Zhonggong Entertainment

Never doubt the significance of efforts (read aloud)

Source: China Industrial Network
2022-06-25 15:09

Never doubt the significance of efforts

Author: Li Siyuan

Read aloud: Liao Yuan


I am often asked what to do if I have made great efforts and still have no harvest? For example, after careful review, I still failed to get a good score; Seriously wrote articles, but still not a good reading; Earnestly completed the task, but still not appreciated and praised by the leadership    

I used to worry and worry about this, but later I found that the so-called "no gain" is actually hidden in "no pain".   

If you do one more question and recite one more word, you may not get full marks in the exam, but it will certainly give you more confidence and confidence in the process of the exam; Every word you ponder and every paragraph you carefully write may not be recognized by all readers, but over time, your writing will improve; You try your best to do the work in hand and the work in front of you well. You may not be able to stand out immediately, but your working ability will gradually improve    

We often have an obsession with giving and receiving. We always think that if we give, we must immediately get the success we want, which is valuable and meaningful. But in fact, every pain you have suffered, every tired you have suffered, and every drop of sweat you have passed will not be wasted. They will become beams of light, illuminating your way forward.    

Every uphill road is full of frustrations and thorns. Maybe you can't feel where you want to go after you have walked a long way. But please believe that no matter at any time, there is no need to doubt the significance of efforts. Maybe you have tried hard and still haven't got the success you want, but in the process of persistent efforts, you will certainly have other gains and progress. Sometimes, more important than hard work is your continuous growth.    

Maybe after you try hard, you still can't fly, but hard work will make your wings fuller. Maybe after you try hard, you still can't meet the expectations in your heart, but you will certainly be closer to a better self. Maybe you have worked hard for a long time and still haven't seen the dawn of hope, but as long as you keep moving forward, you will certainly see more scenery. No matter what we want to achieve through our efforts, we are constantly polishing and becoming better ourselves.    

In many cases, it is not success that makes sense, but effort itself is the greatest significance; It is not that failure is meaningless, but that you did not try your best is the biggest regret and failure.

(e employees of CRCC)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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