Zhonggong Entertainment

Travel with solar terms (read aloud)

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition
2022-09-21 07:32

The 24 solar terms have been passed down for thousands of years from the vernal equinox, the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice. It can be called the treasure of Chinese culture. It is the guide to the seasons and the aesthetics of life. Nowadays, people follow the solar terms to travel, enjoy the suitable scenery in different seasons, experience the traditional customs, appreciate the cultural charm, and feel the beauty of time changes.

Solar term tourism is rising quietly

Jianjia is green and white dew is frost. Bailu, a poetic solar term, interprets the beauty of autumn in the light of the wind and clouds. Bailu travels, feels the cool and refreshing feeling of autumn, enjoys the joy of autumn, and forgets the feeling of autumn. The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism recently released 10 "24 Solar Terms Autumn White Dew Theme Tour Routes", taking the traditional solar terms as the occasion and autumn as the theme, including "Autumn Habitat - Yanqi Lake Yanqi Tower", "Autumn Swallow - Visit Beijing Swallow Habitat", "Autumn Cultivation - Journey to Healthy Health", and "Autumn Flavor - Beauty of Beijing Autumn in Celebrity's Writing" "Autumn night -- the most beautiful place to watch the moon is Lugou Xiaoyue" and "Autumn Wei -- a crucial exam in ancient times".

This year, Beijing has successively launched the route of "24 solar terms (awaken the insects in spring, grow in awn in summer) theme tour". According to the reporter, the "24 Solar Terms" theme tour has injected new vitality into Beijing's leisure and vacation, unleashed the consumption potential of cultural tourism, and better met the personalized and quality travel needs of tourists.

On Bailu's day, Suzhou people usually make Bailu rice wine, taste Bailu tea and eat sweet potatoes. The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of Suzhou High tech Zone, Jiangsu Province, launched the theme of "Travel with Solar Terms in High tech" to recommend suitable travel plans for tourists according to the seasonal characteristics of each solar term. This summer, Suzhou also held the theme exhibition of intangible cultural heritage of the 24 solar terms to show the phenological characteristics and cultural connotation of the solar terms and stimulate the vitality of intangible cultural heritage.

The official account of the Department of Culture and Tourism in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province and other places launched the theme of solar term tourism. "Traveling in Guangxi with the Solar Terms" introduces tourists to the travel mode suitable for the solar terms. For example, the beginning of autumn is the best time to taste longan. Pingnan, Guangxi, has the reputation of "the hometown of Chinese Shixia longan". At the beginning of autumn, Pingnan focuses on promoting the characteristics of tourism in Pingnan. In addition to delicious longan, Pingnan also has Beidi Mountain, Zhengjue Temple Zhuangyuan Pavilion and other historical and cultural attractions.

This summer, Liaocheng, Shandong Province held the activity of "Follow Me 24 Changes" to explore the 24 solar terms. It deeply explored the seasonal scenery, production and life, folk customs, and special food corresponding to the solar terms, so that citizens and tourists can fully feel the beauty of the integration of Liaocheng's life aesthetics and traditional solar terms.

Tourism shows the beauty of solar terms

"The spring rain startles the clear valley sky in spring, the summer is full of sunshine, the summer is connected with the summer, the autumn is exposed, the autumn is cold and frost falls, the winter is snowy, and the winter is slightly cold". This is a climate ballad that many Chinese have been familiar with since childhood. The 24 solar terms are the symbol and treasure of Chinese culture. As a world intangible cultural heritage, the 24 solar terms contain rich traditional Chinese culture such as farming, folk customs, food, festivals, poetry, etc., which have been cherished and inherited for thousands of years.

Tourism is a way to discover beauty and feel good. When solar terms encounter tourism, they become valuable tourism resources. Wu Liyun, associate professor of the Chinese Culture and Tourism Industry Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University, said that the 24 solar terms are the product of China's traditional culture and wisdom to the world. They are unique cultural heritage and cultural resources, and also cultural tourism resources that can be fully tapped, utilized and transformed by the tourism industry. The 24 solar terms are well-known cultural symbols and cultural tourism attractions for Chinese people; The unique continuity of the 24 solar terms is an important support for the development of all time tourism.

Jin Zhun, Secretary General of the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the reporter that from the perspective of Chinese traditional culture, solar terms are an important carrier of tourism content. Different solar terms have different folk customs, cultural activities, and corresponding tourism forms. The important carrier of ancient traditional culture is travel based on solar terms. Ancient poets left a large number of poems about solar terms tourism. Nowadays, China has ushered in the upsurge of traditional culture, and solar term tourism has entered the trend of young people's life. This kind of life is rooted in tradition and full of vitality, which has become the way of the times for tourism to show the beauty of solar terms.

Make solar term culture energetic

When the solar terms travel hand in hand, it makes tourists look bright. Tourism can present the solar terms so beautifully. Wu Liyun introduced that the tourism content related to the 24 solar terms can be divided into three categories: first, scenic spots with the 24 solar terms as the theme, such as the 24 solar terms park in Beijing, the star watching platform scenic spot in Dengfeng, Henan, and the 24 solar terms pavilion in Yunbao, Jiaxing, Zhejiang. Second, folk customs, solar activities and food related to the 24 solar terms. For example, spring cakes are eaten at the beginning of spring, grain rain is sacrificed to the sea, five color rice is eaten at the beginning of summer, mango seeds are used to cook plum, and ancestors are sacrificed at the winter solstice. Qingming is both a solar term and a traditional festival, which has a strong driving effect on tourism. Third, tourism products and activities innovated and launched by various regions in combination with the 24 solar terms have become an important way of in-depth integration of solar terms and tourism, such as the "24 solar terms" theme tour route in Beijing, and the "24 solar terms farming culture series activities" in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. More and more scenic spots combine the 24 solar terms with landscape folk customs to highlight cultural characteristics.

Jin Zhun believed that, first of all, we should take root in the tradition and fully tap the cultural essence of solar terms travel; Secondly, we should attach importance to transformation, develop various new technologies, new trends and new experiences, and transform the ancient solar term culture into modern products. At the same time, we should also stand at the forefront to explore the possibility of solar term culture, so that solar term culture has vitality and vitality.

Wu Liyun believes that the 24 solar terms should be creatively developed with tourism as the carrier. The tourism development of the 24 solar terms enabled by cultural creativity, combined with the folk customs, stories, images, farming and other elements behind the solar terms, has developed a new form of cultural experience widely recognized by the public, whether it is the theme scenic spots, special festivals, unique ritual and experience content, or the resulting cultural derivatives and cultural and creative goods, These are the contents of the 24 solar terms that can be deeply excavated with the help of tourism. (Reporter Zhao Shan)

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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