Zhonggong Entertainment

This is more important than ordering takeout in extremely cold weather!

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-03 17:54

 Engineering evaluation

Li Jing

Recently, China Youth Daily carried out an online questionnaire survey on "Should I order takeout in extreme cold weather?" and interviewed some takeout riders on this issue. The results of the survey and interview were very interesting, and there was no one-sided situation. More than half of the netizens believe that in extremely cold weather, there should be as little or no takeout as possible to ensure the safety of riders. But at the same time, nearly half of the netizens think that riders make a living by doing so, and that the point will affect their income, so this point is still important. The riders' view on this issue seems relatively calm. Although there are people who want more and less takeout, they all said that delivering takeout is their own job, and they need to rely on it to support their families. As long as the order is systematically distributed, they will do their best to deliver it seriously.

It can be seen that the netizens with different opinions actually have the same starting point, that is, to understand the hard work of the riders and hope they can live better. The difference is that one side pays more attention to the personal safety of riders, while the other side pays more attention to the economic income of riders. Such survey results reflect people's love for riders and convey simple warmth between people.

But at the same time, we should also see that delivery is the job of the riders. The work of this industry is characterized by running outdoors to provide convenience for people to eat, which of course also includes the convenience of eating in various bad weather. In extremely cold weather, the platform will have a corresponding order distribution subsidy, and each order can earn more than usual. In terms of improving personal income, this is undoubtedly the driving force for riders to receive orders. Different types of work have their own work characteristics. Customers don't have to blame themselves for ordering meals in extremely cold weather while understanding and caring for riders.

What really needs our attention is how to effectively protect the rights and interests of riders working in bad weather.

For the platform, the emergency mechanism in severe weather should continue to be refined and optimized, especially the problems concerned by riders, such as elimination of overtime bad comments, weather and road condition warning, and route optimization, should be reflected in the emergency plan. In addition, the cold proof and warm keeping equipment that should be issued should be issued to them in time.

The service site of the trade union can also be more intelligent, so that the riders can get the site location more conveniently, and can come in at any time to hide from the wind and snow, drink hot water, warm their hands, recharge, so that they can always feel the love of "mom and family". In addition, for the low temperature allowance that has been called for by many media for a long time, relevant departments can formulate detailed implementation policies in time to send urban warmth to workers who stick to the front line in the cold winter.

The weather is cold and the heart is warm. Whether you order takeout or not, if the rights and interests of the riders are well protected, the consumers will be more relieved and the riders will be more relieved when they work.

Editor in charge: Zhang Zheng

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