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Comments on CAMER.COM | "Tide Stall" Makes Urban Management More Refined and Warm

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-14 09:42

 Comments on CAMCE

Commentator of China Industrial Network   Chen Wanyang

According to the report of the Workers' Daily on May 10, at the entrance of some residential areas or pedestrian paths in Nanchuan District, Chongqing, from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. every day, there are always neatly stacked fresh vegetable baskets and orderly arranged stalls. As soon as the end time comes, the vendors will close the stall on time and leave in order as if they heard the "horn". Many vendors told reporters that with a fixed booth, their daily income was much higher than before. Some vendors said, "When it comes to stall setting, when people are unable to carry or move, the urban management personnel will take the initiative to hold hands, and everyone gets along very harmoniously."

There are rules to follow like the tide, so that mobile vendors can set up and close their stalls at a fixed place and time, forming a "tidal stall area". Such refined management measures are a good thing for vendors, citizens, and grass-roots urban management personnel. In daily life, although the street vendors have brought many conveniences to the citizens' life, it is also a fact that they are busy in road operation and in disorder. The "one size fits all" management style of some urban management and law enforcement officers also makes both parties often fall into the "cat and mouse war" of "you chase me", which intensifies conflicts from time to time. The establishment of "Tidal Stalls" ensures the convenience of residents' "vegetable baskets" and the stability of vendors' operation, reduces the workload of urban management, and forms a new situation of win-win situation.

Setting the "Tide Stall" seems simple, but it actually requires a lot of effort from the manager. Among them, the most important thing is to actively adjust management thinking: it is important to keep the city in order, but it is not impossible to have both "fireworks", human feelings and order. To achieve this, it is necessary to start with detailed field research and visits, consider problems from different perspectives, lean down and discuss solutions with relevant parties, and find the "greatest common divisor" of overall consideration. The management mode of "Tide Stall" is worth learning, and the management wisdom and sense of responsibility behind it are worth learning actively by city managers everywhere.

Fortunately, similar refined urban governance practices are not uncommon in recent years. One of the most typical examples is the management of shared bicycles. From disorderly placing to delimiting exclusive parking areas for them, the management of shared bicycles will be gradually standardized, making them truly convenient for people to travel. In addition, many places have vigorously planned the "night economy", making the dirty, disorderly and poor night market a beautiful scene at night in many places; On the issue of standardized management of express delivery boys in and out of the community, there are also many "tricks" in various places. Some have set up a special "shuttle bus", some have adopted the "code scanning" access method, and some have set up a special guide sign in the community, effectively resolving the contradiction between community order management and boys' door-to-door delivery

The high-quality development of a city cannot be separated from more innovative and refined governance measures. Finding a balance between urban management and people's livelihood needs and making urban management more efficient, convenient and warm is the direction of concerted efforts of all parties.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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