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Tourism consumption in Beijing suburbs rises abruptly during the National Day holiday, and the home banquet market is "hot"

Source: Beijing Business Daily
2022-09-28 07:28

Original title: Tourism consumption in Beijing suburbs rises abruptly during the National Day holiday, and the home banquet market is "hot"

There is still a week to go before the National Day holiday. Different from the past, this year's National Day holiday is no longer popular. Instead, the local tour has become the leading role. On September 22, the reporter found through several OTA platforms that the volume and price of hotels and B&Bs in Beijing suburbs are rising at the same time, and the prices of popular hotels and B&Bs in small courtyards have nearly doubled compared with ordinary days. Not only are room bookings popular, but family dinners and other packages are also very popular. Affected by the epidemic, consumers are more inclined to travel locally and around. At the same time, more local play methods have emerged.

Some Beijing suburb hotels are full

With the approaching of the "National Day" Golden Week, the prices of many hotels and B&Bs have begun to soar, and the number of bookings is also rising rapidly.

The reporter saw from Ctrip that the prices of many suburban resort hotels in Beijing increased by 1000 yuan during the National Day holiday. Taking Beijing Bay Banshan Hot Spring Hotel as an example, the luxury twin room cost 4578 yuan/night on October 1 and 2178 yuan/night on September 22, an increase of more than 2000 yuan. The luxury lake view suite of Sunrise Oriental Kempinski Hotel in Beijing cost 5987 yuan/night on October 1 and 4853 yuan/night on September 22. In addition, the price of the balcony view big bed room of the Beijing Leduogang Marriott Hotel in Changping District on September 22 was 1166 yuan/night, while the price on October 1 was 2682 yuan/night, more than doubling.

The relevant person in charge of ClubMedJoyview Beijing Yanqing Resort told the reporter: "The hotel reservations during the National Day holiday are very good. At present, the rooms are almost full from October 2-5."

Similarly, the price of some home stay in Beijing suburbs also increased significantly. "During the National Day holiday, the villa prices of our B&Bs were divided into three types, 7999 yuan/night, 6999 yuan/night and 5999 yuan/night, an average increase of 20% compared with the usual weekend prices." Nie Yipin, the manager of Fuchun Shanshui B&Bs, said that the overall booking situation of B&Bs during the National Day holiday this year was considerable, and the rooms were full from October 1 to 5. From the perspective of the customer group, the "National Day" period is still dominated by families.

From the national perspective, the hotel and home stay market also grew steadily during the "National Day" Golden Week. According to the Travel Trend Report of the National Day Holiday 2022 released by Tongcheng Travel, the search popularity of related tourism during the National Day holiday rose 172% month on month in the past week, and the hotel search popularity rose 136%. Affected by the uncertainty brought by the epidemic, local travel, peripheral travel and short distance travel within the province are still the mainstream of holiday travel. In addition, according to the data released by Woodbird Home Inn, the orders of the platform in the past week increased by 95% month on week. With the approaching of the National Day peak season, it is expected that the orders of home inns during the National Day holiday will reach 1.7 times of the same period in 2019.

The "hot spot" in the family banquet market

When local travel became the mainstream of the "National Day" holiday, the booking of family dinner became particularly hot.

Nie Yipin said: "Fuchun Shanshui homestay has launched the private dining package of 'Jingzhuang Kitchen'. The 10 person table meal is very suitable for family travel guests. The high price package can also meet the demand of 15-20 people for a table meal. At present, there is a large demand for the package meal, and some of them can't meet it." According to the reservation of the family dinner, He Yuling, the owner of Yanqing Shiguang Great Wall Boutique B&B, also said, "During the National Day holiday, we launched a family dinner package for 6-8 people and 10-12 people. Many guests have booked in advance, and the booking is also very good."

Another hotel official said, "Since the National Day holiday coincides with the Double Ninth Festival this year, there are many people who book family dinners.". Some hotels have also started related businesses. Beijing Yansha Kempinski Hotel recently launched the Double Ninth Festival family reunion brunch. Each adult can invite an elderly person aged 80 and above to have dinner together. In addition, Beijing Kerry Hotel is also about to launch package products.

According to Zhao Huanyan, chief knowledge officer and senior economist of Huamei Hotel Consulting Agency, during the "National Day" holiday this year, the guests of high-end hotels are mainly local tourists, and urban leisure vacation has driven the catering demand. At the same time, making family dinners and pushing packages are also the means for hotels to seize the consumer market of the "National Day", which is intended to further make up for cash flow.

Aim at parents and children to find new ways to play

Compared with the popularity of local tourism, this year's trans provincial tourism market is cold. According to Ctrip data, from the perspective of long-term travel, the per capita price of air tickets for the "National Day" this year dropped by 5% compared with last year; The average flight mileage of tourists by plane is 3% less than that of last year, and the travel distance is further shortened. In addition, combined with the trend analysis of air ticket prices during the "National Day" holiday in recent three years, the same journey travel found that the air ticket prices for the "National Day" holiday generally declined when the holiday approached.

Although the long-term tour is cold, parent-child tour, leisure and outdoor travel are the most popular travel themes of this year's "National Day". According to the same journey data, the search popularity of "parent-child travel" has increased by 69% in the past week. Theme parks, animal and plant gardens, exhibition halls, etc. suitable for parent-child travel constitute the popular scenic spots during the "National Day" holiday.

In the face of the upcoming peak of parent-child travel, many high-end business hotels in the city are also working hard to introduce many products to attract parent-child customer flow. It is understood that the Kerry Hotel in Beijing has created the "Little Pilot" Joy · 2022 National Day Navigation Assistance Plan, and at the same time, the family holiday package of the plan has also been launched simultaneously.

Wu Liyun, associate professor of the Chinese Culture and Tourism Industry Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University, believes that in this year's "National Day" Golden Week, there is still a lot of room for hotels in urban and suburban areas to play. For suburban hotels, the natural affinity is stronger, while for urban hotels, they can actually do some thematic activities to attract parent-child groups. We can combine some existing resources of the hotel to launch cultural, sports, experience and other activities, such as food festival, making bread and dessert, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, etc. In addition, hotels need to think more about the design and publicity of theme activities. (Wu Qiyun)

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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