Zhonggong Entertainment

Five minutes in advance (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-07-16 13:49

Five minutes in advance

Author: Li Siyuan

Read aloud: Xue Jianying

Yesterday morning I had something to do at home, so I left five minutes later than usual. As soon as I got to the subway, I found there were already a sea of people. There were so many people. When the second bus came, I was pushed and pushed by people behind me.

During the half hour in the car, not only was it easy to stagger when standing unsteadily, but also because people were crowded together, it was common to be trampled and hit by feet.

But as usual, going out five minutes early makes a big difference. I can wait outside the line calmly, without feeling uncomfortable when being forced to jump in the queue. I can get on the bus and find an empty seat to sit down, take out the books in my bag in a leisurely manner, and enter the reading state. I feel really tired. I can close my eyes and rest on the baffle for a while.

It has to be said that there is a big difference between a few minutes earlier and a few minutes later.

"Everything is prepared before it is ready, and nothing is prepared before it is abandoned." In life, no matter what you do, early preparation can not only reduce many troubles and troubles, but also make more reasonable and effective use of time

A HR friend told me that in a company, employees who arrive a few minutes early are always better than those who arrive a few minutes late. At the beginning, I didn't quite agree with this view. After all, a person's ability and level do not depend on his performance in these minutes. But his explanation made me feel that there was some truth:

Employees who arrive a few minutes early can sort out the arrangements and tasks of the day in advance, so as to know them well. You can also make a cup of tea, clean up the office, and enter a tense and orderly working state in advance.

On the contrary, employees who arrive a few minutes late are always in a hurry. They often lack initiative in doing things and are always pushed to leave. Not only is the working efficiency low, but also the chance of making mistakes is greater when dealing with it in a hurry.

In the workplace, your work attitude is also a reflection of your work ability. The former tends to be more proactive in their work, while the latter tends to procrastinate. A person with poor ability can also make up for it through good work attitude. But no matter how strong the strength is, laziness will make people waste.

There is a saying that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Those who seem to be better than you may not be so powerful, but they win in small details. For example, if everything is one step ahead of you and accumulated over time, you will become an expert beyond your reach.

A reader once told me that when he went on a blind date, because he was a few minutes late at the appointed time, the girl who went on the blind date had a bad impression on him, and finally found an excuse to refuse him. Although I repeatedly explained to the girl that it was the traffic jam that caused me to be late, I still didn't save her heart.

In my opinion, maybe the girl didn't like him at first, maybe she cared about being late, but in any case, it was inappropriate to be late.

In feelings, your sincerity is always greater than your explanation. Some people always say that it is too one-sided to judge others simply by being a few minutes late. But on the other hand, if you know you are going to meet an important person, you should consider the problems and troubles you may encounter in advance, and then prepare accordingly.

Most of the time, what the other person cares about is not waiting for you for a few minutes, but the late behavior and slack attitude. This not only shows that you are not thorough enough, but also shows that you do not pay enough attention. Not being punctual in any social occasions will make people feel unhappy, or even make others misunderstand you.

Five minutes in advance is essentially a way of preparing for a rainy day and preparing for danger in times of peace.

When you are always worried about not being able to complete the established or unexpected work tasks in time, whether you have ever thought of pushing things forward, do not worry about it;

When you are afraid of delaying the people you want to see and the things you want to talk about, have you ever thought about preparing in advance and leaving more room to avoid many unnecessary troubles.

Some people say that sporadic time, if used agilely, can become complete time. As the saying goes, "building a mountain out of accumulated soil" is true.

Five minutes in advance is a habit, which can make us ready for everything without too much panic; It is also a kind of mentality that allows us to calmly cope with things when we encounter them; It is more an attitude, which can let others see your intentions and sincerity, and reflect your respect and attention to people and things.

If you want to optimize the order of life and better grasp the opportunities, you might as well move ahead five minutes.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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