Zhonggong Entertainment

"Maybe I'll Never See You Again" 35 Unforgettable Regrets in My Heart (Audible Reading)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-10-21 08:16

Audible reading of Maybe I'll Never See You Again in This Life

1、 Author Introduction

Li Yuancheng, the author of "Maybe I will never meet again in this life", is a senior reporter of the Workers' Daily. In more than 20 years, she has traveled all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland, visited Lop Nur, known as the "life restricted area", visited the construction site of the Qinghai Tibet Railway, entered the world's first high altitude tunnel on the northern Sichuan Tibet line, known as the "ghost gate", entered a mine tunnel hundreds of meters deep, also visited the Hongqilafu border post in Kashtashkorgan, Xinjiang, and even visited the Jiaolong The site of deep diving. Li Yuancheng wrote such touching and influential reports as "Only Cloud Knows It" and "Maybe I'll Never See You Again in My Life", and won the China News Award, the highest award for Chinese media for several times.

2、 Content Introduction

Li Yuancheng interviewed hundreds of model workers and ordinary workers who stick to different grass-roots jobs, and wrote a documentary reportage collection, "Maybe I'll never see you again in this life". More than 40 interviewees selected from the works are mostly national model workers or winners of the May Day Labor Medal. Some of them braved the cold all the year round to dig tunnels on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, some built railways in the life restricted areas, some explored for oil in remote border areas, some built subways underground in cities, and some were "Jiaolong" Chief designer of deep submersibles; There are also entrepreneurs who have successfully merged and acquired well-known foreign enterprises in the reform of state-owned enterprises; Some of them are physically disabled and have strong aspirations. They study for doctorates from famous foreign schools and become executive members of the United Nations Disabled Persons' Federation; There are also some "guardians" of coal safety production. They are the advanced representatives of Party members and cadres, the backbone of national key construction projects since the reform and opening up, the pacesetters of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and the outstanding representatives of the Chinese working class.

3、 Publication

In order to widely and deeply publicize the deeds of the advanced figures in this literary work, tell a good "Chinese story", and encourage the broad masses of party members and cadres to better strive for a new era and forge ahead on a new journey, in December 2021, Guangzhou Publishing House was authorized by the author to specially invite four famous domestic broadcast artists and presenters, Li Yemo, Bai Gang, Li Yaping and Ma Zongwu, to record Perhaps Never Meet Again in This Life The audio book of the same name was invited to record the recommendation speech by Professor Han Xiuyun from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University. The author himself participated in recording the "interview notes" of each work. In September 2022, this audiobook has been approved by the State Press and Publication Administration and officially published.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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