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Comments on www.civic.com.cn Let Community Workers Achieve Excellence, Stay and Promise

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-20 07:10

 Comments on CAMCE

Li Jing, commentator of China Industrial Network

Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of the Community Worker Team (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), which clarifies the path guidance for strengthening the construction of the community worker team in China in the next five years.

Community workers are one of the important forces in urban grassroots governance. They are "propagandists" of policies, "mediators" of contradictions, "liaison" of people's feelings, "warm hearted" attendants ", and" staff officers "of development. Their work seems trivial, but it is closely related to the life of community residents, which can be said to be "small posts, big responsibilities".

In fact, community work is a highly professional work, but in reality, when people refer to community workers, most of them think of some parents who are "giving play to their waste heat". Objectively speaking, this post is really not easy to do. It is miscellaneous and does not talk about many things. When dealing with residents, they may also encounter the situation of "being denied access". The salary is not high, and young people are often unwilling to work for a long time.

The community is the "last mile" for the party and government to contact and serve the residents. To make thousands of families feel the warmth of the party and government, a strong team of grassroots community workers is indispensable. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize and guarantee the construction of community workers in the system. The introduction of the Opinions is to focus on improving the system, so that community workers can get ahead, stay and have a promising future.

In order to achieve excellence, we should not only solve the problem of personnel specialization, but also solve the problem of cognitive bias. The purpose of professionalization is to ensure the suitability of the selected staff, and allocate people who really love community work and are proficient in community work to appropriate positions. The Opinions supports community workers to participate in the national professional qualification examination and evaluation of social workers, emphasizes the exploration and establishment of a two-way comparison and identification mechanism between the ability level of community workers and the level of relevant professional skills, and mentions the need to strengthen the construction of social work related disciplines and majors in colleges and vocational schools, with the purpose of selecting professional people to do professional work as much as possible. As for reversing some people's cognitive bias, the Opinions proposed that we should vigorously publicize the advanced models of community workers and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to attach importance to and care for community workers. Let everyone see that "small communities can also make great achievements", so as to enhance the professional identity, sense of belonging and sense of honor of community workers.

If we can stay, we should not only guarantee the treatment of personnel, but also work hard on the management mechanism. It is common that community workers are not paid well, and it is difficult to retain people for a long time if they are paid poorly in large cities. For this reason, the Opinions clearly proposed to implement the compensation guarantee for community workers, scientifically set the compensation composition and post level compensation standards for community workers, and regularly and dynamically adjust them. This will help stabilize the community workers and improve their sense of gain. At the same time, the Opinions put forward requirements for the management mechanism of community workers, clearly set a clear direction for the management and assessment of personnel to be able to enter and exit, excellent to enter and retreat, establish and improve the reward and punishment mechanism, and encourage people to take responsibility, so that community workers who want to do things, can do things, and do things can be motivated and willing to stay on the community stage.

With ambition, we should not only open up the career growth channel, but also improve professional skills. For outstanding community workers, the relevant departments should open the promotion channel for them to shine on a larger stage. The Opinions clearly pointed out that efforts should be made to recruit (employ) civil servants and public institutions from outstanding community workers. In terms of commendation and evaluation, excellent community workers can also be favored. A sound training system consisting of initial training, on-the-job training, special work training, and practical exercises will help community workers have sufficient capacity reserves to perform their duties in the face of changing new situations and problems, and to cope with mass work, organize mobilization, act according to law, mediate conflicts, deal with emergencies, coordinate communication Be proficient in the application of information technology.

To modernize the national governance system and capacity, community governance can only be strengthened, not weakened. The Opinions of the two offices have provided institutional guarantee for the selection, education, management and promotion of community workers. It is expected that all regions can follow up and implement it as soon as possible, and build a community worker team with firm politics, good quality, dedication, reasonable structure and people's satisfaction.

Editor in charge: queen

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