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Hunan: College students who have graduated in recent three years can apply for public institutions

Source: Xinhua
2024-06-14 20:52

Original title:

Hunan: College students who have graduated in recent three years can apply for public institutions

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, June 14 (Reporter Xie Ying) The reporter learned from the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hunan Province on the 14th that Hunan requires public institutions to mainly recruit college graduates, relax the number of years for graduates to apply for examinations, and try to solve the employment problem of college graduates.

According to the Measures for Public Recruitment of College Graduates by Public Institutions recently issued by the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hunan Province, the vacant posts in various public institutions at all levels in Hunan should mainly be used for recruiting college graduates, in addition to the qualification requirements such as professional titles, professional qualifications or work experience.

When the recruitment plan was released, it was clear that "college graduates" were graduates who had graduated in the past three years, and did not implement the planned work in the recruitment process. There was no restriction on whether they had work experience and paid social insurance. When recruiting college graduates, township institutions can relax the recruitment conditions according to the actual needs, and implement policies such as "three relaxation and one permission" (relax the age, education background, specialty, and allow to limit household registration).

It is reported that in terms of seniority, the signing of employment agreements, labor contracts and payment of social security by graduates in the current year will not affect their identification. At the same time, graduates of the last two years who have work experience and social security payment records can apply for positions recruited by institutions for college graduates, and young people are encouraged to find jobs as soon as possible.

In order to guide college graduates to flow to the grass-roots level, Hunan Province has increased the recruitment of "three supports and one support" according to several measures. The recruitment targets are college graduates with college degree or above who have graduated in the past three years, and graduates of senior class and preparatory technician (technician) class of technical colleges. After passing the assessment after the two-year service, they will be recruited in township institutions.

Within the quota, township and public institutions can take out 30% of the annual management post recruitment plan to recruit college students and village officials who have completed their service and passed the assessment within the county (city, district). The free undergraduate medical students of rural order orientation, the targeted training students of agricultural and forestry water special post personnel, and the localized training students of grass-roots medical and health institutions in poor areas can be directly assessed and recruited.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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