Results of Pu'er Tea

2015-10-28 16:08:28   Source: China Franchise Network   6883 people participated
  • Business scope: tea
  • Number of stores: 85
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Pu'er tea belongs to post fermentation tea, and also belongs to completely fermented black tea. After special process and microbial fermentation, green tea can not only increase the types of amino acids, microelements and tea polyphenols contained in itself, but also improve the bitter taste of new tea and stimulate the intestines and stomach. According to the tea recipe, drinking time and amount, the mechanism of Pu'er tea to regulate body fat is different. How can you drink Pu'er tea to quickly reduce fat and warm your stomach?

Results of Pu'er Tea

The fermented Pu'er tea is commonly known as cooked tea. MM remember that raw tea in Pu'er tea, like green tea and oolong tea, cannot be drunk on an empty stomach. Cooked tea is rich in a large number of trace elements, polypeptide amino acids and minerals. It is precisely because it reduces the gastrointestinal irritants in raw tea that drinking cooked tea on an empty stomach will not cause physical discomfort. For girls with long-term constipation and poor detoxification, it is good to drink Pu'er cooked tea on an empty stomach and fast drinking tea will help regulate body fat method.

Pu'er tea is brewed with 100 degree boiling water, and the fourth tea soup after three times of tea washing can be drunk. Don't eat in the morning. Drink a 200ml cup of warm Pu'er tea first. After 1-2 hours, you will have a bowel movement. After a while, you will form a good habit of defecating in the morning. Then drink a cup of warm Pu'er cooked tea on an empty stomach one hour before lunch and dinner, which can not only help clear the intestines and expel toxins, but also increase the sense of satiety and reduce the intake of staple food, helping to regulate the role of body fat immediately.

Raw tea is a kind of tea with short fermentation time or no fermentation storage process in Pu'er tea. In fact, raw tea is mainly helpful to regulate body fat composition, which is rich in tea polyphenols, similar to green tea, oolong tea and other tea products. Experiments have shown that tea polyphenols can inhibit the synthesis and differentiation of fat cells, maintain the stable content of fat and sterols in the blood, which is very helpful to reduce fat and prevent obesity.

The best drinking time of raw tea is 1 hour after a meal. It can help the body to accelerate the digestion, absorption and decomposition of food, and promote the elimination of toxins from the body in time. The raw tea has a unique result of removing grease, and has a good deep cleaning effect on the toxic waste that has been attached to the intestinal wall for a long time. Although the result of Pu'er raw tea is similar to that of green tea, its unique feature is that it is not cold in nature, but its production process is different from that of cooked tea, so the methods and results of drinking Pu'er raw tea when it helps regulate body fat are also different.

With the development and progress of production technology, it has become popular to add jasmine, chrysanthemum, rose and other scented tea to make Pu'er scented tea during the fermentation process to help regulate body fat. Pu'er tea added with scented tea not only helps to improve the body fat regulation, but also achieves the results of beauty and beauty, reducing the aging rate and promoting metabolism in the body. It is a unique tea drink that girls can drink at any time throughout the day and helps to regulate body fat.

Due to the different kinds of scented tea added, the specific results of Pu'er scented tea are also related to the added scented tea. If you are obese due to excessive heat toxin in your body, you can try the chrysanthemum Pu'er which has the effect of clearing heat and slowly burning fat; If you don't sleep well and your metabolism is slow, you can try jasmine tea to calm your nerves and help you sleep; Rose Pu'er is aimed at detoxification of cells and regulation of endocrine, which helps regulate body fat of women. Pu'er scented tea is very resistant to brewing, so as an office of OL family, it is also very suitable for regulating body fat tea.

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