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26% growth This year, 1.889 million people signed up for the National Social Work Examination

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-06-16 09:56

Original title: 26% growth This year, 1.889 million people signed up for the National Social Work Examination

The 2024 National Professional Qualification Examination for Social Workers will be held from June 15 to 16.

The reporter learned from the Central Social Work Department that in 2024, the number of applicants for the national professional qualification examination for social workers will reach 1.889 million, an increase of 26% over 2023, a record high. This year, more than 50 visually impaired candidates signed up for the exam. The social work departments of Party committees at all levels and the human resources and social security departments closely cooperate and take various measures to ensure the smooth progress of the examination.

The professional qualifications of social workers are divided into three levels: assistant social workers, social workers and senior social workers. Among them, assistant social workers and social workers have passed the examination and have been organized for 17 consecutive years since 2008; Senior social workers will take the evaluation method of combining examination and evaluation. In 2020, they will organize the first examination. Candidates who have obtained the examination qualification certificate can apply to participate in the evaluation.

At present, 1.161 million people nationwide have obtained the professional qualification certificate of social workers. This team is widely distributed in grass-roots governance, staff assistance, child welfare, youth affairs, aging and elderly care services, drug control and detoxification, social assistance, community correction, health, petition work and other fields. Focusing on meeting the needs of the masses and solving specific livelihood problems, it provides professional services and becomes an important force in grass-roots governance.

(CCTV reporter Li Yumei)

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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