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Review of public works and public works

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-27 15:11

 Engineering evaluation

Chen Wanyang

According to the report of the Workers' Daily on February 23, Su Bin, member of the CPPCC National Committee and head of the Rights and Interests Protection Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, regards the protection of the rights and interests of workers in the new form of employment as an important task, and continues to pay attention to and promote the implementation. Through research, Su Bin deeply felt that many regions in the country have provided real convenience for the work and life of workers in the new employment form. During the National Two Sessions in 2024, Su Bin will focus on the proposal of "accelerating the implementation of occupational injury security and making the social security system cover more workers in new forms of employment".

The performance story of Su Bin is a microcosm of the continuous attention of the government and relevant social sectors to promote the protection of workers' rights and interests in the new form of employment. In recent years, many deputies have put forward many suggestions to accelerate the exploration of the protection of the rights and interests of workers in the new employment form, such as standardizing and adjusting the relationship between platform enterprises and workers, exploring the formulation of socialized and flexible insurance policies, improving the rest system, and so on.

Under the continuous concern and appeal, the working and living conditions of workers in the new form of employment have been effectively improved, and the social atmosphere of respecting and caring for the "little brother" has become increasingly strong. In the city, the more widely distributed and densely distributed Warm Heart Posts have solved their practical problems of "difficulty in eating, drinking, resting, and going to the toilet"; Warm hearted measures such as "little brother college" and "going to college at public expense" have opened up the channels for "little brothers" to improve their skills and quality; At the same time, the establishment of the "New" Day for Urban Warming and the selection of "the most beautiful and new form of employment workers" in many places affirmed their labor value, making them stand in the "C" position and feel more and more gain.

Policies and measures for the protection of workers' rights and interests in new forms of employment are also being introduced in succession: carrying out the pilot work of occupational injury protection, promoting "one-stop" dispute mediation, and issuing guidelines for compensation payment, work rest and other issues... These measures focus on the difficulties in protecting the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment, echoing the story of the conscientious performance of the representative members, Timely respond to the urgent needs of "little brothers".

The annual two sessions of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress are about to start, and there must be more stories of such performance. It is expected that the representative members will continue to speak for the protection of the rights and interests of workers in the new form of employment, make the "new" measures more and more specific, and let them have dignity, security and development.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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