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A "sense of ritual" retirement farewell will warm the hearts of ordinary workers

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-16 14:17

 Engineering evaluation

Li Jing

Huangling Mining Company of Shaanxi Coal Mining Group launched a new measure of caring for employees in mid November 2023. This measure requires that when employees leave their posts for retirement, their units and departments should hold special symposiums and present souvenirs. Chen Jichang, the company's idler processing operator who retired at the end of November, received such an unexpected surprise. At the farewell party, fellow workers gave him their best wishes one after another, and the atmosphere was warm and warm.

Is it necessary to prepare a "ceremonial" retirement farewell for an ordinary worker? Maybe some people's habitual thinking will think that such a ceremony must be enjoyed by employees who have made outstanding contributions to the enterprise? Admittedly, people who have made outstanding contributions to the enterprise are indeed worthy of respect, but every ordinary worker in an ordinary position is also worthy of our respect.

Most of the staff around us are doing ordinary things in ordinary positions, without so many dramatic feats. This is the work normality of the vast majority of ordinary workers, but it does not mean that their work is meaningless and their labor is not worth mentioning. On the contrary, it is the employees who are conscientious in their ordinary posts day after day that bring together the trickle of individual labor into an endless river. Doing every ordinary job well is extraordinary, and doing every little thing well is a great cause. As long as you work hard and steadfastly, you can also make extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.

A retirement farewell party with a "sense of ceremony" warms the hearts of ordinary workers. It is the best consolation for ordinary workers working in ordinary posts to let these old workers say goodbye to their life's work and their old friends and workmates who live together day and night. This is not only respect for individual workers, but also respect for labor itself. The humanistic care of enterprises for employees should start from these details, so that employees have a sense of belonging and happiness, and let everyone re understand the value of ordinary work and ordinary posts, so as to interpret the meaning of labor with persistence, mark the time scale with dedication, and continue to write extraordinary stories on ordinary posts.

Editor in charge: Zhang Zheng

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