Zhonggong Entertainment

Public Works Review Let Women Workers "Ride the Wind and Wave" in the Digital Wave

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-03-08 13:24

 Engineering evaluation

Zhang Xue

This year, Ma Lu, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), vice chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, secretary of the Secretariat, member of the Party Leadership Group, and vice chairman of the All China Women's Federation (concurrently), submitted a Proposal on Promoting the Improvement of Women Workers' Digital Skills to the conference, and proposed to further bridge the gender digital divide by building a long-term mechanism for training diversified women workers' digital skills, Promote the digital skills of female employees. (Reported by China Women's Daily on March 5)

Today, the rapid development of the digital economy has had a profound impact on all areas of social development, and has also created more possibilities for people's lives and work. One of the outstanding characteristics is that the unique value of women workers in the development of the digital economy is becoming more and more obvious. For example, in areas requiring communication such as telemedicine and e-commerce live broadcast, women workers have more delicate feelings and more empathy, which gives them unique advantages in their work. It can be said that the digital economy has broken the restrictions of the traditional employment mode in terms of time, space and information, and opened new "employment windows" for women workers.

However, in reality, compared with men, many female workers are at a disadvantage in digital literacy, and the proportion of entrepreneurship and employment with digital skills is also low. First, the accumulation and application of digital work skills of many female employees is insufficient; Second, the stereotype of traditional gender roles has not been completely broken, and women workers have less opportunities to obtain digital skills training and jobs.

The proposal of Committee Member Ma Lu was "applauded" by people because it emphasized on improving the digital skills training of female workers, as well as breaking the barriers of traditional ideas. On the one hand, it emphasizes the construction of a long-term mechanism for the cultivation of digital skilled talents for women workers, and strengthens the "hard" supply; On the other hand, we should focus on improving the digital skills of women workers and effectively address the gender digital divide and other issues, so that enterprises and even the whole society can realize the huge potential of women workers in the development of the digital economy and create a "soft environment". Such "hard and soft", improving the digital skills of female workers, and helping them to better obtain employment in the digital economy, will achieve twice the result with half the effort.

More importantly, the majority of female employees should recognize their inherent advantages, actively, confidently and bravely embrace the broad opportunities brought by the digital economy, and "ride the wind and waves" in the wave of digital development to create their own world.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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