statements on a regular basis.

The sales staff in the store often come into contact with sales bills, cash, etc. in their daily work. How to control the security of cash flow at the counter and the daily financial statistics is crucial for a tea franchise store. The salesperson should be as cautious as possible when collecting cash. When there is a lot of cash, they should try to use the banknote detector in the store, and learn basic methods to identify the real and fake banknotes.

1、 Establish standing book

The store manager must set up an account in the store within three days after the new store is distributed, and the account administrator should set up a corresponding account in the company synchronously. Before establishing a new account, it is necessary to make an inventory of the goods, and take the actual number of inventory as the basic data for account creation, so that it is accurate.   

2、 Bookkeeping and verification

The purchase and sale of goods on the same day must be recorded on the same day, so that they are clear and clean on a daily basis, and cannot be accumulated. The total should be made once a week. Organize and count the weekly sales statements and sales receipts regularly every week, and submit them to the boss or manager; Make monthly financial statements every month.   

3、 Reconciliation
Check the standing book and monthly general ledger, and combine with the detailed list of goods checked. It is completely consistent, indicating that the account is clear; In case of any discrepancy, the detailed data must be checked one by one to find out the flaws.

label: How to open a tea shop Chain tea shop Where can I buy tea from a tea shop How to open a good tea shop
 Blue Sky Tea
  • one thousand one hundred and twenty-one people Focus on tea
  • five thousand and five people Consult tea

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