Zhonggong Entertainment

Cultural and creative products should be "new", and more emphasis should be placed on "literature" (read aloud)

Source: Tianjin daily
2022-04-08 09:15

Original title: Cultural and creative products should be "new", more emphasis on "culture"

In recent years, cultural and creative products have repeatedly "crossed the border", such as "cultural and creative ice-cream" and "archaeological blind box", becoming a hot spot on the Internet, which shows that consumers love cultural and creative products.

Cultural and creative products undoubtedly provide a new way for the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture. However, in the process of continuous innovation of cultural and creative products, there are also some worrying phenomena. On the one hand, cultural and creative product innovation is homogenized. Some cultural and creative products have been greatly "sought after" after their launch. As a result, major museums and tourist attractions have followed suit, and more and more stereotyped and deja vu have emerged. On the other hand, the quality of some cultural and creative products is worrying. They only pursue the "superficial scenery" and ignore the quality of the products themselves; Some cultural and creative products are priced too high and the cost performance ratio is out of balance, which makes consumers flinch.

The core of cultural and creative products derived from Chinese traditional culture is "culture". Although morphological innovation has brought "hot spots" to traditional culture, some commodities are just under the guise of culture, and do not highlight the cultural core while pursuing economic interests. The development of cultural and creative products should not only be innovative, but also have a cultural "lining". blindly imitating and shoddy manufacturing will only consume the public's expectation and love for cultural and creative products.

Cultural and creative products should concentrate the essence of culture rather than look beautiful with "new ideas". As cultural and creative products, only with the core of "culture" can they be stable and far-reaching.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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