Zhonggong Entertainment

For 24 years, he donated 103 times to save lives

Source: Xinhua
2024-06-14 21:00

Original title: He has donated 103 times to save lives in 24 years

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, June 14 (Reporter Liang Jianqiang, Pan Zhiwei) "You can learn about the knowledge of unpaid blood donation" "Participating in blood donation can save lives and make the city warmer"... June 14 is World Blood Donor Day, and Pan Zhanjun, the leader of the volunteer service team of the Red Cross "Three Gifts" in Xianning, Hubei Province, is busy preaching the knowledge of unpaid blood donation.

The "three donation" work focuses on blood donation, hematopoietic stem cell donation and human organ donation. Pan Zhanjun, 47 years old, has participated in voluntary blood donation for public welfare for 24 years, and has donated whole blood or platelets 103 times.

In June 2000, Pan Zhanjun was still studying in Henan Province. On campus, he watched his classmates form a long line in front of the blood donation vehicle. After reading the free blood donation science leaflet distributed by the medical staff, he did not hesitate to roll up his sleeves and join the blood donation team.

Since then, as long as he meets the love blood donation vehicle, Pan Zhanjun will actively donate blood when meeting the requirements. In 2007, Pan Zhanjun joined the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company. In that year, he came to Xianning Central Blood Station to donate blood.

At first, he only donated whole blood. "Later, I learned that free blood donation is divided into whole blood and component blood. The time interval for whole blood donation is long, and component blood can be donated every month. I heard that patients have a high acceptance of platelets and the treatment effect is good, so I had the idea of donating platelets again." Pan Zhanjun said.

What's the motivation for regular blood donation? Pan Zhanjun told reporters about a message he often received after donating blood - "Thank you for donating blood to save the lives of patients, and thank you on behalf of patients and their families!"

"Blood donation can save people. Every time I receive such a message, I think it is very meaningful," he said.

In 24 years, Pan Zhanjun has donated blood 103 times, won the "National Voluntary Blood Donation Award Gold Award" for three times, and won the "National Voluntary Blood Donation Award Lifetime Honor Award".

"One person donates blood a hundred times, it's better than one person donating blood a hundred times." Pan Zhanjun said that in the first few years of blood donation, he was "fighting alone". Because he often saw the blood bank in an emergency, he realized that his strength was limited, and began to drive his family, friends, and colleagues to donate blood free of charge.

Driven by him, at present, more than 190 people from the State Grid Xianning Power Supply Company have participated in voluntary blood donation, and many people have won the "National Award for Voluntary Blood Donation".

He also led the "Three Gifts" service team to universities, communities, supermarkets and other places, carried out more than 100 popular science propaganda and volunteer services, led more than 6000 people to participate in unpaid blood donation, and a large number of blood donors gradually became regular blood donors. In addition, there are more than 600 registered personnel for bone marrow donation and more than 200 registered personnel for human organ donation.

On June 13, Pan Zhanjun took a young man to the blood donation point. He is Pan Shilong, the son of Pan Zhanjun. This young man has just turned 18 this year. Pan Zhanjun took photos to record this special moment for his son.

After the photo was released in the circle of friends, more than 100 people praised and wished. Pan Zhanjun wrote this sentence: "Thank you for your praise. Every piece of blood you donate will change another person's life."

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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