Zhonggong Entertainment

Love helps realize dreams

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-10 08:48

Original title: Love helps realize dreams

Worker's Daily - reporter Zhang Xi of China Industrial Network Correspondent Chen Xiaokang

On June 7, under the guidance of the Social Work Department of Hedong District Party Committee and Hedong District Education Bureau of Tianjin, the Third Company of China Railway Fourth Bureau organized young volunteers to Tianjin No. 7 Middle School to carry out a four-day volunteer service activity of "Caring for Examination and Dream Accomplishment".

In the early morning, young volunteers came to the test site to build a "Love Test Volunteer Service Posthouse" to provide services such as reading, temporary rest and emergency phone calls for the candidates waiting in advance, and prepared 2B pencils, rubber and other special stationery for the test, as well as wet paper towels, heatstroke prevention drugs, disposable raincoats and other love materials for the candidates. At the same time, the young volunteers also assisted the traffic police in carrying out traffic guidance, order maintenance and other services around the examination site, answering questions and answering questions for passing examinees and parents, and providing volunteer services such as drinking water and summer vacation for parents waiting outside the examination venue.

It is reported that the "Sunshine Building Love" volunteer service team of the third company of China Railway Fourth Bureau has participated in the college entrance examination volunteer service activities for the fifth consecutive year at the same test site, and has taken practical actions to contribute love and serve the society, providing a summer cool and safety guarantee for the examinees and their parents.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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