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Employees "plant banana green" and enterprises "remove anxiety"

Source: Hunan Workers Daily
2024-06-15 16:33

Original title: "Planting banana green" for employees and "Extinguishing anxiety" for enterprises

Recently, the banana with a stick hanging the "Banning Banana Green" card has become a new favorite of workers. Its popularity stems from the homonym of "banana green" and "anxiety". Planting bananas, pineapples, small tomatoes and other hydroponic fruits and vegetables in the workplace has become a new hot topic in the workplace of the social platform. The cultivation process, harvest time and fruit sharing experience have brought great emotional value to employees.

How to solve the problem? Only "banana green". The popularity of "banana green" potted plants is not only the shrewd marketing of businesses, but also the emotional resonance of migrant workers to employment competition and work pressure. According to the Chinese National Mental Health Report (2021-2022) released in 2023, the detection rate of anxiety risk is 15.8% in the survey sample of nearly 200000 person times. It can be seen that many people are suffering from anxiety, especially young migrant workers.

As we all know, in the fast-paced and stressful current life, many employees are physically and mentally exhausted. They will not only suffer from the "996" "white+black" working time system, but also suffer from psychological diseases such as anxiety and depression. The timely appearance of "banana green" potted plants expresses their desire for a relaxed and happy life state with humorous homophonic stems, providing migrant workers with a vehicle to vent their pressure, and becoming their rare "small happiness".

Under the pressure of work, migrant workers can only cross the sea with eight immortals, and find their own ways to relieve stress, so as to pursue inner peace and calm, and get rid of anxiety, such as planting "banana green" potted plants, taking a walk to listen to music, playing sandbags in Taekwondo Hall, and using self mocking facial expression packs in online chat. "Banana green" potted plants, like those self mocking facial expression bags that young people like to use, assume the function of releasing anxiety of migrant workers.

Of course, we need not be too serious about the connotation of planting "banana green", but it is necessary to attach importance to anxiety. Faced with the oppressive environment and full of pressure, young migrant workers try every means to "save themselves", which has unquestionable positive significance. However, in the author's opinion, employees should "plant banana green" and enterprises should "remove anxiety". Employers should pay more attention to employees' mental health, help them release work pressure and get rid of anxiety. After all, a lot of pressure on young people comes from employers.

An enterprise cannot develop without the full support of its employees. The enterprise is actually helping itself to help employees eliminate negative emotions. Rational and discerning enterprises will try every means to reduce the burden of "de focus" for employees: for example, flexible working hours to reduce the workload of employees; Provide psychological consultation and venting services to create a harmonious and warm working environment; Pay attention to employees' mental health, encourage them to interact socially, etc.

The biggest source of anxiety for workers comes from the work unit. The employees who plant "banana green" and eat "banana green" in a playful manner are another expression of job anxiety. Employers should not ignore employees' "banana green", but should take positive measures to help employees dispel psychological anxiety, reduce work pressure, relax, and work together for enterprise development. Huang Qichao)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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