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How can the Spring Festival dinner be "delicious but not fat"? (Read aloud)

Source: Guangzhou Daily
2024-02-08 13:17

Original title: How can the Spring Festival dinner be "delicious but not fat"? Subject

Nutrition experts: scientific and reasonable food for dinner, and more importantly, some tips for ordering (subtitle)

Nutritionist reminder

Drinking on an empty stomach is easy to damage the gastric mucosa, and carbonated drinks will interfere with the digestion and absorption of food by the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended that you do not drink alcohol at the beginning of the meal, and do not drink or drink less sugary drinks until half of the meal.

When ordering cold dishes, don't just order meat dishes. You should have meat and vegetables. It is better to have several fresh vegetarian dishes to balance the problem of excessive fat and protein in the main course.

Eating a large number of foods rich in protein but lacking in carbohydrates on an empty stomach will not only affect digestion, but also waste protein and produce metabolic waste. Therefore, the staple food should not be eaten until the end, but also pay attention to the coarse and fine collocation, mainly coarse.

When ordering, you should properly order some dishes with relatively fresh flavor, strictly control the consumption of cooking oil, eat less fried or fried food, and enjoy one or two spicy dishes.

After eating rich dishes, the body takes in more salt and oil, and the burden is already heavy. Don't drink a lot of thick soup, otherwise the stomach will be easily stretched, and the intake of salt and calories will be increased, which is not conducive to health.

Article/Guangzhou Daily full media reporter Zhang Qingmei intern Wen Huijun Correspondent Zou Ying, Zhang Cancheng

With the Spring Festival approaching, many people are looking forward to the New Year's Eve dinner and the dinner party during the holiday. However, "gaining three kilograms during festivals" has become a hidden worry for everyone. Ye Yanbin, chief physician of the Nutrition Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, reminded us that we should learn to mix food scientifically and reasonably during the Spring Festival dinner. If you eat outside, you should master some tips on ordering food to avoid eating mistakes.

Don't drink on an empty stomach and drink less sugary drinks

Many families are used to drinking a glass of wine at the beginning of a dinner party. People who cannot drink will also drink various fruit juice drinks or carbonated drinks. However, drinking on an empty stomach is easy to damage the gastric mucosa, and carbonated drinks will hinder the digestion and absorption of food by the gastrointestinal tract.

Ye Yanbin said that it is recommended not to drink freely at the opening ceremony, and not to drink late until half of the meal. Pure fruit juice, vegetable juice and fresh soymilk can be selected when selecting drinks. Pure yogurt has a better protective effect on drinkers. It is recommended to choose corn juice, yam juice, pumpkin juice, chrysanthemum tea, barley tea and other beverages without sugar, and not drink or drink less sugary drinks.

Don't just order cold dishes. It's better to have meat and vegetables

On the New Year's Eve dinner table, a few cold dishes are usually served as appetizers. Generally speaking, cold dishes contain less oil. If there are meat and vegetables, and several fresh vegetarian dishes are added, the problem of excessive oil and protein in the main course can be balanced. However, most families are accustomed to eating cold dishes like meat dishes, which makes cold dishes lose the role of adjusting nutrition balance. The better choice is to mainly choose vegetables mixed raw, vegetables dipped in soy sauce, bacteria and algae food (such as cold edible fungus, kelp silk, flammulina velutipes, etc.), rhizome food (such as lotus root slices, yams, fern root powder, etc.) and other vegetables, with one or two fish and bean products with less oil.

Don't eat the staple food last to avoid gastrointestinal injury

Many people only eat food and don't eat at the banquet until they finally remember that they haven't eaten the main food. In fact, eating a lot of foods rich in protein but lacking in carbohydrates on an empty stomach will not only affect digestion, but also waste protein and produce metabolic waste.

Ye Yanbin said that when ordering meals, it is advisable to order staple food and vegetables first, not just meat and vegetables. From the perspective of health, it is advisable to serve a bowl of miscellaneous grains rice, or porridge with miscellaneous beans, or a bowl of noodles, or potatoes in the dining room. Do not bring the staple food to the table at the end of the meal, so as to eat little or no staple food. This can not only reduce the waste of protein, but also reduce the risk of greasy food hurting the intestines and stomach. It is recommended to eat no less than 4 liang of staple food every day, and pay attention to the coarse and fine collocation, mainly coarse.

Eating spicy food should be abstemious

Many people like dishes with strong taste, and think that only in this way can they enjoy themselves. In fact, the dishes should be salty and mild, with both sour and hot dishes, so that the taste buds will not be too tired, and it is also good for health.

If you eat in a restaurant, the cooking style with strong taste will often cover the original smell of food ingredients. If the dishes are not fresh, the diners cannot notice. When ordering, you should properly order some dishes with relatively fresh flavor, strictly control the consumption of cooking oil, and eat less fried or fried food. You can enjoy one or two spicy dishes. You can also match a spicy or sour dish to refresh your stomach: it can make your taste rich and not too greasy.

The food in Lingnan region advocates freshness. In most cases, only a small amount of ginger, onion, garlic and soy sauce are used for seasoning, with less heavy oil and spicy. This cooking method not only reduces the intake of oil, salt and sugar, but also avoids the destruction of nutrients in food and the production of harmful substances caused by deep processing.

Eating too much seafood and meat is harmful to health

Families in the south especially like river food and seafood products, while families in the north prefer chicken, duck, fish and meat. They always feel that only by eating more of these can dishes be rich.

Cantonese seafood cooking is mainly steamed, which retains the original taste and delicacy of seafood. Research shows that increasing fish intake can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, various malignant tumors such as colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer, as well as the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease. However, although aquatic products are rich in nutrition and delicious in taste, they are also the "worst hit areas" of pollution. If the proportion of seafood and fish dishes in a table is too high, the intake of pollutants is more likely to exceed the standard. In addition, aquatic products, especially shellfish and molluscs, contain high levels of purine and cholesterol, and excessive intake may increase the risk of gout and hyperlipidemia.

Meat, poultry and eggs are important sources of high-quality protein and nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin A, calcium, iron and zinc. Moderate intake of meat, poultry, etc. is beneficial to health. Excessive intake will easily increase the intake of calories, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and purines, thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular metabolic diseases and colorectal cancer.

It is suggested that the amount of aquatic products and meat on the dinner table should be controlled at about two dishes each, and the consumption should also be properly controlled. Even when having reunion dinner, the total intake of each person should not exceed 250 grams.

Don't drink salty soup after a full meal to avoid swelling your stomach

After eating rich dishes, you should not drink a lot of thick soup, because delicious dishes have filled your stomach, and your body has taken in more salt and oil. If you drink soup again, your stomach will be stretched, which is not good for your health.

Cantonese people are used to drinking soup before meals. Drinking soup before meals has two functions. One is to lubricate the mouth, esophagus and stomach, promote the secretion of digestive glands, and help digestion. The second and more important point is that the soup entering the stomach can reflexively inhibit the strong excitement of the appetite center. In this way, you won't eat too fast, so that you can control your satiety to seven or eight points.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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