Comparison of Pu'er raw tea and cooked tea

2015-10-28 16:08:28   Source: China Franchise Network   6978 people participated
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Pu'er tea is a loose tea and pressed tea made from dried green tea of Yunnan big leaf species in a certain area of Yunnan Province after fermentation. From the appearance, the color of cooked tea is dark red, or chestnut, while raw tea is dark green.

There is a process called Wodui in the production of Pu'er tea, which is a key step to form the quality characteristics of Pu'er tea, because in this process, Pu'er tea will produce many microorganisms beneficial to human body, such as koji enzyme... These microorganisms make Pu'er tea smooth and mellow in taste. In terms of natural classification, the finished products of sun dried green tea that have not been processed by fermentation in heaps are commonly called Pu'er raw tea. Pu'er tea is made by artificial fermentation, commonly known as Pu'er cooked tea.

Comparison of results between raw and cooked Pu'er tea

In terms of results, both teas have many health outcomes. Raw tea is mainly used to clean the intestinal tract. It can reduce fat, refresh, reduce blood pressure and help regulate body fat results. It is suitable for young people. However, there are many active ingredients in raw tea, so it is not suitable for those who are prone to insomnia, colds and fever, gastric ulcer patients and pregnant women.. Cooked tea can reduce blood fat, reduce blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, prevent constipation, diuresis, and nourish the stomach. It is more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and people with cold stomach.

Some people think that Pu'er raw tea is stronger, more durable, and has the original flavor of Pu'er tea, so it is better than Pu'er cooked tea. But this is not the case, because the key to whether the quality characteristics of Pu'er tea "become more fragrant as it ages" is in the process of its initial production. Sun drying or baking plays a crucial role in the formation of this quality, and also determines whether it can become more valuable. This initial production process is the same for both raw and cooked Pu'er, and the difference between them is whether they pass through the "Wodui": so we can't judge which is better by such a statement. It can't be generalized as to whether it is better to store naturally or to ferment by holding the stack. It also involves storage conditions, time, and the quality of the stack. It can't be concluded that the raw or cooked products are generally good without specific treatment.

Pu'er tea, whether raw or cooked, can help regulate body fat results, but the feeling of cooked tea should be better.

Raw tea is rich in tea polyphenols, which is cool in nature, and has the effects of clearing heat, relieving summer heat, slowing down the effect, quenching thirst, promoting fluid production, digestion, and helping to moisten the intestines and relieve constipation; After fermented, cooked tea has produced many new nutrients under the action of enzymes. Therefore, on the basis of ordinary tea, more results have been achieved, such as reducing fat, helping to regulate body fat, lowering blood pressure, anti arteriosclerosis. However, in summer, it is better to drink raw tea. Cooked tea is easy to catch fire.

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