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Vocational education classroom also needs to enhance adaptability (read aloud with voice)

Source: China Education Daily
2022-10-22 08:26

Original title: Vocational education classroom also needs to enhance adaptability

If the classroom changes, the school will change. At the moment of high-quality development of vocational education, based on the characteristics of the information society, vocational education characteristics and talent training laws, we can find that most vocational education classrooms that meet today's needs have the following characteristics:

The first is the classroom based on common sense. That is, common sense of human nature such as "everyone is unique", common sense of students such as "students are the purpose of education", and common sense of education such as "teaching is not for teaching". The second is the classroom full of love. Vocational education is a type of education, and the essence of education is love. The third is to respect the rules of the classroom. It is mainly reflected in the following aspects: vocational education is a cross-border education, with relatively high school running costs and distinctive student group characteristics. The fourth is to reflect the characteristics of the classroom. Because every teacher, every student and every classroom is in a different environment, the classroom should have its own characteristics in essence, but the fact is that some classrooms lose the fresh characteristics of vocational education classroom because of their "one side in a thousand".

To sum up, the vocational education classroom that meets the needs of today can be called "learning and doing co creation space". It is the practice form of contemporary vocational education classroom - "learning and doing" reflects the main behavior in the classroom, which requires not only "learning" like ordinary classroom, but also "doing" that reflects the characteristics of vocational education. You can learn before doing, learn while doing, or do before learning, learn while doing, learn as one, and combine knowledge with practice. To some extent, the organic unity of learning and doing is an important feature that distinguishes vocational education classroom from other types of education classroom.

"Learning and doing create space" is an effective way to highlight the subjectivity of students. The high-quality development of vocational education is primarily to highlight students' subjectivity and stimulate their potential. However, learners in vocational colleges are unique. It is a good way to shape students' self and create a "learning and doing co creation space". First of all, it is based on the common goal vision of "promoting the complete development of learners"; Secondly, it is based on the collaborative activities of team members, which helps to form a joint effort to achieve the effect of "1+1>2", especially in such an environment, which is conducive to the exchange of needs between learners, learning from each other and stimulating potential; Thirdly, while emphasizing group cooperation, it highlights students' independent learning, initiative and initiative, and promotes students' self-development through institutionalized mechanisms such as "accepting tasks", requiring "productive independent work" in the process, and finally "showing results".

"Learning and doing create space" is an important platform to promote students' all-round development. As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development, which is reflected in the talent cultivation of vocational education, which is to focus on the knowledge structure and ability level of talents in the past, It is to let people who are suitable for vocational education receive this education and train them to be happy people in their work and daily life through this education. Therefore, in the future, we need to work hard to create more "learning and doing co creation space", which is an important embodiment and basic guarantee of optimizing the classroom ecology of vocational colleges in the new era. (Li Defang)

(The author is the dean of the College of Education of Jiangsu Institute of Technology and the director of the Institute of Higher Vocational Education Development; this paper is the result of the National Social Science Fund's "Creating a Space for Learning and Doing: Research on Classroom Ecology and Optimization of Vocational Colleges in the New Era")

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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