Zhonggong Entertainment

"5+2 Employment Home"

Source: Xinhua daily telegraph
2024-06-14 15:54

Original title: "5+2 Employment Home"

Sun Guangjian, reporter of Xinhua Daily Telegraph

"Enterprises have received a large number of orders this year, and with the expansion of the plant and the increase of equipment, they need a large number of production line workers..." Recently, a new live broadcast of "on the job" was conducted at the "5+2 Employment Home" in Dongxiang District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province. The relevant person in charge of Jiangxi Yanglexing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. talked online with netizens about corporate culture, job needs, and pay.

Outside the shared live broadcast room, there is a spacious and bright hall of "5+2 Employment Home" in Dongxiang District. The information screen plays the latest recruitment information in the district in a rolling manner. The one-stop employment counter provides job registration, job recommendation, policy publicity and other services. The touch-screen electronic screen can directly log on to the online platform of Employment Home, including nearly 10000 jobs in the district

"It can not only build a talent pool for enterprises, but also build a gathering place for job seekers. The Employment Home has effectively solved the 'information gap' problem between enterprises and job seekers." Fu Qiang, the head of the operation of the Employment Home in Dongxiang District, said.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood and an important cornerstone of social stability. From November 2023, Jiangxi will comprehensively promote the construction of a "5+2 employment home" covering five levels of provinces, cities, counties, streets (towns), communities (villages), development zones, colleges and technical secondary schools (technical colleges) in the province, and build a new pattern of integrated all-round employment public services.

Dongxiang District takes the promotion and implementation of the construction of "5+2 employment home" as the starting point, and actively builds an integrated platform of public employment services with local characteristics and a "1+6+N" operation service system in accordance with the idea of "digital empowerment+grassroots governance", "central support+outlet services". With the employment home at the district level as the core, supported by colleges and universities+employment home in the development zone, we will play six major functions of the platform: public service, supply and demand matching, smart employment, skill training, innovation and entrepreneurship, and exchange and display, and provide N operation points radiating all kinds of service outlets in the district.

Xiong Dangbo, the "post-80s" generation, has been doing business in Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places before. He has both parents and children. This year, he plans to return to his hometown to work. A friend suggested that he go to the employment home in Dongxiang Economic Development Zone to try. "Unexpectedly, the next day when he registered his intention, he received an interview notice from Jiangxi Yongguan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd." A week later, he achieved "home" employment through the interview.

"Previously, we mainly organized offline recruitment and enterprise independent recruitment through the public employment and entrepreneurship department, but it was difficult to achieve data integration and sharing, and the information was asymmetric and mismatched." In the opinion of Ai Yunli, the recruitment director of Yongguan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Employment Home has accumulated a large number of labor resources for enterprises, which has well solved the urgent employment needs of enterprises. According to statistics, 172 employees have been recommended to join Yongguan through Employment Home.

Today, the slogan of "looking for a job, coming to the home of employment" has been familiar to enterprises and job seekers in Dongxiang District. In accordance with the requirements of the urban 15 minute service circle and the rural 15 km service circle, Dongxiang District has built 119 employment home outlets, basically realizing the full coverage of towns (urban communities) in the whole district. "Most of the employment homes in the streets and communities are built in the local convenience service centers, while the location of the employment homes in the Economic Development Zone is the only way to get in and out of the park... We make full use of the existing site to build employment homes according to local conditions, low-cost construction, and pragmatic promotion." said Wei Yong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Dongxiang District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

"I like my present job very much, which not only allows me to be independent, but also reduces the burden on my mother." For Sun Yudong, 42, the employment home has brought him more power and confidence to face life. He is physically disabled. He usually picks up some waste products to subsidize his family. His mother works to support his family. Recently, with the recommendation of Dongtong Community Employment Home, he got his first job in life.

"There are 2501 permanent residents in Dongtong Community, most of whom are former employees of copper enterprises. They are generally older, and it is very difficult to achieve reemployment." Wu Yaping, a staff member of Dongtong Community Employment Home, introduced that the responsibilities of community level employment home focus on information retrieval and accurate employment recommendation. "We have established a standing book of job seekers through door-to-door visits and telephone inquiries. Among them, 47 people in Dongtong Community who are difficult to find employment due to disability have successfully recommended more than 10 people for employment," Wu Yaping said.

In order to improve the efficiency of entrepreneurship driving employment, Dongxiang District has also set up an employment and entrepreneurship guidance room at the district level employment home, and set up an entrepreneurship incubation base to provide infrastructure, entrepreneurship counseling, project promotion, financing and investment and other services for settled enterprises, and build a service system covering the whole process of entrepreneurship. At present, 8 enterprises have settled in, including Fuzhou Gujin Human Resources Co., Ltd. and Dongxiang District Sisi Vocational Skills Training School.

In Dongxiang, the Employment Home not only provides skills training for job seekers, but also focuses on providing training and learning opportunities for enterprise human resources related personnel. In April this year, the public benefit class of the HR expert growth group of Dongxiang Employment Home was held. Around the "talent portrait, solving the three major recruitment problems", HR or principals of more than 20 enterprises above the regulation participated in the study. Through theoretical explanation, case analysis, group discussion, etc., everyone expressed that "they have benefited a lot and hope to have more such trainings".

"We hope to build the employment home into a 'happy home' for job seekers, so that enterprises can recruit more accurately and workers can find jobs more easily, so as to realize the 'two-way rush' between enterprises and job seekers," Wei Yong said.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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